rTîTïïîTlneivs t was supposed to be lesbian entertainers day on The Roseanne Show — and it was in most other parts of the country— but not in Portland. The program, which was taped at the end of March and aired nationwide May 27, fea­ tured, among others, lesbian comedians Suzanne Westenhoefer and Kate Clinton, the singing group the Murmurs, and Chastity Bono. The Roseanne Show airs on Portlands KGW- TV weekdays at 3 p.m. Portland-based talent agent Tam Martin, who repre­ sents Westenhoefer, says when she sat down to watch the episode via KGW, she was chagrined to see it was a no go. “It was a [RoseanneJ show about women athletes,” she says, adding that the television list­ ings indicated Westenhoefer and company were to be the guests that day. Martin says she knows the episode aired else­ where because she’s spoken with people who watched it. So what’s the deal in the City of Roses? Seems Brenda Buratti, KGW ’s programming director, took issue with some of the episode’s content and decided to pre-empt it. “Kids are home at that hour,” she says, adding that Roseanne is a program which, in her view, is more designed for the late-night hours. “This isn’t the first time we’ve pre-empted the show,” Buratti stresses. “We’ve done it three or four times.” Other Roseanne episodes to get the KGW bump include one that offered pole-dancing tips and another touted as a “Fashion Show for Pros­ titutes.” • PATHOLOGY • Rose City's KGW-TV cans lesbian episode of The Roseanne Show, KOIN-TV draws fire from concerned queers by Inga Soren sen None of the prior quashed episodes dealt with gay or lesbian issues, says Buratti. Given that, what was the problem with this particular install­ ment? Buratti says she thought the Portland audience would react “very negative­ ly” to parts of the program that she construed as "pro­ moting lesbianism.” ÌO W It wasn’t the topic or the guests who gave her pause, she says. Instead, it was Roseanne and the show’s producers who did some things that Buratti felt were “inappropriate for the Portland audience.” For example, says Buratti, the show featured a list of the “Top 10 Reasons for Becoming a Les­ bian,” and a sapphic version of the / Love Lucy opening— you know, the heart thing— which instead said “1 Love Lesbians.” Says Martin: “It makes me wonder what else I don’t get to see!” O ver at Portland’s KOIN-TV, meanwhile, it seems Lars Larson, who hosts “The Buzz"— billed as “a double shot of opinion espresso”— during the local newscast, is upset­ ting some viewers. "Lars Larson is entitled to his opinion,” says POLARITY • Martin Mullins, an up-until-now KOIN viewer who recently called the station and Just Out to voice his concerns. In a recent installment, Mullins says, Larson was discussing legislation currently in the Ore­ gon House that could severely restrict civil rights for gay and lesbian citizens. He says Lar­ son took the position that if same-sex couples were allowed to marry, who would be next? Polygamists? Fathers and daughters? “Really ridiculous analogies,” says Mullins. Still, that wasn’t what got him so peeved. He says Larson’s only guest was one of the sponsors of the anti-gay bill. “So it was the two of them. There was nobody with an oppos­ ing view,” Mullins says, adding, “What about fairness?" Furthermore, KOIN has regular­ ly aired clips of Focus on the Family’s James Dobson giving advice on family life during its morning news program. As one letter writer to Just Out protested: "For months, anchors Elaine Murphy and Craig Cheatham have [introduced) his packaged video clips as actual news, with no warning that what follows is commentary from a far-right political organization with repulsive misogynist and homophobic views.” y positive note, The Oregonian ( V / ca came a more out strongly against House Joint Res­ olution 29, which would write into the Oregon constitution a definition of marriage as the union between a man and a woman— even though state statute already stipulates as much. The measure would also prohibit state and local governments from providing gay and les­ bian employees the same benefits provided to married couples. The May 27 editorial, titled “Bride of Mea­ sure 9,” starts off: “The need to confine those home-wreck­ ing gays and lesbians must have over­ whelmed the Legisla­ ture’s defenders of decency. Since there’s no com­ pelling state inter­ est here, that’s the most rational explanation for the leaders of the Ore­ gon House pushing a wholly unnecessary defense-of-marriage law." The piece concludes: “Lawmakers who support HJR29 won’t do anything to protect the institution of marriage, but they will show themselves to be enemies of equal protection for all citizens. Now that would be indecent.” SPORTS MASSAGE East-West Coll of the Healing Arts U se Y our C o m p le te d T ax F o rm s A Professional School assage & Bodywork T o S ta rt A S o lid F in a n c ia l P la n . Chances are you ’ve already done the m ajority o f the work needed to • SPORTS MASSAGE SW EDISH M ASSAGE W ar of the R oses Just Out’s phone call to KOIN went unan­ swered, but the station’s Internet site invites viewers to e-mail comments about “The Buzz” directly to Larson at lars@koin.com. ■ start a sound financial plan for the future. I can help you do the rest. 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