Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 21, 2000, Page 31, Image 31

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    Jan u ary 2 1 . 2QÛÛ *
Lfcland Let Live Club ho ld s 12 step m eetings and
activities for the lesbian and gay recovery com m u-
I for current m eeting tim es and activities.
M S E Belm ont St. (50312 3 8 -6 0 9 1 .) (11/99)
Lunch Bunch h o sts A A m eetings for g a y s and
but is open to everyone M e e tin gs daily at noon
ties. Refer to w eb site for schedule
(¡5031650-7052 rcdcSteleport.com .
(www hawkeoet.com /larofthe/wolf.html.) (5/00)
www teleport. com /~rcdc.) (11 /99)
Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences is a fun loving
Together Works, a confidential group for lesbians,
group of wom en w ho enjoy exploring all aspects of the
gays, bisexuals, and fnends. m eets for socials and d is­
environm ent. Activities include bird watching, nature
cu ssion s of topics of mutual interest. M e e ts second and
w alks, archaeology, rock collecting, camping, kayaking,
fourth M ondays (7:30 pm M a y -S e p t. 7 pm Oct. -Apnl.
star gazing, an occasional "le c tu re ' and a monthly plan­
First Baptist Church. 125 S E C ow ls S t . M cM innville
ning potluck. N o experience necessary. (7-9 pm fourth
D on (5 0 3 1 4 3 4 -6 2 6 6 7(11/99)
it Su n d ays at 1 pm. (M etropolitan Com m unity
Thursday planning m eeting 15031280-0168.) (5/00)
:h of Portland, 2 4 0 0 N E Broadway, enter on the
Lesbian social group for women 50 and over
side of the bu ild in g) (5/00)
Metro: Physical Recreation
m eets on the third Saturday of the month. (4-7 pm.
bow Al-Anon m eets twice a week: Satu rd a ys at
1 5 0 3 1 2 8 1 -4 4 2 4 .(5 0 3 1 3 3 1 -0 4 15 .1 (1 1/99)
pm at the A lano C lu b Board Room , 9 0 9 N W 24th
Long Yang Club— Portland Chapter, a social
outdoors group, organizes a variety of activities and
group for A sian ga ys and lesbians and their fnends,
social events including hiking, skiing, mountain biking,
m eets at 8 pm on the first W ednesday and third Sunday
cam ping and rafting. (15031452-5680. www adventure
of each month at 3 Friends Coffeehouse (15031963-
group, org.) (5/00)
(at Kearney S t ); Th ursdays at 6 pm at the M C C
oh. N W 24 Ave. and Broadway. (15031222-5756).
The Adventure Group, Portland's gay and lesbian
1841 o r 15031 735-9425 lycp d xSad o s com .) (5/00)
amette Valley: Health
ice provides a
24-hour hot Ime and shelter
wom en and children w ho have been abused physical-
xually. or em otionally A lso h o sts a lesbian and
xual w om en's support group. (C n sis. (5411
-6513. b u sin e ss. 15 4 1 1485-8232 . lesbian alliance
I I 3 0 2 2 4 1 7 .H U / 9 9 )
m otorcycle club for gay men and friends in W estern
self-identifying w om en w ho are into S M . Play parties are
Canada and the Pacific Northw est, ho sts day runs and
held on the second Saturday of the month. (lulukstShot-
cam ping events. (bcbikerSyahoo.com . www bordem d-
mailcom. wwwps.net/wynter/lukjspage.htm l.
ers.org.) (U / 9 9 )
15031231-3992.) (05/00)
for women. Participants are responsible for providing
organization for cro ss-d re sse rs and transsexuals
their own equipment and choosing outings appropriate
M onthly open m eetings and socials. (P O B ox 4928.
for their skill and fitness level. All skill levels welcom e
Portland. O R 9 7 2 0 8 150 316462802.
