Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, July 02, 1999, Page 4, Image 4

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P w x N ccthu / b t mestNn G ay . U miak . B i . T havs
June 19th a 2011 Waterfront Park
Everyone's involvement is important and we appreciate all you
have done. Special thanks are due to the following randomly
ordered volunteers/contributors:
Brig / Boxxes / Panorama / Fish
Grotto— Dan Zilka,
Ron Mitchell, Hobie Pearson
Rose Empress XXXVIII Misha
Scandals—special thanks
to Munro
Rainbows— Rex Cahey
Balloons on Broadway—for the
balloon arch
BD Consulting—Bill Dickey
Portland Creative Design &
Marketing—Michael Mickow
Access Ability
Willamette Week
Puneh Adabkhah
Paula Elliott
Darcelle XV & Co.
Krystal Lynn, The Embers
Rose City Softball Association
Rainbow Flava
Potter's House Ministries—
Drak Druella
Oregon Public Employees’
Union—Lavender Caucus
Lesbian Community Project
Pink Flamingo Bingo—Mary
Gay and Lesbian Archive of
the Pacific Northwest
Portland ADAPT—Ellen Green*
law and Rick Berger
Powell's Books
Take One Productions— Scott
DLux Printing—Carl Hayes
Independent Living Resource
Women’s International League
for Peace and Freedom
International Women's Day
Portland Parks and
Recreation—Bob Gandolfi
John Brodie
Borders Books and Music
Portland Leather Alliance—
Ruth, Morgan, Deb, Alex,
Michael, Jenn, Pupp
Robin and Roger Wiggin
Dot Hearn
Queers and Allies (PSU)
Disabled Students Union (PSU)
Ron Rasmussen—for the
Color Guard
Roxanne Nimer
Greg and Michael
Wendy Timmons
Linda Kliewer
LC and Ari
Roz and Bev
Snickers LaBarr
Emily Simon
Poison Waters
City of Portland—
Cynthia Warren
Portland Police Bureau, Chiefs
Office and Traffic Division
Portland Police Bureau,
Reserve Division
Multnomah County Sheriffs
Office, Reserve Division
Northwest Native—Dennis
Kevin Weiche
West Hollywood Cheerleaders
CHEER San Francisco
Alice DiMicele
Lesbian Avengers
Heather Flanagan
Tamara Swan
Just Out
All the bucketeers who helped
collect donations
Pub crawl bars: JOQ's, Egypt*
ian Room, Starky’s, Koke*
pelis Choice, Extasis, Dirty
Duck, Fox 'n' Hounds,
Hobo's, CC Slaughters,
Scandals.Boxxes /Brig/
Panorama, The Eagle.
And all the writers, poets, per­
formers, speakers, inter­
preters, and volunteers who
participated during PRIDE
We sincerely regret any omis­
sion of names. Please know
that you are appreciated
even if you are not listed
Pride Northwest also thanks every organization which participat­
ed with a booth or a parade contingent.
And finally, we thank the following corporate and business spon­
sors for their generous support:
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Debate rages on
E ditor :
The Lesbian Avengers would like to thank
Marty Davis for her editorial suggesting that we
make pride more respectable (“Your Grandm a Is
Watching. Keep Your Pants O n," Just Out, June
We at the Avengers couldn t agree more that
what is important about pride is not celebrating
our own unique culture; it is making us pre­
sentable” to straights. In fact, gays can learn a lot
from straight people. Our goal should be to emu­
late them as much as possible if we want that all-
important corporate job or marriage license.
A s a group, isn’t the goal of gays to gain a seat
at the table, because really, the only difference
between us and straights is who we love? We
should abandon drag queens, queers in leather,
those embarrassing dykes on bikes. These would
just confuse grandma and grandpa, and our goal
is not to live our lives as we choose, it is to con­
form to their traditional notions of “family val­
ues.” Instead, why not parade our stock portfo­
lios, Log Cabin Republicans and lesbians with
BMWs? Our straight grandmas would surely be
impressed by that.
The Lesbian Avengers have seen the error of
our ways. N o more eating fire, no more street
theater around queer bashing, no more getting
in the face of those who want to take away our
Instead, we will take out our piercings, put
on our shirts, and head to the state Capitol in
our business suits (blue of course) and politely
ask our legislators to give us our rights, because
after all, we’re just like them. We won’t hold the
hands of our girlfriends, because we know Aunt
Mary doesn’t understand and that would just be
flaunting it. We’ll laugh at those racist, sexist,
misogynist jokes of our co-workers, because we
don’t want to be seen as radical dykes who just
can’t take a joke. Assimilation all the way. Bush
in 2000!
