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T H E F IR ST FEW W ORDS of your ad will be bold and all caps; choose these words carefully for the most effective ad. * Cardholder name Exp. date Our office hours are M on-Fri 10am-4pm. T ry I t F r e e ! (206) 343-0000 Community Crossword answers (puzzle on Page 31) A L 1rr s C A B D 1 C K S O N o O U T A E 1 N E H U C K L E B E R R Y F 1 N N 9 1 justout is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week M E A D O w L A R K L E M o N A L P o S S A Y A L 1 A P O E M V E L E S u R E 1 ■ vililliill B R A D LEY -A N G LE H O U S E is pleased to announce our winter volunteer training. We need volun­ teers to do direct service work, as well as administrative and maintenance work. Our next direct service training for women begins Feb. 3, 2000. We will be holding a Women of Color Institute after the completion of train­ ing. To receive a packet of detailed information, call (503)282-9940.(1/21) CO M M UN ITY A D V O C A T E S provides violence prevention curriculum in schools in Portland tri-county area and has many volunteer opportunities for people committed to advocating for the rights of children. Volunteers may choose a wide variety of options, includ­ ing direct service in the schools, special events for chil­ dren, self-defense and development. Training will be pro­ vided. Call Sarah at (503) 280-1388 to reserve your space now. (2/18) FAMILY C E N T E R , a program for women and chil­ dren surviving domestic violence and homelessness, has opportunities for compassionate women to assist in vari­ ous program areas. Training will be provided starting at the end of January. Please call Angela at (503) 771-5503 to reserve your space. Hurry! (1/21) TH E PIN K FLA M IN G O S, the group who brought you Pink Flamingo Bingo, have expanded their wings to provide year-round wild, wacky, campy queer fun for all. We need volunteers for our next two outrageous fund­ raising events, on Dec. 11 and Feb. 25. Call our Pinktastic Hotline at (503) 233-5484, or visit our Web site at www.xjs.com/pf for more information. (1/21) WOMEN IN C O M M U N IT Y SERVICE is seeking females, age 26 and over, to become volunteer mentors to incarcerated women as they return to their community. Next training: Feb. 19 and 26. Contact Kim H<»ffman, (50)) 280-6646, ext. 236, for more information. Opportunity to make a difference! 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