January 7 .2ÛOO » illam ette Valley: Community relationship Free, confidential and safe ((5037 2 3 8 -0 7 8 0 )0 1 /99) 5 0 1 5 C O YO TE is an association for sex workers in Eugene. (POBox 12244. Eugene. O R 97401.7 0 1 /9 9 ) AFTER 8 works for political change and provides infor mation and referral for lesbians, gay men. trans and bisexuals in Benton and Linn counties and sponsors an annual Harvey M ilk Awards Dinner in November (7 pm second Tuesday 101 N W 23rd St.. Corvallis POBox 1828. Corvallis. OR 97339 15411 752-8157)15/00) Im perial Sovereign C o u rt o f the W illam ette Empire meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 30 pm. (Bob 15031371-8395. Lydia. Imperial Crown Pnncess IX 15031463 8585 ) 0 1 /99) Lesbian and Gay Parenting G roup for parents of children ages 0-3 years, meets the second Saturday of each month in Eugene, (Aquene: (541) 344-5847.) (5/00) Parents, Fam ilies and Friends o f Lesbians and Gays (PFLA G ) provides support, education and advo cacy (6:45 pm third Monday at First Congregational Church on E 23rd Ave.. Eugene. 15411346-4239. ) (11/99) Men's Support G roup sponsored by Sweet Spint Metropolitan Community Church (M CC), meets every Thursday at 7 pm to share concerns, discuss gay issues, and support the MCC community Open to the public. (David: 15031363-4828. Joseph: 15031363- 3392.) (5/00) HEALTH Metro: Anti-violence B radley-Angle H ouse provides emergency shelter for female-identified domestic violence survivors and a support group fo r women battered by women. (15031232 7805.15031289-6869 ext I I . ) (11 /99) Clackamas W om en's S ervices offer shelter, sup port and resource referral services fo r survivors of domestic and sexual violence. (O ffice. 15031 722-2366. cnsis line: 15031654 2288. H 11/99) Helios Counseling offers mental health services to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans communities. (525 NE Oregon St . Suite 220. Portland. OR 97232 15031238-0780.) (5/00) Metro: Recovery Live and Let Live C lub holds 12 step meetings and social activities for the lesbian and gay recovery commu nity. Call for current meeting times and activities. (2940-A SE Belmont St. 15031238-6091.) (11 /99) The Lunch Bunch hosts AA meetings for gays and lesbians, but is open to everyone. Meetings daily at noon except Sundays at 1 pm. (Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. 2400 NE Broadway, enter on the north side of the building) (5/00) R ainbow Al-Anon meets twice a week: Saturdays at 5 30 pm at the Alano Club Board Room. 909 NW 24th Ave (at Kearney St ); Thursdays at 6 pm at the MCC Church. NW 24 Ave. and Broadway (15031222-5756). (5/00) W illamette V a lley Health W om anapaca provides a 24-hour hot line and shelter for women and children who have been abused physical ly. sexually, or emotionally. Also hosts a lesbian and bisexual women's support group. (Crisis. 15411 485-6513. business: 1541] 485-8232. lesbian alliance: 15411302-2417 ) 0 1 /9 9 ) SOCIAL Metro: Arts & Music First W ednesday Social is a potluck for HIV+ peo ple and their fnends. (Contact Phillip at 15031234-1811.) (5/00) Bisexual Com m unity Forum is an age and gender inclusive social, support and education network founded in 1980 Activities include dances, potlucks. field tnps and a polyamory interest group. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays (7.30 pm at Utopia Cafe. 3320 SE Belmont St. Laury 15031285-4848 ) (11/99) Brother to B rother is a family of Afncan-Amencan gay and bisexual men dedicated to the empowerment of, and improvement in the quality of life within our com munity. Activities include FRIENDS, a weekly support and discussion group that meets Wednesdays 5-7 pm. Board meetings every third Monday of the month at 5:30 pm. (Bnan. PO Box 3182, Portland. OR 97208 15031417-7991.) (11/99) ©o+Si»*Refî On a recent edition of The Late Late Show, host C ra ig K ilb o rn reported: “Presidential hopeful John McCatn said recently that 'someday there will be a gay presi dent.' A president that likes other presidents...this is something that at least 8 to 10 percent of Americans can get behind.... What American wouldn't be proud to stand up tall, stick out his chest and salute first lady Bruce?" J o n S te w a rt, host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, had his tongue firmly planted in his cheek when he reported the news that Chelsea Clinton is expect ed to take over some first lady duties for her mom while she's off campaigning. “There is a precedent— Anna Roosevelt was a substitute hostess for her father, FDR, when her mother, Eleanor, would travel across the fields of Pector, to the town of Mons. along the River Labia," he said. D ipstick Lesbians and Dykes w ith Hot Rods invite women with cool cars to go cruisin' with them. (Rachel 15031 735-1184. Devioune 15031289-3104.7 (11/99) First Wednesday Social is a potluck for HIV+ peo ple and their fnends. (Phillip 15031234-1811.7(5/00) Gentle Giants of Oregon is a group dedicated to providing an accepting, social environment for chubby men. and the men who like them that way. (15031241 ■ 4535 or www.chubnet net/gentlegiants 7(5/00) H oodland/M ount Hood wom yn are building a per sonal and professional community. Alcohol and drug-free social activities and networking. (Kim 15031 701-8302.) (11/99) Im perial Sovereign Rose C ourt o f Oregon is a nonprofit social organization dedicated to raising money for charities within the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans community. ISRC Event Hotline lists upcoming events. (15031306-0700. ISRCQaol com, www geocities. com/WestHollywood/Heights/7887.7 (11/99) An informal Leather Night and Red Hanky Social are held the first and third Fnday of each month. (9 pm- 12 am at the Dirty Duck Tavern. 