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He called the re­ diseases to progress more rapidly? Is verse—the suggestion that HCV infection pro­ motes HIV progression—a “murky area” with there a possibility that anti-HIV medi­ cations metabolized in the liver might cause HCV little supporting evidence. disease to progress more rapidly? Howard Grossman, a physician in Manhattan A National Institutes of Health Consensus with a large HIV practice of gay men, tests “ev­ Development Conference on the management of erybody who comes through the door” for hepa­ hepatitis C answered neither of those questions. titis A, B and C. He hasn’t found many cases of The three-day meeting at the NIH campus, which HCV and notes that the rate of HBV infection has concluded March 23, called for research on the declined from earlier in the epidemic. “If they first question but did not even raise the second. haven’t been exposed,” he says, “we vaccinate That troubles AIDS researchers and treatment [for A and B].” But he does not believe that activists. practice is standard care for most physicians, in Hepatitis C virus, which can cause chronic part because “we have to fight the managed care liver infection, was isolated and identified only in companies to do that.” 1989. An estimated 4 million people in the United “Clearly any active infection causes HIV to States are infected with HCV, four times as many replicate faster,” says Grossman. He notes that as have HI V. It has become the leading reason for people with an underlying liver infection “tend to liver transplants in the coun­ be somewhat harder to treat,” try. Screening of the blood but he says he has seen no supply since 1990 has greatly clear evidence that they reduced the annual number progress more quickly with of new infections. Still, about their HIV disease. 8,000 people each year die Brenda Lein, of Project from HCV-related illness, and Inform in San Francisco, en­ the number may well triple courages people with dual within 20 years. infection “to pay more atten­ HCV shares many simi­ tion to their liver enzymes.” larities with HIV. Both can She calls it “a cautionary have long periods between in­ note” and “not a reason to fection and the onset of clini­ not treat, one way or the cal symptoms, so people may other.” not know they carry the virus. Grossm an points to The viruses are spread simi­ "some indication that there larly—through blood prod­ may be some benefit from ucts, sharing needles, sexual contact and failure of 3TC” for patients who are co-infected with hepa­ universal medical precautions—though HCV ap­ titis B virus. He has also used interferon to treat pears to be more difficult to transmit sexually. hepatitis and seen residual positive effect on the Hepatitis C virus is found in 80 percent of HIV as well. people withHIV who have ever injected drugs, 10 Conference chairman D.W. Powell, of the to 15 percent of HIV-positive heterosexuals who University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, have not injected drugs, and only 2 percent of called for “developing] protease inhibitors for HIV-positive homosexuals who have not injected hepatitis C.” drugs. David L. Thomas, a hepatitis researcher at The conference draft report also stated: “While Johns Hopkins University, finds an explanation alcohol ingestion clearly worsens the course of in two factors. One is that HCV is not as effi­ hepatitis C, the reasons for this interaction are ciently transmitted through sex as is HIV, the unknown.” One hypothesis is that alcohol re­ other is that “the reservoir of infection is lower” duces liver functions which hold HCV in check, among gay men, so that they are less likely to meet allowing the infection to progress more rapidly. someone with HCV. However that is no reason to Which raises the question of whether pharma­ be complacent, as there are likely pockets or ceuticals that depress certain liver functions may clusters of gay men among whom the rate of HCV also promote a more rapid progression of HCV. infection is high. Many anti-HIV drugs are metabolized in the liver HCV infection is underdiagnosed because of and can depress that organ’s capacity to function, physician ignorance, the limited accuracy of tests sometimes to the point of its failure. So it is logical for HCV, and the slow progression of the disease. to speculate as to whether certain anti-HIV thera­ Both viruses are highly unstable, that is they pies may promote HCV-related liver disease in mutate easily, so it is difficult to fashion vaccines people who are infected with both viruses. and therapy. The most successful treatment to The answer is, we don’t know. date for HCV has been interferon alpha, adminis­ Spencer Cox, of the Treatment Action Group tered, sometimes with the antiviral drug ribavirin, in New York, says that anti-HIV medications for a 12-month period. But the rate of success, as have been tested in “people with decreased liver measured by clearance of the virus and non­ functions. And predictably there has been a slightly recurrence when therapy is stopped, has never higher risk of liver enzyme elevations requiring climbed above 20 percent. discontinuation of therapy.” He voices concern Miriam J. Alter is chief of the epidemiology that the trials have been very small and aimed at section of the hepatitis branch of the Centers for demonstrating immediate, highly toxic reactions. Disease Control. She says that it is not unusual for They have not measured long-term effects such as individuals to become infected with a combina­ a chronic hepatitis. tion of hepatitis B virus (HBV), HCV and HIV, As protease inhibitors and other therapies ex­ because they are transmitted or acquired in much tend the life expectancy of people infected with the same way. The rates of infection are highest HIV, medical problems such as hepatitis C that for HCV, she says, and it “appears to be acquired develop more slowly are likely to emerge as first, before either HBV or HIV.” significant health problems. D