Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 07, 2000, Page 29, Image 29

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    January 7. 2000 * ja m t M tf.2 9
0 T hursday J
S unday
Get Intim ate— an
evening of
Portland women's
pop music, stamng
Lift those pinkies! Go cross co un try ski­
ing with The Adventure Group at Teacup
Lake. (9 am, 15031542-5680.)
Katy Davidson,
B attle ca t and
Speak To Your Brothers hosts Couples
M enTalk from 3-6 pm. (15031223-5907
ext. 233.)
guests at In Other
Words. (3734 SE
Hawthorne Blvd.,
7:30 pm, (5031
Women in toolbelts gather for a meeting of
the O regon Tradeswom en N etw ork at 6
pm at the State Office Building. (800 NE
Oregon St., room 120, free. (5031943-2228.)
o F
The AIDS Prevention Team host the third
annual benefit Fine D ining w ith Elwin
and Gary. Performance by P ortland Gay
M en's Chorus. (7-10 pm at Buccini Hall,
165 S. 14th St., in St. Helens. Oregon $25
individual, $40 couple. (5031366-2839.)
S aturday
All you earthy, scientific gals gather round for
the 10th A nniversary P arty and
P otluck of Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences.
(6-9 pm, call Karen for more information (5031
0 W ednesday
F.R.I.E.N.D.S— B ro th e r to B rother
meets at 5 pm. ((5031417-7991.)
The Metropolitan Human Rights Center holds
is annual Human Rights A w ard D inner
6:30-9 pm at the Parkrose Community Center,
which is located inside Parkrose High School.
Entertainment will feature the P ortland gay
M en's C horus (12003 NE Shaver St. $15
from MHRC; call David Bond fo r more infor­
mation (5031823-5136.)
0 S aturday
Enjoy A M arvelous Party, an evening of
music by Noel Coward and Kurt Weill, to
benefit Our House of Portland and H.E.A.L.
Portland. The show goes on at the Isom White
House at 311 NE 20th Ave. from 5-8 pm.
($35 by reservation o r at the door,
Get moving— join The Adventure Group on a
cross co u n try ski trip at Pocket
Creek. (9 am. 15031542-5680)
The M a rion b erry Salon
meets in Salem at 6:30 pm
for a potluck to discuss
The Persian Boy by
Mary Renault. (For
more information
call Cary (5031
0 M onday
Join Sisters of The Road Café for the M arch
fo r the Dream through Old Town in honor
of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Meet
from 5:30-6 pm at 133 NW 6th Ave (15031
222 5 6 9 4 )
Join MenTalk o f V ancouver for a discus­
sion group from 7-9 pm. (Call Peter, 13601
Feeling kooky? Check out Songs I c a n 't
Play on the Dr. Dem ento Show, starring
Dr D himself (a Reed alumnus, no less). This
show is x-rated and seriously politically incor­
rect. At the Vollum Lecture Hall at Reed
College (3203 SE W oodstock B lv d , 7 pm. $5
at the door, 15031 788-6692 )
0 T uesday
The Focus G roup on
Fam ily Rights, a project of
Love Makes A Family, meets
at 5:30 pm to discuss the
recent Vermont Supreme
s Court ruling and its local impli­
cations. (Union Station, 800
NW 6th. room 256; h r more
information call (5031228-3892 )
0 W ednesday
The Oregon Bears take over the lanes at their
Paws-n-Balls outing at Grand Central Bowl
(808 SE Momson St., 7 pm, 15031255-7508)
Play hooky and schuss the day away dow n­
h ill skiing at Mt Hood Meadows with The
Adventure Group. (7.30 am, (5031542 5 6 8 0 )
F.R.I.E.N.D.S— B ro th e r to B rother
meets at 5 pm. (15031417-7991.)
Speak To Your Brothers hosts a Dad's
G roup from 7-9 pm. (15031223-5907 ext
It s My Pleasure offers a class on SM 101
taught by Desta. (7 pm 3106 NE 64th Ave.
Free Pre-register: (5031280-8080 )
sings her
sounds at
St John's
Pub on
J a n .14
The H IV * MenTalk group gets together
from 7-9 pm. (Call Bob at (5031236 1531.)
Young M en's C offee Talk happens from
7-9 pm at 3 Friends Coffee House (201 SE
12th Ave , (5031223-5907 ext 233 )
The P ortland
Bisexual A llia n ce dis­
cussion group meets at
Laughing Horse Books Open
to all (3652 SE Division St., i
pm. (5031 775-9717.)
The Lesbian Community Project and the
PlayHers Club have rescheduled their New
Year's Eve dance for tonight; they're calling it
a Post M illennium P arty (Call LCP for
details. (5031233-3913.)
See On View and Onstage listings on
Page 31.