(1 5 031 286538 2 www.odm .cc.pdx.edu/-gijm ) (5/00)
meet to hike and talk in Portland parks on the second
adm irers. Newsletter, activities and monthly social gath­
Sunday of each month. (15031285-2986 ) 0 1/99)
Lesbian Garden Club is a social group that tackles
major gardening projects in m em bers' gardens, holds
social club for nude men w ho enjoy being gay. M onthly
social events and visits various gardens and nurseries
potlucks and events G u e sts are invited to attend two
throughout the year. (Nicki. (5031287-6120.) (11/99)
events before deciding on m em bership (O R G A N . P O
Out Dancing teaches partner dancing for sam e-sex
B o x 14174. Portland. O R 97293-0174.) ( 11/99)
00 )
Portland Lesbian Choir w elcom es supportive
m bers and volunteers. (15031241-8994.1(5/00)
couples at Sally M a c k 's Sch ool of Dance. C la sse s for
Portland Bisexual Alliance h o sts social and political
different dance styles start the first Friday of each
events for bisexual and bi-friendy people Organizes
month. (15031236-5129) (5/00)
Portland Bi D ay rally and publishes calendar of bi events.
writing group: journaling, poetry, fiction,
first and third Fridays of the month at Laughing H orse
sonSteleport.com .) (11 /99)
B oo ks, 3652 S E D ivision St. O pen to all
Gay Men's Chorus is
open to singers,
PDX Rain Ridara is Portland's gay and lesbian m otor­
M ixed gender d iscu ssio n groups are held 7 pm on the
nner to published (J u é 15031245-3391,
m em bers and volunteers. (15031460-3689
“A Couple of Real Fruits”
K-9 Club is a group of kindred folks and their d o gs who
Oregon Bears is a social group for bears and their
O RG A N (Oregon Regional Gay and Naked) is a
their fnends. (Contact Phillip at 15 0 3 1 2 3 4 1811.)
By Q Syndicate
FOREST Group outings are cooperative adventures
Northwest Gender Alliance is a social and support
erings. (15031240-2813. www oregonbearsorg.) (11/99)
Wednesday Social is a potluck for H IV + people
Community Crossword
Border Riders Motorcycle Club . the largest
Lulu's Pervy Playhouse is a social group for
w w w .teleport.com /~nw ga.nW 99)
etro: Arts & Music
Jmat M A 131
cycle club. (15031641-6452 www gaypdx com/ramhd-
e rs./d 1/99)
Portland Gay and Lesbian Community Bowling
Association bow ls Su n days at 4 pm at Hollywood
(15031 775-9717. pba§biportland.org.
w ww biportland org.7 (5/00)
Lanes. 40th A ve and H alsey St. (P O B ox 80002.
pdxgm c.org.) (11/99)
Portland. O R 972 80-1002 (5031293-0438.
Real Connection is a social gathering
B O W Lpdx& aolcom .
r gay men w ho are artists, w nters, m usi-
http://members aol com /BO W Lpdx/pcba html. 7 (5/00)
ans or w ho pursue som e creative activity,
Rosetown Ramblers. Portland's gay and lesbian
'onthly potlucks on the se co n d Friday (Todd
~ 3 1 2 3 6 -S 7 6 3 .H U / 9 9 )
square dance club, dances at mainstream, plus and
advanced levels. (P O B o x 5352. Portland. O R
ose City Gay Freedom Band is a con ­
97228-5352. (5031234-9944.
e d band open to lesbian, gay. transgen-
www rdrop.com /users/ram blers.) (11 /99)
red, bi and supportive m usicians and
nds. (P O B o x 1082. Portland. O R 97207.
5031 790-2170. http://community.ore-
Ski Out is a LG B T ski club with outings twice monthly
and cross-country skiing, snow boarding or lodge loung­
live.com /cc/rcglb.) (11 /99)
ing. (15031973-3441. www skiout.org.) (05/00)
Team Portland Tennis Association plays every
Sunday 8 am -noon at the University of Portland W om en
etro: General
and men players of all skill levels are welcom e (Alex
¡sexual Community Forum is an age-
Schindler’s List star N eeson
1 Cam e to rest
dow n in it
_________ Bator (M ongolia's
28 G ardener's long to d
to Mt. H ood and other destinations. Join u s for downhiH
5 Surface wound,
after a few days
9 He com es between
Tom and Harry
G odinez (5031282-7210.) (11/99)
nd gender-inclusive social, support and edu-
Team Quest, the athletic and exercise program of
ation netw ork founded in 1980 Activities
Project Q uest, offers individual and group, indoor and
include dances, potlucks. field trips and a
outdoor physical recreation opportunities for people living
polyam ory interest group. M e e tin gs are held
with H IV and A ID S. (15031493-0288.) (11/99)
the second and fourth W e d n e sd ays (7.30
1 3 P a rto fS .0 .8 .
