I NSURA NC E FOR RENT WANT WANT TO S HARE Auto, Home, Life & Business TO S H A R E 1RVINGTON/NE—One bedroom apt. five-unit building. Quiet, trees, garden, new appliances/ microwave. Offstreet parking. Bicycle storage. Laundry. Close to Broadway, MAX, bikeways. $595. Call Jack. (503) 335-0294.(1/21) ROOMMATE WANTED to share artistic, political, progressive house in NE Portland. Responsible and clean a plus. $350 per month plus 1/2 utilities. No pets, but must be an animal lover. Call Tess at (503) 223-4510, ext. 5. (1/21) Q U IET VANCOUVER HOME. $300/month + 1/3 utilities. Male to share home. Must be neat, clean, nonsmoker. $300 deposit required. References. Employment verfication required. Jim (360) 696-0094. AVAILABLE M ARCH 1ST! $330/month + 1/3 utilities. Large room with shared bath in Ladd’s Addition. Located minutes from downtown. Near 4 bus lines. GM professional will share house with 2 other professionals. Call (503) 233-2652 from 10 am- 3:30 pm. (1/21) IRVINGTON/ALAMEDA CLASSIC SGM, mid-30s business professional, seeking similar third housemate to share 4 bed/2 bath home. Completely remodeled with formal living/dining rcxims, hardwoods throughout main level, large family room, 2 fireplaces, fourth bedroom is guestroom, private yard with deck/patio, washer/dryer, cable/shared phone in rcxims. $275 plus utilities, deposit negotiable, no pets. (503) 275-2326 or 288-0198. (2/4) NE TOW NHOUSE, large bedrm, quiet, W/D, parking. $320 per month includes utilities and local phone. $150 deposit. No smoking, no pets. Call (503) 289-0223 Jim. (1/21) HOUSING VUANT E STRU G G LIN G PSU STU D EN T looking for room for rent. Trying to get degree after army. Would like to offset some or all rent by working misc. jobs, cleaning or whatever. Arcantony@hotmail.com, (503) 735-4910. ( 1 / 21 ) Classified ad deadline for Feb. 4 issue is 4 p .m . J a n . 2 7 HOUSEMATE WANTED. Male couple and cats seek male to share 5 bedroom/1 bath home near Irvington Natures and Lloyd District. $350/month includes utilities, except phone. $175 refundable deposit. Neal (503) 282-3800. (1/21) PROFESSIONAL, RESPONSIBLE, spiritual les­ bian for 3BR house on bus lines in N Portland. $300/month + 1/3 utilities. Pet is a possibility. Move in February 1st. (503) 481-8652. (1/21) ROOMMATE WANTED to share quiet SW Portland home. $350/month + deposit. No smoking or pets. (503) 246-5291.(1/21) (2a. DESiGN/BUILD HISTORICAL RESTORATION UNIVERSAL DESIGN v licensed and Bonded CC8«97068 HandyWorks Richard Knittle interior & exterior— all size jobs fa x CONSTRUCTION ^ 0 8 5 censed*'nsufed____________ Free Estim ates BoyerÄrts Studio 4h L rw ood (Construction, O ne. General Contractor Print Classes Tues. 6 - 8 pm • Specializing in new home construction • We encourage customer involvement Your satisfaction is essential to our business Peter at 503-997-2170 office 603-281-5880 cell 503-752-3780 u à Ñores -W in d o w s -E le c tric a l -S h e e t R ock -C e r a m ic Tile (5 0 3 ) 7 7 4 -5 0 4 8 Free Estimates Specializing in Women's Healthcare Clinical Professor, National College of Naturopathic Medicine at Circle Healthcare Clinic 316 N E 28th Avenue • Portland 503*230*0812 3531 NE 15th Avenue, Suite A Portland OR 97212 www.amfam.com ■ JM M U L B J w r a 203-8497 To advertise, call 236-1253. Providing Personalized, Holistic C are Since 1985 Meg Grace * 236-6314 25 years of study Interior & Exterior Painting Free Estimates CCB# 103129 f ---------- -------------------------------------------------------- S u z a n n e Scopes, n . d . office 503-281-5363 cell 503-702-3464 A ll skill levels M ary F ergu so n \ ( 503 ) 649-5004 Se Habla Español Saxophone and Clarinet Lessons L ice n s e d * B onded * In s u r e d • CCB # 1 2 6 8 6 9 r David Roberts Vicki Coons musical enjoyment for all ages -P lu m b in g Reeni Goldin C all y o u r Family A gen ts 1325 NE Fremont -F lo o rin g v Repairs A company th at dupportd our com m unity with rated th a t red pec t your relationdhipd Eddy K. Hauff “No Job Too Small” & AUTO HOME BUSINESS HEALTH LIFE 280-8845 Licensed • Bonded • Insured • C C B # 114653 Home Renovations Too much to do— too little time? c / Do you hate to clean? Wanna come home to a clean house? Pamper Yourself— Call Now! MATH I! OP AT US I N S U R A N C E wA soe ccMWioo 235-1037 or 449-6207 RG A M E R IC A N F A M IL Y / p h o n e 2629 NE 23 rd A ve .. P ortland . OR 97212 Kitchens • Bathrooms • Older Homes Expert ... Bear y clean' DEEMAZON DJs, commitment ceremonies, par­ ties, lesbian DJs. 1-877-233-0959. (2/18) TO M FITZPATRICK 282-4829 ... JUST FRIENDS Voice Personals a KITCH EN S • BATHS • A D D IT IO N S • R EM O D EL Residential • Interior • Exterior Ron Gaylord (503) 774 -18 10 Make love, not war... W O R K Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. GAY MALE SEEKING SAME to share Clackamas Town Center area 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. Washer, dryer, dishwasher. Share half electricity, cable, water. Provide own telephone. Pool and exercise rooms. $300 a month. Deposit negotiable. (503) 652-5062. (1/21) LESBO HOUSEMATE WANTED to share spa­ cious, bright NE low drama home. Cool house: leaded glass, hardwood floors, fireplace. Considerate, easygoing atmosphere. $325/month, share utilities. No smoking/pets. (503) 460-0697. (1/21) H O M E P m & □ BEAVERTON. Seeking responsible, clean non- smoker, preferably female to share 3BR/2bath condo near Washington Square. Washer/dryer, fireplace, sauna, pool. $375/month + 1/2 utilities. Call (503) 267-4912. (1/21) ROOMMATE WANTED to share 3BR 2Bath apt. in Beaverton close to MAX and buses. Fireplace, W/D, $350 month includes utilities. Call Fred Garcia at (503) 520-9648.(1/21) MOM 1 IMPROVEMENT I - ■ .............. ( 1 / 2 1 ) “Your Independent Insurance Agency” 1 W h e n sa v in g y o u r s e lf so m e m o n ey ... | Setting up both y o m unto a n il hom e in s u r a n c e with .American Family can save von apto 20, i off your premiums. ( all Today Visit Just PITI Advertisers on the Internet! Link up with www.justout.com i Ff i T V ' l P is w o rth a call. | w Make a love match with JUST FRIENDS , M a tt Forman 503 526.2999 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Newer 4BR/2 1/2 bath, fireplace. Beaverton. $166,900. (503) 640-9877 or 259-2611.(2/4) Jffi \ \ Voice Personal Ads Page 42