J CLASSIFIED dentistry, 45 fitness, 45 hairstylists, 45 h ea lin g arts, 45 h e a lth care, 45 h e lp w an te d , 45 h o m e im p ro v e m e n t, 45 h o u sin g , 46 in stru c tio n , 46 accounting. 43 animals, 43 attorneys, 43 bodywork, 43, 44 career counseling, < ceremonies, 44 chiropractors, 44 computers, 44 counseling, 44, 45 I NDEX in su ran ce, 46 ja n ito ria l, 46 m usic, 46 n a tu ro p a th s, 46 p h o to g rap h y , 46 real estate, 46, 47 real e sta te loans, 47, 48 services, 48 spirituality, 48 ta tto o s, 48 tax services, 48 trav el, 48 x xx, 49 v o lu n te ers, 49 ju st friends, 42 M e d ic a l M a lp r a c t ic e & P e r s o n a l In ju r y A tto rn ey ACCOUNTING CLEOPATRA’S !> & r * « <»• • 5 f t . THE PET SET ' SpciA t a u QuickBooks® Professional Advisor Quality Service • References All your bookkeeping needs: Monthly Bookkeeping Set-Up, Customize, or Troubleshoot Phone: To advertise, call 236-1253. 761-9267 SpitaCeri/fHandCin Bookkeeping and Tax Service, Inc. ■ Business & Tax Planning / Preparation 1 Certified Financial & Retirement Planning ■ Full Service Bookkeeping 11916 SE Division Portland, OR 97266 Taxes • B u s i n e s s C o n s u l t i n g Accounting • Real Estate Taxation businesses S u s a n I Certified and A. individuals N e s t o r Public A c c o u n ta n t telephone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 4 5 - 8 0 9 0 O regon S ocM ty o l C « f% fod I V ) k A ccountants A m erican InaU ute o< C e rM n d P u b ic Ac count ante S v Ì t IA * 8>*noaih ScUUtup ßu diueid ß&uuc&L My Goal is to Help You Reach Yours M ityl McMullen Small Business Specialist Bookkeeping 503/235-2988 • Consulting • Tax Planning Serving SE / NE Portland since 1988 ANIMALS DOG TRAINING 8 PLAYCARE •Positive, specialized training methods •Small group classes— puppy to advanced levels • Portland’s first dog daycare • Private lessons, trick training and more M i . Sandy B l v d V 503-731-8774 Promote your business here! Call 236 1253. and Integrity, Experience & Results Free Consultation No Fee Unless You Recover 2 9 5 -1 9 4 0 12th Floor, 621 SW Morrison • 14 • • • • • • Corinne J. Lai 5 2 0 SW 6th, Ste. 8 2 5 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 clai@hevanet.com (503) 226-6945 W illner Wren Hill & U Ren, LLP GEOFFREY G. WREN Attorney at Law 111 SW Naito Parkway Suite 303 Portland, O R 97204 503/228-4000 • Wills and Probate TRADEMARKS • A ttorn ey at Law • Family Issues & Adoption 1 Looking out for your best interest. for H ala G o r e s OGNEVS PATENTS • for unmarried couples." • Business Law, Corporations, LLCs shbat8@spritone.com FAX: 503-761-9341 • R epresenting D ebtors a n d C reditors "Estate planning is an absolute necessity 8 :3 0 - 6 M -F 9 -1 S www.inbalanceservices.com r .y n n H a n d l i n EA, LTC, CFP • P e r so n al & B usiness Provide for your partner " 1411 S.W. 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97201 ( 503 ) 241-4051 Glenda F. Chaite Telephone 261-1355 B A N K R U P TC Y • Specializing in Cat Battling • Dog and Cat Grooming • Pet Supplies • Cat Boarding IN BALANCE SERVICES E. T O T H -F E J E L ATTORNEY AT LAW 2 7 3-01 (503)233-5155 C A M ANDREW 621 SW Morrison, Ste 1300. Portland. OR 97205 CAT SITTERS, INC. Bonded • Insured • R eferences Since 1995 "HortU visit cjd W orking T o w ard A J ust S ociety • Real Estate & Litigation Personal Injuries/Accidents Workers’ Comp./Social Security Employment Law & Discrimination Civil Litigation ROSE JADE Registered Patent Attorney P.O. Box 2l 70 (541) 265-2526 Newport, OR 97365 srjade@alum.mit.edu B ODY WORK Denise L Stern Attorney at Law Arbitrator Mediator ______________ Accident & Injury Claims Divorce & Custody Unmarried Couples Criminal Law & DUI Insurance Law Litigation, State & Federal Wills, Estates, Trusts Incorporation Business Transactions Real Estate AIDS Issues Personnel Policies Workers Compensation Discrimination Wage and Hour Employment Law Conservatorships •503/231-9340 • Westmoreland Office 14 Yean Expérience Member, Oregon and Washington liars Protect Your Relationships ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Domestic Partnerships Wills * Trusts Powers o f Attorney Elderly Parents M edicaid Eligibility Mark M. Williams A T T O R N E Y A T LA W 5 0 3 .2 2 4 .6 2 2 9 Bennett Hartman & Reynolds 851 S.W. 6th Suite 1600 Portland, OR 97204 foodw ortl Validated Parking The BOD YW ORK heading is for state- licensed massage therapists only. LMTs do therapeutic, nonsexual massage. Look under the Electrolysis. Healing Arts, and Services headings for advertisements previously found in this section. , STEVE KOEHLER, LMT. 13 years helping Portlands gay community relax. Strong, sensitive, intu itive hands. Affordable massage. Outcalls only. Same day appts. (503) 220-9755, pager. (2/18) BODYWORK FOR MEN: single or duo, incall or outcali. All hours. (503) 805-6141, Chris; or 705-7614, Jim. Couples welcome. (2/18) • Stress Reduction • Pain Relief • Very Relaxing Swedish Massage • Day, Evening & Weekends Lee Serenethos, LMT 464-1044 NorthW est Portland Laurelhurst Massage Therapy Rick Sullivan L.M.T., P.T.A. Make love, not war... S 0 J/ 2 2 «- 0 <WfU 4 0 0 Sovereign Budding 710 SW Medium Street Portland, OR 97205 Fax $03(226-9005 .A. — , múablt 7 'Days a 'Week in JUST FRIENDS Afternoons & 'Evenings Voice Personal Ads •Please colt: 231-7508 www laurel hurstrnassage com