Laury 150 31 2 8 5 -4 8 4 8 ) (11/99)
Southern Oregon: Social
Brother to Brother is a fam ily of Afncan-
Am encan gay and bisexual m en dedicated to
Abdill-Ellis Lambda Community Center hosts
the em powerm ent of, and im provem ent in the
social events and groups Call for schedule. (Mailing
quality of hfe within our com m unity Activities
address: P O Box 9 2 7 Ashland. O R 9 75 20 Location: 281
include F R IE N D S , a w eekly support and d is­
Fourth S t . Ashland. O R 9 75 20 (54 1 1 4 8 8 6 9 9 0 . lamb-
cussion group that m eets W e d n e sd ays 5-7
dacntrSaol.com . www aelcca.org.7(11/99)
pm Board m eetings every third M o n d a y of
(barely scrape by)
1 ? Fruity M ississipp i
River rafter?
Dipstick Lesbians and Dykes with
Hot Rods invite w om en with cool ca rs to go
cruisin' with them.
Letterm an's band?
Greta Pauley plays a thoroughly modem Juliet in
the Tygres Heart Shakespeare Company produc­
tion of Rom eo and Juliet through Feb. 20 at PCPA
(Rachel 15031 735-1184.
MenTalk of Vancouver holds a social on the first
M onday and a discu ssion group on the third M onday of
Portland Bisexual Women is a support and d iscu s­
SW Washington Gay and Lesbian Socialites is a
sion group for bisexual and questioning wom en W om en
Vancouver-based organization w hose m em bers get
of any race, age or national origin are encouraged to
together regularly for social events and activities The
Gentle Giants of Oregon is a group dedicated to
attend. (7-9 pm se co n d Friday at Com m on Ground
providing an accepting, social environm ent for chubby
W ellness Center. 2 92 6 N E Flanders S t 5 3 0 -7 4 5 pm
Socialites w as organized to build a se n se of community
am ong gay men and lesbians in the Portland/Vancouver
fourth Sunday at It 's M y Pleasure. 3 1 0 6 N E 64th Ave.
area New sletter available by e-mail or U S P S .
$ 2 donation (50312 83-6433 7 (11/99)
(13601 735-1901. Socialite sSaol com 7 ( 11 /99)
and their fnends (Philip
15031234 1811. 7 (5/00)
men, and the men w ho like them that way.
4535 or www.chubnet.net/gentlegiants
Hoodiend/Mount Hood womyn are budding a per­
Ths Thorny Rosas is a social group for lesbians over
sonal and professional com m unity Alcohol and drug-free
profit organization dedicated to fostenng a positive com ­
45 that m eets xi Clark County Call the Sexual Mm onty
m unity for safe. sane, and consensual alternative adult
sexualities in general and S/M/leather/fetish in particular
Advocate at the Y W C A (136 0 1 9 0 6 9 1 4 2 7(5/00)
(Kim (5031 701-8302 )
nonprofit social organization dedicated to raising m oney
Metro Prime Timers m eets from 3-6 pm
(150313060700. ISRCSaolcom.
wwvv Q^ocitiescom/WestHoHywood/Heights/7887.)
Box 5884. Portland. O R 97228 (5031625-8957 pdx-
pnmetimersSyahoo com 1(11/99 )
P SU Queers end Allies mvites everyone to partici­
(5411484 9 8 9 4 ) (U / 9 9 )
(9 pm-
12 am at the Dirty Duck Tavern. 439 M V Third Ave
15031224-8446. POXSaltyOgSaolcom) (5/00)
Jmwish Gay Men's Group— c a l
and place
for m eeting time
((5031246-5939. efnmnlevrSaolcom 7(5/00)
i h o sts m onthly d iscu ssio n gro u p s and
separate m en's, w om en's and pan sexual B / D / S / M par
program m ing, support and referral services for persons
of all orientations and colors (441A Sm ith Memorial
runners and w alkers M e e ts at 9 am every Saturday at
the com er of 15th and Agate AH are w elcom e (Jim
Gay and Bisexual M an's Group m eets every
W ednesday (7 -8 3 0 pm at ! 165 N W M onroe S t . Room
121. C o tvaÊ s (5 4 1 1 7 5 8 -8 1 9 7 )(U / 9 9 )
Center. Portland State University cam pu s E-mail: queer
sandahesSmail pdx edu www e ss pdx edi/sfcsg/queer
Gay Mata Statewide Contact Group m eets
monthly to enjoy the great outdoors, good food and gay
(5 0317 25
Rose City Discussion Chib, the largest open pan
sexual du b «1 the Northw est, is open to all orientations,
fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensu-
al M onthly m eetings, w orkshops, and newsletter
Wizard of Oz
3? _
cost (free)
_________ Miserabks
40 Fruity ’Buffalo Stance"
cam araderie Find friends from and xi your local area
Carpoots available (Dam on. P O B ox 231. Foster. O R
49 They depend on their
m asters
29 U n -P C suffix with steward
32 To th e ___ degree
35 Brian w ho collaborated
with Bow ie
71 Francis Bacon work
36 D isappears like the W icked
W itch of the W est
72 Hart C rane w ork
38 Hockey Hail-of-Famer Bobby
73 Holler
74 “Are y o u ___? " (common
42 Quabty of a yeflow banana
response to ‘ Mom , Dad.
