Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 21, 2000, Page 47, Image 47

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    já m ia r ^ t n i» v | f t * f c * i¡4 7
The Perfect House...
O Make your Move with
Millynn this new Millennium (
and at the right price! It doesn’t have to
be just a pipe aream. Hard work and
research can make dreams come true.
L et an experienced buyer’s agent help
you discover the value in Portland’s
great neighborhoods.
'C astle in
the woods
tor a K ing ... or
Q ueen
1 1
l( I VI I \
O ffice: 5 0 3 - 2 8 7 - 9 3 7 0
C ell: 5 0 3 - 8 1 0 - 6 4 7 6
V Fabulous Overtook for only 189,500 1 1902
Victorian restored to perfection! Huge all new
kitchen w/ butlers pantry, new ga s furnace &
central A-C, 3 bdrm, 1.5 new baths,gas fireplc.
Formal dining, stunning fir firs, full width front
porch, brick patio & M O R E ! ! Powerline #205
Scott Brunton
Sales Associate
W il KK n u o re ^
) ♦
li/iÿ / DON 7 ~Neccia Readtor
Readtorsjust do* t disten
- Drerjtfunf s oh the internet
/ already / huh , j'nancinp
|Y )iliyn n J a m e s , gr ^ b *
...Qur 'C lose-in' C ity S p ec ialist
Associate Broker OutonBroadwayi
the equity group inc, realtors
330-HOME(4663) cell/pager
50 3- 4 9 5 -5 7 4 8 D ir e c t line O fc /V o ic e m a il
buyers are always a step behind.
H IL L S B O R O / B A L D P E A K
G R O U P , I NC .
Put down the Sunday paper and stop
oriented Realtor— and real person!— guide
you through the buying process and into
I'll show you a n y property on or off the
Internet, prescreen homes to your tastes,
keep you current on all new possibilities,
negotiate the best deal on the best house
Vintage Victorian
you've ever imagined. In short, I make
1886 Viet has incred orig detail! High
ceil, etched/stained glass, intricate mld-
ngs, library w/blt-in bookcases, pekt drs,
parlor, famrm, din rm, entry, 3+bed,
1,5ba, over 2000sqft. Near Mt. Tabor.
buying a new home a clear, no-pressure
experience— at no c o s t to you. So, relax!
Call today, and leave the details to me.
Your life is busy. M y life is real estate.
Near Hawthorne
< •
Call Gail Davis: ï
(503) 11 203-2214
W_ *
24-Hr. Voice M oil
|Wore specific info? As* h r try free brochure
My satisfied clients fe* the real story!
• • • • • >
$175, 000
Current use has been a duplex w/ shared utilities. New,
kitchen ¿4 bath on main fl(x>r, large open kitchen Large |
mud room off garage & kitchen. Wood floors on main
New carpet upstairs w/ kitchen & bath. Charm restored |
to this home, new wood siding & new paint, newer
roof. New paint interior. 4811 NE 14th Avenue
▼ T J L
H omes & G ardens B ungalow
The kitchen is the heart & soul of this great home on
oversize lot with pond & water feature. Rare ¿4 unusual |
landscaping. Totally rejuvenated home, maple wrxxJ
floors, gourmet kitchen w/ gas prof, style stove, island,
butcher bltxk counters, 2 beditx>ms, 1 bath, full base­
ment. 8972 N Clarendon near U of P. Such a Deal!
▼ ▼ V
C all C ella to view any of these
spectacular properties! 495-5774 or 260-6231. |
— C E L I A J. L Y O N —
Pager: 503-920-840 3
Mobile: 503-260-623 J
C eliaLyon@ aol.com
A ssistant B ill Douglas
F.XT 5773 or pager 4 9 7 -3 6 8 6
Gentleman's Farm With A View $535,000
allow you to make informed choices, and
Lots of house for the $. Four bedrooms, 2 baths, formal
living & dining w/ built-ins, finished basement. 1 bed on |
main, 3 upstairs Garage, fenced yard & privacy hedge
6806 SE 52nd Avenue. Appt. only.
▼ ▼ ▼
Residence: 5 0 3 -7 8 6 -4 9 5 9
F a x :5 0 3 -2 8 4 -1 6 1 8
a home you'll truly love.
▼ ▼ ▼
G reat I nvestment
Sales Associate, Member Million Dollar Club
Office 5 0 3 -2 8 7 -8 9 8 9 , ext. 5 7 7 4
2 1 0 0 N E Broadway, Suite IB
Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2
driving in circles! Let a unique, service-
G rand O ld P ortland
W Am
$155,000 Open Sun 1/23 12-3
Entry with tile, refinished gleaming wood fltxirs. pocket |
doors/French doors Pantry stairs, three bedrooms, &
bath up. 1/2 bath in basement. Sunroom, 3 bedrooms,
unfinished attic w/stairs. New interior paint. Formal liv­
ing & dining room. 4745 NE 16th Avenue
Millynn’s websites: (view digital photos!)
