apul 17^199fl ? D avid W. O wens __ B auer M ulls P residential R un I \ 1 ashington, D.C.-based conservative V V activist Gary Bauer is pondering a presi­ dential bid, The Associated Press reported March 29. Bauer said abortion must be the cornerstone of the Republican Party’s platform and chal­ lenged the GOP establishment to “stand against the agenda of the gay rights movement.” Six years after becoming an independent entity, Bauer’s Family Research Council rivals the Christian Coalition as a voice for grass-roots conservative activism. His political action com­ mittee raised $3.1 million so far this year, spend­ ing $600,000 on behalf of candidates. He helped nominate a conservative Republican in a recent Illinois Senate race and hopes to raise $6 million for candidates in 1998. After the November elections, Bauer will decide whether to run for the White House. T he PFLAG P apers these negative issues. You cannot talk about cloning without mentioning Hitler. All clones in fiction, in movies, are evil, but nobody has ever thought that the clone could be a happy, bouncing baby.” In February, U.S. lawmakers blocked a bill for a permanent ban on human cloning because of fears it would put the United States at a dis­ advantage in medical and scientific research. However, President Bill Clinton has slapped a five-year ban on federal money being used in human cloning experiments. On January 12, some 19 European nations signed an agreement banning human cloning, the first accord of its kind. P.C.& serving the community smce A L etters and other materials about the found­ ing and growth of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays have been donat­ ed to Cornell University Library’s Human Sexuality Collection, according to the school’s March 16 press release. PFLAG was spawned in large part via a 1972 letter written by Jeanne Manford that was pub­ lished in the New York Post. In the missive, 1975 A ttorneys at L aw HAWTHORNE ❖ FAMILY LAW • Domestic Partnership • Adoptions • Divorce & Modifications P O R T L A N D , 0 N E 6 0 N E USA 2 52-5944 = ❖ BANKRUPTCY • Advising Businesses ❖ REAL ESTATE C elebrating F amily L ife national queer rights group has launched a tour to promote gay and lesbian families. The tour, which kicked off in Toledo, Ohio, on March 26 and is expected to last for many weeks, is dubbed Celebrating Our Families: The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Families Tour. ASSOCIATES • Home Purchase Reviews Portland’s only independent noncommercial listener- sponsored community radio station. listen Tuesdays at 6 pm This Ww Out ❖ W ILLS & TRUSTS • Conservatorship & Guardianship • Advance Directives ❖ LANDLORD RIGHTS ❖ BUSINESS FORMATION & LITIGATION • Representation, Purchase & Sales • Collections ❖ TAX ISSUES & APPEALS 503 224°3100 ° 101 SW MAIN, SUITE 700 • Portland, Oregon 97204 Manford protested her gay son’s mistreatment by police. She wrote, “I have a homosexual son, and I love him.” The first national PFLAG meeting, held in 1979, coincided with the first national march in Washington, D.C., for gay and lesbian rights. Cornell University’s Human Sexuality Collection, launched in 1988, houses an array of sexuality-related documents, including docu­ mentation of lesbian and gay activism and trea­ tises on sexuality from the late 19th century. C opier O ut of O rder U.S. physicist who has said he intends to be the first to clone a human being is refus­ ing to work with gay men and lesbians, whom he called “genetic defects,” Agence France- Presse reported April 2. Richard Seed, who claims his cloning clinic is just three months away from reality, admitted A at a press conference that his own prejudices would affect whom he chooses to treat. “No, I will not treat homosexuals because that is a genetic defect which I do not want to propagate,” he said in Glasgow, Scotland. He denied he was trying to create “a master race” but added, “The subject of cloning always raises “From marriage to adoption, to domestic partnership and parenting, family issues are one of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community’s most vulnerable points for attack and one of its greatest sources of strength,” says NGLTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel, adding, “In a pro-active manner, we will continue our quest for equality on all fronts. More than ever before, we will focus on the areas of parenting, custody, adoption and foster care, domestic part­ nership and schools.” NGLTF estimates there are more than 40 state legislative measures under consideration which can be deemed anti-queer. Of those mea­ sures, 66 percent relate to family issues. When an ordinary Realtor sim ply won't do... S cientists C ontinue S earch for HIV B locker ccording to Reuters, researchers seeking to identify a chemical that seems to block HIV infection in pregnant mice are changing their focus. A team led by Dr. Robert Gallo of Baltimore’s Institute of Human Virology have abandoned an earlier theory that the so-called pregnancy effect on HIV, which was first discov­ ered in 1995, was caused by the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. The hormone, produced during the first three months of pregnancy, is not present in mice, pregnant or otherwise. Gallo and colleagues are now investigating a related chemical called HAF, for hCG associat­ ed factor. The chemical appears to inhibit viral replication and also could have applications in treating cancer, the team reports. “The critical work is now in the final purifi­ cation and chemical identification of HAF and its large-scale production,” says Gallo, adding, “I believe this can be achieved within one or two years and can then be brought into clinical tri­ als.” A ■ Compiled by WILL O ’BRYAN and INGA S o r e n sen WSERR 933 SE 31st Ave. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 4 OFC: 5 0 3 -2 3 8 -7 6 1 7 FAX: 5 0 3 -2 3 4 -9 5 1 1 http://w w w .clim batree.com t2 T Alternative: Straying from what is considered normal: different; the choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities. To say, "1 am alternative," is to say, "I am leading a different lifestyle from mainstream society: honoring diversity, building community and creating a lifestyle that promotes the health and well-being of our planet." 'i f 1C. 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