January 21.2000 ? Jwaft M0LJ27 For a gay old time check out Theresa Dem arest and Good Company at Borders Books and Music in Beaverton. (7-9 pm. 2605 SW Cedar Hills Blvd 15031644-6164) The Impenal Sovereign Rose Court Presents “ Once Upon A Time” , the W hite K night and D ebutante B all at Embers Avenue (Doors open at 5 pm. Ball starts at 6 pm. 110 NW Broadway. 15031222-3082.) Bom to cha-cha but don't know how? Join Out Dancing for lessons every Fnday evening in January from 7 to 8 pm at Sally Mack's School of Dance (532 SE Ankeny St $5.15031236 5129.) It's My Pleasure hosts a class for adult women on Sex Toy» 101 (10 am. 3106 NE 64th Ave. Free Preregister: 15031280-8080.) Dance the week away at B la-tino N igh t starting at 9 pm at Extasis. This is sponsored by Brother to Brother and all are welcome. (2845 SE Stark St. [503)417-7991.) S aturday Galloway ft L ucke tt shake up Beaverton at Borders Books and Music (7-9 pm 2605 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. 15031644-6164 ) Cabin fever set in yet? Join the Adventure Group on a cro ss-co u ntry ski trip at June Lake. (9 am. 15031542-5680.) Are you a woman with words to spare or wnt- mg to share? Check out The Last W ord Literary Open M ic at In Other Words from 9 to 11 pm. Tonight women are also encour aged to read from works by their favonte women authors. The event is free and hosted bvtocal wnter and editor Meg Daly. (3734 SE Hawthorne Blvd 15031232-6003.) febpuary ’•tewly resuscitated and renamed. The L iterary Triangle, a queer book group, will continue to meet every fourth Fnday at Barnes & Noble Lloyd Center. The group reads both new books and classics and wel comes new members. At this session partici pants will be discussing C om fort and Joy by Jim Gnmsley and Gut Symmetnes by Jeanette Winterson. (7 pm. 1231 NE Broadway 1503) 331-1307 ) W ednesday Looking for spmtual renewal7 Try w a lking a la b yrin th from 6 to 7:30 pm at the Interfaith Spiritual Center. The facilitators are Dale Rhodes and Dan Stutesman. (3910 SE 11th Ave. 15031233-2026.) © S aturday Northbank Tavern in Vancouver for A Enjoy A M arvelous P arty, an evening of music by Noel Coward and Kurt Weill, to ben efit Our House of Portland and H E A L . Portland. The show goes on at the Isom White House, 311 NE 20th Ave., 5 and 8 pm. ($35 by reservation or at the door. 15031497-2252.) C elebration o f the S ixties— the Good Years— from M otow n to W oodstock, a drag show benefiting the Audria M. Edwards Scholarship Fund and the RainTree Empire. (8 pm 106 W Sixth Ave., Vancouver. Wash. $7.1306)231-4138) Into hip-hop? Love to dance? Check out the action every other Saturday night at the women's club, Choices Pub. (2845 SE Stark St 15031236-4321.) For the last time this winter, catch Pam ft Maggie singing the roof off at Touchstone Coffee House. (7 pm. 7631 NE Glisan St. Donations. 15031262-7613.) F riday Forest G roup hosts a potluck and planning meeting. (6 30 pm potluck. 7 30 pm meeting. 15031452-2793) The P ortland Bisexual A llia n ce discus sion group meets to talk about being bi and single Open to all (7-9 pm at Laughing Horse Books. 3652 SE Division St. Bi-Line 15031 775-9717.) Kick up your heels at a night of country w estern dancing sponsored by the Rosetown Ramblers at PPAA from 10 pm to 1:30 am. (618 SE Alder St. $5. www rdrop.com /users/ram blers/.) Clark College in Vancouver is sponsonng the fouth annual Keep on M oving Forw ard W omen's C onference from 8:30 am to 4 pm at Gaiser Hall. Melinda and the Angels will perform, and a variety of workshops will be offered, including one on connecting with the sexual minonties community. (Register: 13601992-2366, www clark.edu.) (P) T hursday The Portland Bisexual Alliance invites you to the Bi M unch. Hang out. snack and chat with other bisexuals in an informal setting. Open to everyone. (7-9 pm at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse. 201 SE 12th Ave 15031 775-9717.) (D F riday The O regon Bears get hot and spicy with a C h ili Feed at 8 pm at the Fox & Hounds. (217 N W Second Ave. 15031240-2813.) Love the sight of a guy or gal in epaulettes? Mark your calendar for P ortland U niform W eekend V III, today through Sunday. Many events are planned, and a complete schedule is available from Andy at (503) 228-6935 or at the event's Internet site, www. teleport. com/ - uniform. The Human Rights Campaign announces its Portland dinner H onoring Women in P o litic s This black tie event with music by Pink Martini will be held at the Portland Hilton Hotel starting at 6 pm. Special guests include Oregon state Sen Kate Brown and Massachusetts Rep Barney Frank. (621 SW Sixth Ave $15011-800-494-84971. Ron Glanville 15031244- 6951.) See On V iew and O nstage lis tin g s on Page 29. / PHOTO BY that make up the C oncord C om m unity o f Choirs. 300 voices strong, as they present a “ Human Family.' a CD release p a rty and concert at the Schmtz. The evening will include new compositions as well as favontes. (8 pm. 1037 SW Broadway $10-$15 sliding scale, no one w ill be turned away fo r lack o f funds IPCPA box office. Fastixx], 15031 721-0262) Former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts w ill be one of the honorees at the Human Rights Campaign dinner looking ahead Lesbian comediai Suzanne W estenhoefer performs in Seattle, sponsored by the Seattle Men s Chorus on Feb 19 ($18 $22 12061323 2 9 9 2 ) Don t wait to get your tickets for the very populai Pink Flam ingo B ingo loan Szymko will lead the Aurora Chorus and Viriditas in her own composilfens when the Concord Community of Choirs present Human Family, Jan. 28 at the Schnitx. David York (inset) directs the grand assemblage of 300 voices. it's sure to be a sell out1 Drag sensation Chocha Fresca is back by popular demand Feb 25 to keep the evening hopping (Scottish Rite Cente’ 1512 SW tylomson St $13 advance $16 at the