Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, September 19, 1997, Page 26, Image 26

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    26 ▼ September 19, 1997 ▼ ju s t out
out about town
(7:30 pm Sunday in the Egyptian Club dining room, 3701 SE Division
St Hot line 452-5408 ) (3/98)
Jo u rn e y C a th o lic C o m m u n ity conductsa6pm Sunday Mass (St
Stephen's Episcopal Church. 1432 S W 13th Ave 323-2406.)(2/98)
Log C a b in R e p u blica ns (jathers monthly to socialize, meet promi­
nent people or just enlighten a few minds in the party (PO Box 2655.
Portland. OB 97208 2655 224 2454 7 (12/97)
Lake O s w e g o U n ite d C h u rc h of C h ris t. (10 30 am Sunday
1111 SW Country Club Boad 635-4348. http //w w w teleport.com /
-loucc 7 (7/97)
P ro g re s siv e Q u e e rs is a group working for social justice on issues
of race, economics, cultural understanding, and gender and sexual
identity (6 30-8 pm fourth Thursday Millard 284-2979 7 (7/97)
Le sbian a nd G a y M e d ita tio n G ro u p meets for meditation in the
Buddhist Vipasana tradition Donation requested. (7 30-9pm Wednes­
day 2926 NE Flanders St Greg 727-3575 7(10/97)
R adical W om e n is active in the daily struggle against racism, sexism,
anti-gay bigotry and labor exploitation Meets every second Wednes­
day of the month 16 30 pm in Boom 201, Northwest Service Center.
1819 N W Everett St 228 3090 7 (8/97)
M etanoia Peace C o m m u n ity . United Methodist. (JohnSchwiebert
281-3697) (2/98)
M e tro p o lita n C o m m u n ity C h u rc h of P o rtla n d . (10 am Sun­
day, 7 pm Wednesday Office hours 9 am-5 pm Monday-Friday
2400 NE Broadway 281 -88 687 (7/97)
R ight to P rid e Political A c tio n C o m m itte e advocates full civil
rights, human rights and social equity for lesbians, gay men and
bisexuals by endorsing and supporting candidates and campaigns
(921 SW Morrison S t. Suite 546. Portland. OB 97205 228 5825.
barryOrtp-or org 7 (2/98)
M e tro p o lita n C o m m u n ity C h u rc h of the G e n tle S h e p h e rd .
(6 pm Sunday. 4505 E 18th St.. Vancouver. Wash. PO Box 5094,
Vancouver. WA 98668 360-695-1480 7 (2/98)
Peace C h u rc h of the B re th re n . / 11 am Sunday
Market S t 254-6380 ) (2/98)
Rural O rg a n izin g P ro je ct is a network of human dignity groups
advancing democracy in Oregon. Call for local contacts. (PO Box 1350.
Scappoose. O B97056 397-5453. BOPOfficeGardvark com.700/97)
P 'n a i O r (F a c e s of L ig h t) of P o rtla n d is a Jewish Renewal
Community seeking to make Jewish spirituality accessible to all.
(235-7256. 248-4500 7 (2/98)
S o u th w e s t W a sh ington Fa irne ss C o a litio n works to defeat
organized statewide political efforts which limit or deny the civil rights
of any resident of Washington New members welcome. (1701 Broad­
way. Suite 138. Vancouver. WA 98663 360-695 1002 7 (7/97)
Portland Faith C o m m u n ity. Nondenominational. (10am meditation.
10:30 am coffee. 11 am service 8678 NE Sumner S t 287-3518 X4/97)
P o tte r's H o u s e . Evangelical and charismatic Christian. (Sunday:
9 30am Bible study. 10:30 am worship Wednesday: 7pm worship and
Bible study. 3830 SE 62nd Ave 775-5024 7(2/98)
R a d ica l F a e rie s co-creates spirituality with nature, subverts unifor­
mity and practices the politics of play. (235-0826 7 (7/97)
The A lc o h o l and D ru g H e lp L in e (232-8083 in Portland) and
Y o u th L in e (233-1113 in Portland) give free, unbiased and confiden­
tial assistance Call 1 800-621 -1646 from elsewhere in Oregon (7/97)
R a in b o w O u tre a c h C h ris tia n C h u rc h . Full gospel charismatic.
