20 T January 17. 100 7 ▼ ju s t out January S iste rS p irit hosts " Hopes and Dreams Dessert," its annual volunteer awards gathering. (Call for time and location: 294 0645.) the days of the Mountain Moving Cafe Collective, or learn what all the fuss was about. Dance, dance, dance to the music of one of the hottest women's bands that ever played this town. Men and women welcome. (7:30 pm. St. David's Episcopal Church, 2800 SE Harrison St. $7 $ 12 sliding scale donation. Kristan 233-1206.) R o ck for C h o ic e and O regon N A R A L present a special concert to benefit both organizations. Support family planning and a woman’s right to choose. Bands performing include Team D re sc h , S e m i-S w e e t and P in eh u rst K id s. Must be 21 or older. (8pm doors. EJ's, 2140NE Sandy Blvd. $5 at the door.) It's C lu b D iva every Saturday night at C h o ic e s Pub Featuring DJ Mel. (2845 SE Stark St. $3 cover. 236-4321.) R o se C ity S w in g hosts a dance-a-thon. Tonight is the first of six monthly dances. (8 pm. Portland Metro Police Club, 618 SE Alder St. $5 at the door.) P o rtla n d U niform W eekend V begins to ­ night with the U niform M eet an d G re e t at the Dirty Duck Tavern. (9-11 pm. 439 N W Third Ave. 228-6935.) TUESDAY R o ck for C h o ice and O regon N A R A L present a benefit concert. Proceeds will go to both organiza­ tions. Support family planning and a woman's right to choose. Bands performing include H overcraft, K arp , 764-H ERO , Magnog and M ocket. All ages welcome. (8 pm. Suburbia, 1703 SE Seventh Ave. $5 at the door.) D e rric k Bell, legal scholar and former Harvard law professor, speaks at Reed College. Bell. Harvard’s first black tenured law professor, is the author of several books, including R ace , R a cism , a n d A m e ric a n L a w and Confronting Authority: Re­ flections o f an Ardent Protester. (7 pm. Vollum Lecture Hall, Reed College campus. $5. 777-7530.) Portlan d B ise x u a l A llia n c e discussion group holds a safer-sex workshop for men and women. (7-9 pm. Laughing Horse Books, 3625 SE Division St. 232-9275.) The Portland B aro q ue O rc h e stra presents V ivald i and Frie n d s (8 pm Friday. Marylhurst College, Highway 43. Marylhurst. 8 pm Saturday and 3 pm Sunday. Trinity Cathedral, 147 N W 19th Ave. $ 13 $29. 222-6000.) SATURDAY Dr. Mariane Bassett, naturopathic physician, pre­ sents a lecture and class on Hom eopathy for Home U se. (2-6 pm. Suite 206, Hawthorne Cen­ ter, 4511 SE Hawthorne Blvd. $30. 230-0395.) Go sledding and tubing with the F O R E S T G roup at Little John near Parkdale. Children welcome. (541-296-5806.) B ab a Yaga, the famous Portland lesbian-fem i­ nist jazz band that wowed 'em in the late '70s, returns for a musical trip down memory lane. Relive S is te rS p irit holds a Wisdom Circle feminist Chris­ tian celebration. All welcome. (7:30 pm. Gnostic Chapel. 2229 SE Market St. 294-0645.) M em bers of B a b a Y a g a (c lo c k w is e from top left) B o n n ie B la c k w o lf, S u sa n C o lso n , N a n cy C a d y , J a k e Lam port, M arilyn B ro w n , K ie ra O 'H a ra and B arb G a llo w a y w ill reunite (without Patti V in cen t, center) for a night of lesbian-fem inist jazz J a n . 