V £ e e my display ad earlier in this issue ?
R ealty T rust
WRONG. Without o greot
Cute! $126,900
C harming V ictorian B eauty
(503) 320-1271
M»l i t t t t t
-/don't tuant to ¿e pressured
9P COMING SOON: Hot new listings in
Concordia, Overlook & Close-in SE!
Associate Broker
John £. Scuff
B est of S how B ungalow
■ ¡k V *
Bungalow SE $149,900
1 -800-825-9948 & enter listing number!
4Bd, 2.5Ba, Lg. gourmet kit w/cook island, xlnt
open floor plan, 3 car garage, impeccably deco­
Marvin Salles
See my DISPLAY AD this issue
fo r et>en more great listings.
V F o r 24 hour fax or recorded 'no hassle'
info, just call Millynn's Powerline:
2.5Ba, Family rm, gas fireplace in living rm,
hardwood floors. Keep beauty shop or return to
3 car garage or easily convert to an in-law setup.
Storage shed, decks, patio, 1/3 acre, Tigard.
Three bedrooms, 2 baths, French door to deck &
newly fenced yard. F. A. Gas heat, softwoods under car-|
pet, to die for home in mint condition. 5033 NE 14th
▼ T V
Sales Associate H "]
J U S T L IS T E D ! Perfect R o se City bungalow
in move-in condition! 3 bedrooms, stunning H W
firs, formal dining, fireplc, rare 2 car garage,
Hurry for this honey, $144,900. Powerline # 2 0 9 1
George Marvin
Super fast and easy commute to this gorgeously
renovated 1917 farmhouse. 2422 ft. includes 3
bdrms, 2 H U G E bths, vaults galore, skylites,
study w/deck, "family" rm. Box beamed living rm.
and a gourmet kitchen. All this on a beautifully
landscaped 1/2 ac. M ay be seen on virtual tour
www.Windermere.com, RM LS# 155951
G a i l W it t e , g r i
Designated Broker
For your Bend and Central
Oregon Real Estate Needs
Serving our community for over 2 0 years
Duke Warner Realty
1053 NW Newport Ave., Bend, Or 97701
or www.dukewarner.com/gail
Old P D X style with 3 beds up, 2.5ba,
entry, hrdwd, woodstove, very well
maintained by sam e family for more
than 50 years!
Woodstock Bungalow
16686 S W McFee Place (Bald Peak area). New
price. Wonderful 2654 SF home with spectacular
Mt. Hood and rolling hills view from most rooms,
large deck and yard area. Christmas tree, peach and
arborvitae farm all irrigated. Built in 1980 with qual­
ity touches such as tile roof and cedar siding. Family
room, gourmet kitchen, den, 2 + bedrooms, 3-car
garage. 11.25 acres.
C ro n in
A Caplan Reaify Group. Inc
Suzann Baricevic
O ffice 297-1033
/7x7:7: H O M I: EO I 7 7 ) L O A S
N o C o st , N o F ees , Low P aym ents .
D ebt
co n so ijd a tio n
H ome I mprovement
N ew C ar
N ew B oat
• R efinance H igh
20’s craftsman style bungalow has front
porch, hardwd, frplc, 4 bdrm. Rare two
car garage. Located two blocks from
shops and bus.
I nterest 2 nd .
K aren O
buk k
Mortgage Rrr tiger I
First Mortgage
J a n C a p le n e r
— 232-4763
K aren O
5015 S E Hawthorne
Modem Masterpiece $599,000
Let someone else
cook tonight...
336 N W Kronan Court. Rendered in concrete, steel
and maple, this sleek, award-winning masterpiece is
just the canvas for your immaculate artistic taste.
5 minutes from town in a gated community, on a
1/2 + acre lot near Pittock Mansion. 3 bed/den,
2.5 baths. An extraordinary home.
eating out
pages 12-13
C m om
A C apian Realty G ro u p Inc
Suzann Barkevic
503 789-1033
O ffice 2 9 7 1 0 3 3
bluck ,
M o r t g a g e B kokf . r \
5 0 3 /4 9 3 - 3 3 0 0
2 1 4 9 NE RwwiWAY.StirrE 1 FAwriANn.OR 972321
F in d
p la c e to ta k e
y o u r d a te
on P ag e 34