16Ju « to u t february 4. 2ÛÛÛ UVailT a IgREaT m m n e w s HajocUt ? W in s -$25 HB u N wa r ¿ e d D l l i C m T exas S howdown Exxon Mobil Corp. stands by its policies despite ongoing T O demonstrations staged by gay activists By Gip piaster 3621 ? ? V, ( or SUFFER the c ® n s Thinking of Relocating to Palm Springs? You may be able to retire early and create an income You CAN v stream to make this life change possible. Call me! Visit M y Website: www.jackellison.com or Call for a No-Obligation Consultation © JACK ELLISON F I N A N C I A L SENTftA C O N S U L T A N T M' ‘;»m u C «•> A SunAinerk .i < ompjrvy «wib« N A S O 'S #* 760.320.9565 ‘ Toll Free 888.434JACK • www.jackellison.com 1 ■■■ ^ o f D isn e y Fun! CD A W l ho New Era Become A Year 2000 W alt Disney Collectors Society Member and Receive a FREE* Sculpture of Mickey Mouse. Additional Members Only sculptures include Pinocchio as the coveted Animators’ Choice and an ornament of the lovely Dew Drop Fairy from Fantasia. Call or visit us now for details. 2000 Membership Gift Sculpture Millennium Mickey: On top of the World Pinocchio 7 1/4’ 2000 Animators’ Choice “I’ll Never Lie Again...” Sua' ul I f Gallery International Dew Drop Fairy 4 1/4’ From Fantasia Members Only Ornament Pretty in Pink Free with paid membership 10024 SVY C a n y o n R d P o rtla n d , O r e g o n 07225 503-644-9766 toll free 800-776-9766 © DISNEY. Produced by Walt Disney Art Classics nerships because benefits based on any other n Exxon Mobil Corp. official says criteria would force the company to invade rallies against the company employees’ privacy to verify their eligibility. planned in several cities are the “We don’t think any company has the right result of misinformation in the or the knowledge to get into personal relation gay and lesbian community. ships,” he says. The company, formed by the merger of Exxon Mobil, which does 80 percent of its Exxon and Mobil in November, decided to keep business outside the United States, recognizes Exxon’s employment policies and benefits same-sex relationships in Holland, for example, rather than adopt those of Mobil, which pro because such relationships are legally recog tected gay men and lesbians from employment nized there, Cirigliano says. discrimination and provided domestic partner “This isn’t a political issue. This isn’t a gay benefits. It’s a matter of personal rights," he ìssue. company are Demonstrations against the explains. “We believe that there planned or have already is only one crite occurred in cities around the rion we can nation, including two in apply through Exxon’s home state of Texas. out the world: Is “We do not appreciate it a legally recog that the company took some nized partner thing away that was already ship r in existence,” says Dan Chris Martin, DiDonato, one of the orga spokesperson for nizers of a Houston-based the Gay and Les rally. bian A lliance at The former Exxon Corp. the former Mobil has long maintained that it Corp., previously does not discriminate based used strong words on sexual orientation but has in reference to balked at including the the policy changes. phrase sexual orientation in its He called the nondiscrimination policy. decision to elimi The company instead nate Mobil’s policy includes only the categories required by federal law. and benefits “a real The former Mobil Corp., kick in the teeth” and said however, included the phrase Exxon Mobil “really screwed sexual orientation in its nondis up.” crimination policy and offered But M artin’s words are now Exxon M obil Corp., domestic partner benefits. more carefully chosen. Meet T he two oil companies formed by the m erger ings are planned that he hopes merged as a result of Exxon will force the company to clari o f Exxon and M obil in acquiring Mobil, and the new fy its position on nondiscrimi company is governed by nation. November, decided to Exxon’s rules. He cautions, however, that Former Mobil employees he is not sure if Exxon Mobil keep Exxon's policies who already were receiving management is committed to domestic partner benefits will ana benefits rather than doing the risht thins for ^ be allowed to keep them, but and lesbian employees. former Exxon employees and I don’t have enough infor adopt those o f Mobil, former Mobil employees who mation,” he says. “I certainly had not signed up for the which protected gay hope that it is.” benefits will not be eligible. Martin adds that the trend men and lesbians Exxon’s nondiscrimination nationally is toward offering policy, which does not men benefits and including sexual from employment tion protection based on sex orientation in nondiscrimina ual orientation, applies to all tion policies. discrimination and employees of the newly “T h e company is going to merged company. have to go back at some point provided domestic Exxon Mobil spokesman to adopt what Mobil had in the partner benefits Tom Cirigliano, formerly of first place,” he says. Exxon, says: “We think it is In the meantime, an esti unfortunate [that rallies are planned). We mated 2,500 former Mobil employees could get think there has been a lot of misinformation their benefits and nondiscrimination protec out there.” tion back as a result of collective bargaining. He adds that the company has chosen to T he Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and adopt a broad nondiscrimination policy rather Energy Workers International Union has said than one that mentions specific categories of that its collective bargaining agreement with people, unless that mention is required by law. the former Mobil Corp., which includes a Cirigliano says Mobil Corp. no longer exists, strong policy against sexual orientation discrim so any policies it had are no longer an issue. ination and requires equal benefits, must Exxon acquired Mobil in the merger. This remain in effect another two years. is a continuation of Exxon’s policies,” he says. T he union says it will fight to keep the ben “Mobil Corp. doesn’t exist anymore. All of efits. Mobil’s policies were discontinued.” Cirigliano adds that the company bases its ■ GlP PLASTER is a TexaS'based journalist and fre benefits on legally recognized marriages or part- quent Just Out contributor.