( 10:30 am Sunday 733 NE Fremont St 281 -5255.7 (2/98)
S t. Ja m e s Lu th e ra n C h u rc h . (9 and 11 am Sunday 1315 SW
Park Ave. 227-2439 ) (7197)
The A n ti-V io le n c e Line. 796-1703, helps compile statistics on hate
crimes and gives victims a chance to talk to someone sympathetic.
Outside Portland call 1 800-796-1703. (7/97)
S t. P h ilip N e ri's Pa u list C e n te r sponsors Catholic gay and
lesbian outreach with Mass, followed by socializing. (7:30pm Friday
2408 SE 16th Ave. 231-4955 7(7/97)
Call the B ia s C rim e U n it of the Portland Police. 823-0434. if you feel
you have been a victim of any type of bias crime in Portland (10/97)
B ra d le y -A n g le H o u se provides a weekly confidential battered
lesbian and bi women's support group. Confidential intakes Groups
facilitated by queer women. Child care provided; donations accepted
(232 7812 )1 12/97)
M iracle
Th e a tre 's
pro du ction of
U n m e rc ifu l G o o d
F o rtu n e, playing
thro u gh O c t. 18 ,
stars K atherine
S p e n ce r
(ce n te r), M ari
Ja co b s e n
(fo re g ro u n d ).
W ill G re g g (left)
and C liff
S w in fo rd
The D o m e s tic V io le n ce R e so u rce C e n te r provides a 24-hour
crisis line as well as shelter at a confidential location for women and
children escaping domestic violence. Sorry, no boys older than 12
years (640 1171 7 (2/98)
Clackamas Women's Services and the Portland Women's Crisis Line
offer a free confidential dom e stic v io le n ce s u p p o rt g ro u p for
women battered by women (Joyce Baxter at PWCL 232-9751. Toni
Hughes at CWS 722 2366 7 (2/98)
P o rtla n d W o m e n ’s C ris is L in e operates 24 hours a day
(235-5333. 1 888 235-5333 7 (2/98)
The W o m e n 's Inte rve ntion G ro u p is an ongoing group for lesbian
and bisexual women who use physical or emotional violence to hurt and
intimidate their partners Facilitated by Julie O'Donnell. MSW, and
Sharon Bowland, MSW. (5-7 pm Wednesday $ I0 -$ 1 5 per session
Phoenix Bising 223 8299 7 (9/97)
B ridge s Portland's gay. lesbian and bisexual vocal ensemble, accepts
new members in the fall The group rehearses Wednesday evenings
Administrative support persons are always needed (242-1675 7(7/97)
P o rtla n d G a y M e n 's C h o ru s meets most Monday evenings
Singing membership is open to all qualified singers, but nonsinging
members are also needed to help with production (Audition or
membership information 617- 7462. PGMC 460-36897 (2/98)
The P o rtla n d Le sbian C h o ir accepts singing members in Septem­
ber and January Rehearsals are held on Sunday evenings. Supportive
members and volunteers are welcome anytime. (PO Box 8212,
Portland. O B 97207. 241-8994. http //w w w g e o citie s c o m /
W estHollywood/5912/.7 (9/97)
Rose C ity G a y Fre e dom B a nd is a concert band open to lesbians.
gay men and supportive friends Bring your instrument and a music
stand Don't play an instrument or sing? Become a Band Aid or a
member of the p e rfo rm a n ce Nag c o rp s (Band rehearsal 6-8pm
Sunday at Piedmont Presbyterian Church. 5760 NE Cleveland Ave
PO Box 1082. Portland. O B 97207 790-2170 ) (4/97)
L ive and L e tLive C lu bo fferslesb ian an dga y 12-step programs Call
for meeting times (2940 A SE Belmont St 460 9404 7(7/97)
O v e r the R a in b o w holds nonsmoking NA meetings on Thursdays
at the Live and Let Live Club. (7-8 30 pm 2940-A SE Belmont St
460 9404 7(10/97)
R a in b o w A l-A n o n meets on Saturdays at the Alano Club Board-
room (5 30-6 45 pm 909 N W 24th Ave 222 5756 7(7/97)
Rational R e c o v e ry does not mystify addiction and recovery, its
approach to chemical dependency is as a technical problem with a
technical solution (C liff Walker 239 5359 7 (2/98)
T ria n g le P ro je c t at ASAP Treatment Services provides gay-spe­
cific alcohol and drug counseling Fees adjusted or waived Call the
intake coordinator Monday through Friday and ask for a Triangle
Project appointment (2130 S W Fifth Ave 224-0075 7 (2/98)
A m p le O p p o rtu n itie s organizes many activities for large women
(245 1524 7 (7/97)
B a d G irts Portland's women's S /M educational group, is open to all
women interested in exptonng the deeper part of their psyches All
levels of experience welcome Bad Girts sponsors one workshop, one
discussion group and one social event each month (PO Box 17254.
