PORTLAND GAY MEN'S CHORUS Presents •i.Millehniurn .** /.Mosa .NakedK/lan » - ■ v . • *’ • Our 20th Anniversary Celebration Concert! The World Premiere of Millennium Mosaic! Based upon the life stories of Oregon's gay and lesbian youth, our newly commissioned song-cycle gives voice to their hopes, fears and dreams. Plus an encore presentation of the dramatic and impassioned NakedMan. Sat., April 15, 2000 • 8:00 p.m. Sun., April 16, 2000 • 7:00 p.m. PICA PCC Sylvania Performing Arts Center, 12000 SW 49th Avenue, Portland N A T I O N A L ENDOWM ENT Tickets $20/$ 15/$ 12 « S 7 D O Í2 2 4 - T ll U ( I F O R TH E A R T S Wally Cardona Quartet O P E N H O U S E 01 January 21 & 22 . . . . 8 pm Portland State University Financial Advisors R e g io n a l A r t s & Culture Council American Airlines /pdx/rosecityvet 1999 / 2000 performance series S P O N S O R E D BY WE E K A N D THE HEATHMAN HOTEL for tickets, call 503.242.1419 TICKETS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT JACKPOT RECORDS, CLIN TON STREET VIDEO A N D POVA TICKET CENTRAL ose nosm w i 232-3105 ju s tic ia PO Box 14400 * Portland, OR 97293 Change Service Requested Dated Material: Do Not Delay