KEITH O. BOYKIN, GRAND MARSHAL Keith Boykin is Executive Director of the National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum, a nationwide nonprofit organization that advocates for and empowers black lesbians and gays. Keith is author of the nonfiction book, One More River to Cross: Black & Gay in America (Doubleday, 1996), which was recently selected as a finalist for a Lambda Literary Award. He has written for numerous other books, magazines, and other publications. As Special Assistant to the President of the United States in the Clinton administration, Keith was the highest ranking openly gay or lesbian person in the White House. He helped to organize, and participated in, the first meeting between gay and lesbian leaders and a U. S. President. He also drafted President Clintons statement to the 1993 Gay & Lesbian March on Washington and the President’s letter opposing anti-gay ballot initiatives. P ride N orthwest p rou d ly w elcom es K eith Boykin to P ortland PA G E 2 Photo by Bob Roehr