18 Portland Uniform W eekend V continues with an O ffice r's D re ss M ess Uniform D inner Dress uniforms encouraged, but not required. (6pm cocktails, 7 pm dinner. Hamburger Mary's private banquet room, 239 SW Broadway. 228-6935.) Don't miss a m ultim edia extravag anza featur­ ing dance, a self-defense demonstration and live music at Rexall Rose Cafe and Theatre A ll pro­ c e e d s w ill benefit B rad loy-A ngle H ouse, a shelter for battered women. Door prizes, beer, wine, coffee and juice. (7 pm-midnight o r 1 am. 2403 NEAlberta St. $5-$43 sliding scale. Reserva­ tions: 282-9781.) cathartic comics I ...SO DESPITE WHAT YOU GUYS MIGHT THINK 0FV us as ' r a b l d l y co n s e r v a tiv e " w e r e happy , that you B lack people h a v e F in a l l y GOTTEN A HOLIDAY ALL TO YOUR SELVES') \ * W fi . 1 F WE ACCEPT MARTIN ^ LUTHER K in g as a great TflHERO FOR BLACKS/f Mr. Gay Salem VII Brian and Ms. Gay Salem VII Tammy present Le t's R a ise a Com m unity Center, a benefit for Salem's new community center. (8 pm doors. Sneakers, 300 Liberty St. S. Salem. $4 at the door. 363-0006.) It’s Q u e e r Night at LaLuna! with DJs Mike Stevens and Gizmo. (9 pm-2:30 am. 215 SE Ninth Ave. $3. $4 under 21. 241-LUNA.) Fe a r No M usic performs with Portland Taiko at the Old Church. (8pm. 1422 SW 11th Ave. $12, $8 students and seniors. 335-3386.) Every Friday is country w e ste rn night with DJ Crystal at C h o ic e s Pub (2845 SE Stark St. $2 cover. 236-4321.) S is te rS p irit hosts “ Future Dreams," a celebra­ tion. All women welcome. (6 pm. Echo Theater, 1515 SE 37th Ave. 294-0645.) ' J i t R a d ica l Women holds a public meeting. Tonight Debbie Brennan reports on the struggles of women in the A u stra lia n A boriginal m ovem ent and conditions in East Timor and Indonesia. Everyone is welcome. (6:30 pm international supper [$5], 7 pm meeting. Northwest Service Center, 1819 N W Everett St. Free. Child care available [call two days in advance]. 228-3090.) SUNDAY Attend the U niform Buffet B runch, a part of Portland U niform W eekend V. Enjoy a big buffet and an optional beer bust. (1-4 pm. C.C. Slaughter's. 1014 SW Stark St. 228-6935.) Catch the L iv e and Le t Live C lu b Talent S h o w at Darcelle XV. Hosted by Sandy M. (3 pm. 208 N W Third Ave. $5 $ 10 sliding scale. Brenda 252-8094.) Make your voice heard in Salem. Join Tax J u s t ic e Lo bby D ay. Meet with state legislators, attend briefings, rally at noon. Transportation from Portland to Salem provided. Lunch provided. (Bus and car pools leave at 8 am from Oregon Fair Share, 702 NE Schuyler St. JOBS with Justice 236-5573, Oregon Fair Share 280-1762.) featuring The Brown Bomber and Diva Touché Flambé b y P r o f. I. B . G itte n d o w n e GOODNESS GAYLORD ! WHATS s“ \ WRONG r’. r Y O U R E SOB- toure really embarrassing ME / I CANY BELIEVE YOU THINK THE IMPACT OF DR. KINGS ACCOMPLISHMENTS ARE < MOSTLY LIMITED TO BLACK PEOPLE/ 1 HE FREED WHITES BY FORCING US TO ] h o w our per c e p tio n s o f 1 AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE BASED ON HATRED AND FEAR ! confront W * SURELY YOU CANT BE COMFORTABLE SURRENDERING TO SUCH A SOPHISTICATED 5»rrt SYSTEM OF IGNORANCE ..¿SOBE r " [KAY AND KAY SEDEAH SHOULD ft BE VERY PROUD I'VE NEVER H e a r d a ch ild cry o u t fo r , SUCH A NOBLE C AUSE.... J '1 SUPPOSE HE'S TOO YOUNG TOR US TO BLAME THIS o n DRUGS, HUH? F&