I’m g a y*)
_________ Haw
43 A S A P
44 Debt m em o
47 W hat a 44-Dow n giver
prom ises to d o
1 Bonfire remnant
48 Letters on M ark
Solstice com poser Harrison
M cG w ire 's cap
3 G ay M e n 's Health C ris is .___
50 Hanfly ever
4 Frequenter of the gay b o s
52 "L e sb ian s." "g a y s."
"Fuji* and "D ra go n "
or “bisexuals"
5 Amen
6 Hustler s stick
57 Type
7 B ig name in razors
58 "You D o n 't Know M e "
singer Jerry
8 Attractive one in a rughtekfo?
9 Beat the pants off of
10 Three, on som e clocks
46 Monicagate figure's famSy
gay/bi/lesbian athletic and social club for recreationai
are held the first and third Friday of each month.
34 Clara Blancfck’s role in 77»
Eugana Frontrunnars/Frontwalkars is a
every fourth Sunday of the month at Metropolitan
Com m unity C hurch Social Hall. 2400 N E Broadway (P O
pate n activities and m eetings Educational and social
33 N ew M exico art colony
45 Margarine
community. IS R C Event Hotline lists upcom ing events
Leather Night and Red Hanky Social
31 Metaflic sound
Willamette Valley: Social
for charities withm the gay. lesbian, bisexual and trans
An informal
a s "the Great-
43 Zadora in
(¡5031 727-3148 www pdxleatheralhance org ) (5/00)
Imperial Sovereign Rose Court of Oregon is a
30 5th-century pope known
Portland Leather Alliance is a pansexual. not for
social activities and n e tw o rk ™
26 C ochise o r Gerommo
each month at 7 pm (13601576-6595
www rednval com /M en TalkofVancW A.) (5/00)
Dewoune 15031289-3 / 0 4 J(1 1 /99)
First Wednesday Social is a potluck for H IV + people
Washington Social
21 Gal pal. in Parts
22 Fruity drummer in David
(Brian. PO Box 3182,
OR 97208 15031417-7991.)
70 In te r__„ (among other
20 Jocfie Foster's alma ra te r
the month at 5:30 pm.
69 Food for 49-A cro ss
15 E k e ___living
16 M o z a rt's___ Heme
i at Utopia Cafe. 3 3 2 0 S E Belm ont St.
62 Parity ex-Hartem
27 Jacques Cousteau went
11 Larry King Uve broadcaster
12 H e 's a real doH
14 D e sse rt
of egg custard
topped with caramel
18 Fairy's cousin
de Janeiro
60 M s., si M arseilles
62 W here to find Fire Island
and Provtncetown
63 "C a n 't G et ft Out of M y
H ead" rock group
6 4 H o m o 's ancestor
6 5 Feel crumm y
6 6 East Lansing college,
51 Office part-timer
19 Puppy 's squeak
53 Exam for high school jrs,
22 Chicken _ _ king
67 W ater sp o rts accessory
54 They're here...
23 New. in Nuremberg
68 B i
get used to it!
56 fruity foster mother
of Sw e e'P e a ?
for short
The Science G uy
24 Capacity of a merchant ship
25 flenf inspiring
com poser Puccini
97345. (5411367-2817. Send SA S E for datais 7(11/99)