feixuary 4.2000 12 nMiUüMJiTïnews n je ^ e N ature and N urture : ■ T he (V otier s H ou se M in istries PABA growth and coastal woes top the latest in gay business news « Looking for love in all the wrong places?” Come and discover the kind o f love that brings L IF E to all. JO IN US SUNDAY AT 10:45 A.M. W ebsite: www.pottershouseministries.org 3 8 3 0 SE 6 2 nd AVE. • PORTLAND • 5 0 3 -7 7 5 -5 0 2 4 others inquired as to special rates for “business- being-ruined-by-landslide” conditions. Fortu nately, calls of support from friends and guests also came in, reassuring LaChance that people do care. T he See Vue is accessible from the north on The current board of directors Highway 101 and can be reached via “interest has voted to hire a part-time contractor to maintain and develop increased membership in ing” detours from the south. LaChance wishes to assure all former and future guests that the the business-networking organization. The position is a three-month contract with See Vue is open for business— and worth the effort of term. getting there. a possible three-month renewal The can didate selected will be responsible for n our nation’s capital, the Blair House serves recruiting and re as the guest accommodations for the White taining members, House. In Portland, we have both a White producing promo House and a Blair House. tional materials and Lanning Blanks and his partner, Steve Hold t r Marty Davis helping those who er, have been proprietors of the nine-guestroom are new to the W hite House for the past three years. group maximize the Phil Sparks and his partner, Trevor Scott, benefits of their PABA membership. opened Blair House last September. They named their business and home as a gesture of .G. Flynn, founder of Portland-based thanks to Blanks and Holden for their help and YSAT Enterprises, is the focus of the fea guidance while converting the once private res ture article in the February issue of Phnning, the idence to the five-guestroom Blair House. magazine of the American Planning Associa- Both homes are located in Portland’s historic Irvington district. T he W hite House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. While the smaller Blair House provides exquisite accommodations and culinary delights at breakfast, the larger W hite House is avail able for weddings, commitment ceremonies, receptions and vir tually any event you’d wish to hold in the elegantly restored ballroom. For those who grow weary just thinking of spending a day in Sparks’ shoes, let it be known that the ever-energetic entrepreneur has left his job Portland’s White H ouse... with the city of Portland and is tion. The article is a discussion of gay men and now concentrating on running Blair House lesbians facing adversity in the workplace due to while still owning and operating Homebodies their sexual orientation. on Northeast Broadway. The upscale furniture store, meanwhile, has * or many of us, dreary winter weather means added antiques and upper-end consignment more time for books, movies and friends. For goods to the display floor. Also, a separate area some of our gay business owners, however, win has been set aside for by-the-yard sales of uphol ter weather is leading to severe financial hard stery fabric. ship. T he Portland Area Business Associ ation continues to show signs of reorganization and commitment to achieving growth goals. rot oujiK Í PROFIT 333222 , s by A #00556 2000 S10 Extended Cab Pickup 5429 per month 36 month lease cap cost $15604°° Residual $98542° Security Deposit $175°°* 15' payment $15429* $43°° lic./title $35°° admin, fee Rebate $115060 Cash Down $1000°° Total Due. $2557” (includes rebate of $1150°°). Total of payments $5554“ MSRP $16990°° #00629 2000 Impala Sedan $ 26273 per month Case in point: Renée LaChance, owner of ■ Business news with a queer angle should be the See Vue Motel, south of Yachats on the Ore reported to M arty D avis at the Just Out office. gon coast. The landslide-induced closure of H er e-m ail address is m arty@ justout.com . Highway 101 north of Florence ------------------------------------ has cut her business off from its 36 month lease cap cost $19235°° Residual $11722“ Security Deposit $2/5°° 1st payment $262n $43°° lic./title $35°° admin fee Cash Down $1000°° Total Due $211573 Total of payments $945828MSRP $20566°° Pre-owned 97 Pontiac Bonneville S K # 4 1 1 3 $13,778 93 Saturn Sedan S K # 4 0 9 4 $4,595 99 Subaru Outback S K # 4 0 9 7 $18,995 97 M onte Carlo S K # 3 7 4 3 $10,995 94 Aerostar 4X4 Van S K # 3 8 8 5 $9,995 98 Astro Van S K # 3 9 4 1 $16,995 98 Cavalier 4 Door S K # 4 0 2 7 $7,995 93 Sable GS S K # 3 9 1 8 $4,995 94 Toyota Corolla S K # 4 0 9 3 $4,995 98 VW G olf S K # 3 9 4 2 $8,995 CMtvvoiir WENTWORTH pif rintronimi bifJiVi llliiti F Factory rebates not available with lease offers. Offers expire 2-17-00. Subject to prior sale. Pictures for illustration purpos es only. Limited to stock on hand. 107 SE Grand • 4 Blocks South of the Convention Center • 877-330-7818 clientele to the east and south. Originally thought to be a tem porary hardship, recent esti mates are that the highway might remain closed for months, severing the main access to Eugene and the Willamette Valley— and cut ting off a much-needed stream of storm-watching, motel-stay ing customers. LaChance’s plight has been covered by mainstream media in articles in the Corvallis Gazette-Times and The Register- Guard of Eugene, providing a mixed bag of results. For some readers, the story implied that it was "goodbye See Vue,” while L ...and Blair House * .T