439 NW Third Ave. 15031224-8446. PDXSaltyDgQaol com) (5/00) Jew ish Gay M en's Group—call for meeting time and place. (15031246-5939. efratmlevi§aol com.) (5/00) Lair Dungeon hosts monthly discussion groups and separate men's, women's and pansexual B /D /S /M par PHOTO BY STEVE PATTERSON Family C en ter O u treach O ffic e a program of Volunteers of America located in Southeast Portland, Metro: M ental Health Metro: General In Atlanta's Etcetera Magazine the Pet Shop Boys' N e il Tennant opened up about his sex life. ‘ I wouldn't say I was a slut," he said, “but around 16, 1 7 . 1 used to have sex with basically all of my friends, both male and female, sometimes at the same time! It was the early 70s , and we were all obsessed by decadence! It was David Bowie, Lou Reed, Cabaret...divine decadence, darling.’ Jon Stewart The newly-svelte D e lta B u rke acted as auctioneer at a recent fund-raiser for a crisis hot line for gay youth. According to Liz Smith in the New York Post, Burke bid on an aH- female Mediterranean cruise, then started to worry: “If nobody else coughs up another bid, it's just gonna be me and a boatload of lesbians cruising the Greek isles. I hope my husband understands it's for chanty!" Syndicated bad boy D a n S a va g e spouted off recently to the Ottawa Sun: “I'm an Irish Catholic fag from Chicago. What do I have in common with a Polynesian lesbian immi grant? There's this infantile notion that there is such a thing as a gay community, and that they all feel and think the same way about everything." Actress and naughty girt ^¿ 0^ D an S a v a g * S a n d ra B e rn h ard isn't to say it like she sees it. either, in Fab magazine: will come a day when Anne Heche will be straight again. Gay men are different. If they've been straight and turn gay, they're gay, honey. But for chicks it's different, especially if they’re in show business. Even when they're eating your pussy, they're still straight I'm just looking out for Ellen. Believe me, I'm concerned for her. Because when the shit goes down, it's not gonna be pretty." Actor M a tt D am o n is still trying awfully hard to put to rest speculation about his sexual orientation. As he told The Advocate-. ‘ The question of whether Ben [Affleck! and are gay is so awkward in a lot of ways. There is no real right way to answer it without offending somebody. It's offen sive to just deny it fiercely, as if there would be anything wrong Sandra Bernhard with it if we were a couple. That would be offensive to the peo ple I grew up with. I don't want to be that person. At the same time. I can’t say it's true because it's not." According to Yahoo News. Singer B oy G eorge is also trying to set the record straight: “There's a rumor going round that I outed George Michael—he's a grown man, I'm not responsible for what he does. I think he's a great singer, I think he's a great artist, and if I’ve been bitchy about him, I’m sorry. I often open my mouth before I think." Rafael U ntalan and Josh ua W e sth aver learn The True H istory o f C oca-C ola in M exico, w hich opens Jan. 21 at the M iracle Theatre offers support groups and drop-in services to women and children who are survivors of dom estic violence (Natahe 15031 771-5503.7(11/99) Lesbian w riting group: journaling, poetiy, fiction, beginner to published (Judi 15031245-3391. jchasonQteleport com.) (11/99) Portland Women's Cnsis Line announces a new. confi dential support gro up fo r gay an d b i m an who have been or who are being abused by their male part ners. (For more information, leave a message for Craig at 15031232-5 703.7(11/99) P ortlan d G ay M an's C horus is open to singers, support members and volunteers. (150314603689 www pdxgmc org.) (11 /99) Portland W om an's C ris is U n a operates 24 hours a day Interpretation services are available for women who speak limited or no Engfcsh ((5037 235-5333. ’ 888 235-5333.701/99) Roots and Branches and Bradtey Angle House sponsor a support group fo r q u e e r youth who have expen- enced emotional, physical or sexual abuse n an intimate The R eal C onnection is a social gathering for gay men who are artists, wnters, musicians or who pursue some creative activity Monthly poducks on the second Friday ( Todd 15031236-5763)0 1 /99> Rosa C ity G ay Freedom Band is a concert band open to lesbian, gay. transgendered. bi and supportive musicians and friends (PO Box 1082 . Portland. OR 97207 . 1503 ) 790 - 2170 . http /Zcommunty oregonkre com/cc/rcgfb 7(11 /99) ties Refer to web site for schedule (www hawkenel com /lairofthe/w olf h tm l) (5/00) Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences is a fun loving group of women who enjoy exploring all aspects of the environment. Activities include birdwatching, nature walks, archaeology, rock collecting, camping, kayaking, star gazing, an occasional "lecture' and a monthly plan ning potluck. No experience necessary (7-9 pm fourth Thursday planning meeting. 15031280-016 8 ) (5/00) Out actor W ilson C ru z of Party o f Five fame, told Teen People about his choice of roles: “I'm not willing to do a stereotypical^ gay character, like the screaming queen I want my characters to be life-affirming people who have strength. Never vic tims." Lesbian social group fo r women 5 0 and over meets on the third Saturday of the month (4-7 pm 15031281 4424.15031331 041510 U99) Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman talked to Guide Online about his gender-bending role in the film Flawless: "I never thought I’d be a knockout. I'm a 200-pound guy with no hips. What am I going to do?" Long Yang C lub—P ortland C h ap ter a social group for Asian gays and lesbians and their fnends. meets at 8 pm on the first Wednesday and third Sunday Compiled by Onana Green