T he L esbian A vengers
E ditor :
Thanks to Marty Davis for her editorial
regarding our behavior at pride events.
Although some may throw slams about free
speech and acceptance, there are many impor­
tant points to keep in mind, including the fact
that most people want to be able to invite their
families and children to pride.
One issue, however, has not been m en­
tioned. It deals with the legality of public nudi­
ty. If it is illegal to take one’s clothes off in a pub­
lic forum, why would we support that action in
a pride event?
I enjoy going to festivals where nudity is an
expected and acceptable behavior. I believe the
human body is beautiful, but nudity for its shock
value is not beautiful to me. Displays of inap­
propriate behavior to gain attention are not
appreciated by many individuals who wanted to
visit with friends, listen to music, explore the
many booths and celebrate the acceptance we
have worked so hard to gain.
There are individuals in our community who
are a bit more conservative, but that does not
mean we advocate violating free speech or free­
dom of expression.
D onna L uckett
Hawthorne Auto Clinic
Widmer Brewing Company
Bristol-Meyers Squibb
E ditor :
I was appalled by your editorial imploring the
community to have “good taste and manners” at
this year’s gay pride festival.
There are so many flaws in this diatribe that
I scarcely know where to begin. Your call to
change should be directed at the media, which
covers the parade in what you purport to be an
unbalanced way. T h is is a systemic problem with
the media and not one specific to gay commu­
nity coverage (the “ if it bleeds, it leads" mental­
To suggest to the comm unity we should put
on our Sunday best because of the unbalanced
media coverage has sadly missed the mark of the
real problem. Let us com plain to the media out­
lets and dem and balanced coverage, and not sti­
fle ourselves instead. T h e fact is, our communi­
ty is made up o f a virtual rainbow of people, and
that is what gives us strength.
You miss the point on another score. While
some queer people may “bare their breasts, wear
a G-string and show their bountiful buttocks,"
so do thousands o f straight people at celebra­
tions such as Mardi G ras and spring break fes­
Many people in our comm unity make plenty
of accom m odations to the straight world—
which you so desperately think we need to
impress— in their daily lives. Let’s have one day
a year in which we can live fully as ourselves, in
whatever beautiful, funky, sexy, bare-breasted or,
yes, even suit-wearing m anifestation that may
In addition, while you are imploring others
to put on their "best behavior,” you publish in
your very newspaper ads for sex lines, bathhous­
es, escort services, com plete with sexually sug­
gestive photographs. I believe these ads should
be in Just O ut, and I am in no way advocating
their removal, but your hypocrisy is amusing.
B ob B asque
E ditor :
Kudos to Marty Davis for her June 4 editori­
al. I have lived in Portland now for 11 years, and
have attended alm ost every pride parade and
festival since m oving here.
Although I am all for freedom of speech, I
agree that we are m aking a statem ent to the rest
o f the country during our pridefest, and it is
important to make it a positive one.
Here we are, alm ost the year 2000, and we as
a community are still fighting for our basic
rights. If the world sees us acting crazy and show­
ing off, it just makes it that much harder to
move forward.
W hen we finally have an outlet like gay
pride, and the world is watching, we should be a
little more discreet. T h at way, when we are out
there fighting to get the rights we deserve,
maybe we will be seen as human beings rather
than those dam n fags and dykes running around
We can, after all, act crazy and silly every
other day o f the year. Maybe this one day a year
should be som ething that we can all be proud to
be a part of. A n d then, we can show the rest of
the world just how incredible our gay communi­
ty really is. Talk about pride. N ow that would
really give us som ething to celebrate.
D avid M. C ochell
E ditor :
Marty Davis’ call to put pride back into pride
day by employing “good taste, good manners
and good com m on sense” frightens and sickens
W hat qualifies as good taste? G ood manners?
G ood comm on sense? W ho gets to define what
is implied by the use o f these seemingly agree­
able terms? G ood manners, good taste and g<**l
common sense strike me as being code words for
white, Christian and middle class. By asking
queers to tone ourselves down and by saying
that this toning down is what is best for the