• January 21.2000 prizes. (9 pm-2 am at Alberta Station Ballroom 1829 NE Alberta St. 1503J 471-1550. 15031 233-3913 playbersclub@aol.com.) PHOTO BY ED KRIEGER 26 Ja B * Catch the ever-popular G allow ay and L ucke tt singing their hearts out at Touchstone C offee House. (7 pm 7631 NE Glisan S t Donations. 1503] 262-7613.) '-** SUNDA Look fo r love in all the fun places, at the J u s t Friends Voice Personals P arty at 3 Friends Coffeehouse. The first 40 people to place ads receive passes to a screening of Isn 't She Great, a new movie stamng Bette M idler and Nathan Lane. Free headlines and ad-writing assistance, plus one grand door pnze. (6-8 pm. 201 SE 12th Ave 15031236-1252.) Lift those pinkies! Go cross-country ski­ ing with the Adventure Group at Teacup Lake. (9 am. 15031542-5680 ) Speak to Your Brothers hosts Couples MenTalk from 3 to 6 pm. (15031223-5907. ext. 233.) T uesday January F riday Lavender Lounge a gathenng of Speak to Your Brothers, happens every Fnday from 7 to 9 pm at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse (201 SE 12th Ave. 15031223-5907. ext 233 ) S aturday All you earthy, scientific gals gather round for the 10th A nniversary P arty and P otluck of Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences. (6-9 pm. Karen 15031289-3605 ) Join The Adventure Group on a cross­ country ski trip at Pocket Creek. (9 am. 15031542-5680) Get moving in the new year, catch up with the Adventure Group every Saturday morning for their Fun Run/W alk along Portland's waterfront. Meet at the former River Queen Restaurant parking lot at 10 am for a two- to six-mile run or walk open to all skill levels. (Don 15031224-6747.) The M a rion b erry Salon meets in Salem at 6:30 pm for a potluck to discuss The Persian Boy by Mary Renault. (Cary 15031 363-6036.) Lesbian singer Connie Cohen lights up Touchstone Coffee House with her songs (7 pm. 7631 NE Glisan S t Donations 15031262-7613.) Calendar, P.O. Box 14400, Portland, OR 97293-0400; or faxed to (503) 236-1257. Deadline is 15 days before issue date, just out IS published on the first and third Friday o f each month. P ortland Gay M en's C horus (630-9 pm. 12003 NE Shaver St. $15. David Bond 15031823-5136.) F.R.I.E.N.D.S.— B ro th e r to B rother meets at 5 pm. (15031417-7991.) The AIDS Prevention Team host the third annual benefit Fine D ining w ith Elwin and Gary Performance by P ortland Gay M en's C horus (7-10 pm at Buccim Hall. 165 S 14th St.. St. Helens. Ore $25 individ­ ual. $40 couple 15031366-2839) And now for something completely different: join Lava de M ure at the Mt Tabor Theatre Pub. in the “ Realms o f S tardust and M ysticism ," offenng music best descnbed as upbeat eclectic neo-lounge with an edge They will be joined by three other bands for an unforgettable, magical evening (9 30 pm 4811 SE Hawthorne Blvd $5 cover www lavademure co m ) The Treatm ent In fo rm a tio n Exchange hosts a weekly dinner and meeting at Rose C ity Park Presbytenan Church. Tonight's topic is the use of supplements and herbs for HIV/AIDS. (6 30 pm dinner. 7 pm meeting. NE 44th Ave at Sandy Blvd RSVP: 15031 736-0194) The M etropolitan Human Rights Center pre­ sents "Samba and Song." the annual Human R ights A w ard D inner at the Parkrose Community Center inside Parkrose High School. Entertainment will feature the The P ortland Bisexual A lliance hosts a workshop on how to file a successful discnmi nation complaint ( 7-9 pm at Laughing Horse Books. 3652 SE Division St. Bi-Une (5031 775-9717.) just out Are you a woman who is 40 or better? You may be eligible fo r a free health exam. Learn more at the YWCA's Lesbian Body Shop (7:30 pm. 1111 S W 10th Ave. Aryne 15031233-0808.) (2) W ednesday Put on your dancin' shoes and head over to the women's club. Choices Pub. where every Fnday night Krazy K sp in * Top 40 m usic (2845 SE Stark S t 15031236-4321.) Submissions should he sent to See a play with family! Check out GALA night at the Portland Center Stage produciton of Bus Stop through Feb. 12 at PCPA. (For more information see Onstage listings on Page 29.) The HIV+ M enTalk group gets together from 7 to 9 pm. (Bob 15031236-1531) Speak to Your Brothers hosts 30s and 40s (In-B etw eeners) M enTalk (7-9 pm 15031223-5907. ext. 233.) Sip a latte with the Radical Faeries at their weekly K offeeK latch held at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse from 9 am until whenever. (201 SE 12th Ave 15031235-0826.) The Portland Bisexual A lliance discus­ sion group meets at Laughing Horse Books. Open to all. (7-9 pm 3652 SE Division St 15031 775-9717.) Looking for fun in the burbs? For a good time check out Theresa Dem arest and Good Company at the 45th Street Pub (9 pm- 1 am 4511 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway [5031246-7061.) The Lesbian Community Project and the PlayHers Club have rescheduled their New Year's Eve dance for tonight; they're calling it a Post M illennium P arty Enjoy all the dancing your feet or wheels will allow to an eclectic mix of hip-hop. R&B and pop The party will feature a cash bar. food and raffle Join the Young M en's G roup D iscussion hosted by Speak to Your Brothers. (7-9 pm. [5031223-5907. ext. 233.) The Bisexual C om m unity Forum meets at Utopia Coffeehouse to discuss polyamorous lifestyles. (7 30 pm. 3308 SE Belmont St. 15031285-4848 ) (J) F riday Lovers of fine choral music should not miss this rare opportunity to hear all eight choruses