Portland. OB 9 7 2 17-0254 7 (7/97)
B L A S T T Bisexuals. Lesbians, and Straights Talking Together, is a
discussion group for all women Meets on Wednesday evenings
(Catherine 233 1979 K Bonds 282 8586 7 (7/97)
12727 SE
C a s ca d e B e a rs is a group of like-minded men who support bears
and their admirers in the Northwest. (625 S W 10th Ave .. Suite 125.
Portland. OB 97205-2788 Membership dues $15 pe r year 7 (7/97)
S W W a sh in g to n G a y a n d L e sb ia n S o c ia lite s gets together
outside the bar scene for hikes, trips, cruises, camping, potiucks and
game nights. (Mike 360-735-1901. 360-992-1032.7(12/97)
C h a p s is an organization dedicated to teaching men the tenets of safe,
sane and consensual S /M Learn the ropes from the more experienced
players (321-5139 ) 0 / 9 7 )
T ra v e l La m b d a C o n n e c tio n s C lu b offers gay men over 40 the
opportunity to travel with low-cost accommodations Members stay in
private homes of other gay men Be a hosting or nonhosting member
(598 3442 ) (7797)
Fo re st G ro v e G L U E (Gays and Lesbians United for Enrichment) is
a support group offering the community and its family and friends a safe
and friendly place to meet and socialize Movies, potiucks. discus­
sions. etc. (7:30pm first and third Mondays Bill 516-4583.7(11/97)
F u n n y La die s T e a a nd P o s e y S o c ie ty meets on the first
Saturday of the month for a potluck dinner Lesbians 35 and older;
singles, couples and campers welcome Some outdoor activities.
Monthly newsletter $9 per year. (234-1383 7 (7/97)
A ffirm a tio n — P o rtla n d C h a p te r. Gay and lesbian Mormons, their
families and friends meet for socials and discussions. (7:30pm fourth
Monday at M CC Portland. 2400 NE Broadway 774-1362 7 (2/98)
G e n tle G ia n ts of O re g o n is a social group for chubby men and their
admirers (PO Box 1844. Portland. OB 97207 Chub Line 241-4535 7
T h e A n a w im C o m m u n ity . Gay men meet weekly for Christian
meditation and prayer. (7:30 pm Thursday. 224-5984.) (12/97)
K 9 C lu b is a group of kindred folks and their dogs who meet to hike
and talk in Portland parks. (285-2986 7 (7/97)
A th e is t C o m m u n ity C e n te r of O re g o n holds weekly meetings
(7:30pm Tuesday 4 1 5 S W 13th Ave 241-9268.7(3/97)
Le sbian G a rd e n C lu b is a social network for lesbians interested in
gardening Newsletters, plant exchanges and social outings (Nicki
C o n g re g a tio n N e ve h S h a lo m (conservative) Monthly meetings,
services and other events. (Sheri Cordova 246-8831.7(7/97)
Le sbian s u p p o rt g ro u p fo r w o m e n 9 0 a n d o v e r meets on the
third Saturday of the month. (7-10pm 281-4424. 331-0415 7 (7/97)
D ig n ity — P o rtla n d , the national organization of lesbian, gay and
bisexual Catholics, their families, friends and lovers, holds weekly
Mass. (7 3 0 pm Saturday at S t Stephen's Episcopal Church. I4 3 2 S W
13th Ave P O B ox 6708. Portland. OB 97228 295-4868)17/97)
Le sbia ns E n jo y in g the S c ie n c e s is a field trip-oriented group for
lesbians who enjoy the natural sciences, e g ., geology, botany,
birdwatching and astronomy (Noon-2 pm first Sunday potluck and
planning meeting 280-0168 7(12/97)
D iv e rs ity as G ift provides spiritual classes and counseling focusing
on the "inherent connectedness" of all people. (241-0073.7 (2/98)
L e s b O S (L e s b ia n s of S iz e ) is a group for size-accepting lesbians
of any size. (7-9 pm third Thursday 246-4382 7 (5/97)
M e tro C lu b is a social group for gay men 40 and over and those who
appreciate them Monthly potiucks (598-3442 7 (7/97)
N e ig h b o rh o o d M e n T a lk s brings gay and bisexual men together to
socialize and discuss topics of mutual interest Monthly gatherings are
facilitated and hosted by volunteers (Geoffrey 223-5907. ext 145.
feschgeoffGaol com 7 (3/98)
T h e D o w n to w n C h a p e l. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic parish, offers
a monthly Mass for gay. lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics
and their friends and supporters. (6 pm thirdTuesday 601 W Bumside
St Boger 223-5907. ext 1 3 0 )0 1/97)
East V a n c o u v e r U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u rc h . Reconciling.
(10 am Sunday 5701 MacArthur Btvd 360-693 4761 .7 (3/98)
First C o n g re g a tio n a l C h u r c h . Wheelchair accessible. (10 30am
Sunday 1126 SW Park Ave 228-7219 7(10/96)
O re g o n B e a rs is a social group for bears and their admirers
Activities and monthly social gatherings (240-2813 7(3/98)
First C o n g re g a tio n a l C h u rc h U C C V a n c o u v e r. Open and
affirming Wheelchair accessible (9 45 am Sunday 1220 NE 68th St
360 693 14 7 6 ) (3/98)
O u t D a n cin g teaches partner dancing for same-sex couples Classes
start at the beginning of each month. (236-5129 7 (2/98)
First U n ita ria n C h u rc h of P o rtla n d . (1011 S W 12th Ave
228-6389. Bill 236 2830 7 (1/98)
Q u e e r N igh t at La L u n a is an all-ages event The dance room
features a different mix of music each week (9 pm Monday 215 SE
Ninth Ave $3. $5 under 21 2 4 1 LUNA 7 (2/97)
Food for the S ou l is a monthly discussion group that explores
different spiritual paths that are welcoming to gay men. lesbians,
bisexuals and people with HIV (7 30-9 pm second Wednesday at First
Immanuel Lutheran Church. 1816 N W Irving S t Nelly Kaufer239-3915.)
T h e Real C o n n e c tio n is a social gathering for gay men who are
artists, writers, musicians and creative in all the disciplines Informal
monthly potiucks (Todd 2884736. Mike 282 0107 7 (7/97)
R ose C ity D is c u s s io n C lu b is open to aH orientations, fetishes and
lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensual Monthly meetings and
newsletter (POBox 1370. Clackamas. O B 97015 650-7052 7(2/98)
R o se to w n R a m ble rs Portland's gay and lesbian square dance club,
dances at mainstream, plus and advanced levels (7-9 45 pm Wednes­
day on the lower level. Trinity United Methodist Church, 3915 SE
Steele St PO Box 5352. Portland. OB 97228 234 9944. h t t p / /
www rdrop com/users/ramblers 7 (2/98)
F u ll C irc le T e m p le is a "unrverse-ity." sanctuary and place of
worship for women of all ages offering workshops, song and drum
circles, meditation rooms, altars of celebration, and what you bring to
share Temple priestesses and drop-in women visitors welcome
(10am- 10pm Tuesday-Sunday 3 125 EBurnside St 238-0675.X 2/98)
G e y M e n 's S p iritu a l C o n n e c tio n G ro u p is a nondenominational
Christian fellowship for gay and bisexual men (Alan o r Lee 230-8070 )
T h e G o d C o n n e ctio n — N e w T h o u g h t C o m m u n ity C h u rc h .
Nondenominational Christian (10 am Sunday Suite 200. 5050 S W
Griffith Drive. Beaverton 643-7591 7(12/97)
S t. S te p h e n 's Ep isc o p a l C h u rc h . (Wednesday 12:10 pm Eu­
charist and healing service. Sunday: 7 45 am Eucharist. 10 am Eucha­
rist with choir, Sunday school and nursery 1432 S W 13th Ave
223-6424.) (7197)
S e v e n th -d a y A d v e n tis t K in s h ip Inte rna tiona l offers spiritual,
emotional and social support to present or former SDAs who are gay
or lesbian. A not-for-profit organization. Monthly activities, newsletter
(PO Box 33104. Portland. OB 97233. 244-0286 7 (7/97)
S h a lo m M in is trie s . Methodist. Counseling and support groups are
offered for coming out. grief, and reconciling religion and homosexual­
ity. Fellowship gathering at 6;30 pm Wednesday. (760-4215 7(7/97)
S is te rS p irit is women sharing spirituality Most events are wheel­
chair accessible. (Suite 426, 408 SW Second Ave PO Box 9246.
Portland. OB 97207 294-0645 7(1/97)
S o u th m in s te r P re sb y te ria n C h u rc h . Wheelchair accessible.
Sunday school and nursery care available (9 30 and 11 am Sunday in
winter, 10 am Sunday in summer 12250 S W Denney Boad. Beaver­
ton. OB 97008 644-2073.7(5/97)
U n iv e rs ity P a rk U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u rc h . (9 55 am Sunday
4775 N Lombard S t 289-7843 7 (1/97)
The A d v e n tu re G ro u p . Portland's gay and lesbian outdoors group,
organizes a variety of activities and social events including hiking,
skiing, mountain biking, camping and rafting (452-5680 7 (5/97)
F O R E S T G ro u p outings are cooperative adventures for women
Participants are responsible for providing their own equipment and
choosing outings appropriate for their skill and fitness level All skill
levels welcome (331-9733.7(2/98)
Join a g a y a n d le sbia n p ool league affiliated with the Oregon Pool
Amateur League. All skill levels welcome; sanctioned by the American
Poolplayers Association. (Call OPAL at 243-6725 and ask to sign up
for the Central Division 7 (3/97)
P o rtla n d G a y a n d Le sbian C o m m u n ity B o w lin g A s s o ­
ciation's league bowling begins in September (11 am and 5 pm
Sundays $7 50pe r session Benee 231 -7085. Tom 293-0438. o r send
an SASE to PCBA. P O B ox 851. Portland. OB 97207 7 (9/97)
Rose C ity Softball A sso cia tio m sO re g o n so n ly nationally-affiliated
gay and lesbian softball league Friendy competition for all skill levels
Players provide their own equipment Fall and spring season play; ASA
sanctioned Nonplayers who want to volunteer are welcome (Open
division: Jim 281-7637 Women's division: Dawn 360-883-3670 X9/97)
T e a m P o rtla n d A q u a tic C lu b is a masters swimming team open
to all skill levels. Committed swimmers and water polo players sought
to compete at Gay Games V in August 1998. (Jill 228-1596 7 (11/97)
T e a m P o rtla n d T e n n is A s s o c ia tio n plays every Sunday morn­
ing. publishes a newsletter, and holds occasional business meetings
and social tennis mixers New members always welcome; all levels
(Carol 231 0 9 4 9 ) (8/97)
S k i-O -R a m a is a gay and lesbian ski club. (286-2513.) (3/97)
W re s tlin g C lu b provides means to contact other wrestlers (POBox
40066. Portland. OB 97240-0066 7 (7/97)
G a y , Le sbia n, B isexual, T ra n »g e n d e re d a n d Q u e s tio n in g
Y o u th G ro u p offers activities and support for youth aged 13 to 18
Adult facilitators. (4-6 pm Friday at Amazon Community Center.
2700 Hilyard St.. Eugene 541 684-3466 7(1/98)
J a n u s Y o u th P ro g ra m s offers workshops for teens in areas such
as self-esteem, anger management and life skills (738 NE Davis St..
Portland. OR 97232 Doug Pullin 233-6090. ext 133 7(7/97)
L e sb ia n , C a y a n d Bisexual Y o u th G ro u p of Eu g e n e is a peer
social, support and rap group that meets every Monday Age 25 and
under (5-6 30 pm at Koininia Center Library. University o f Oregon.
1414 Kincaid St 541-346-3360 7 (4/97)
The N a tio n a l C o a litio n fo r G a y , Le sbia n a n d B ise xu a l
Y o u th is an organization of groups and individuáis formed to serve the
needs o f queer youth across the country (PO Box 24589. San Jose.
CA 9 5 154-4589 7 (7/97)