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According to a story in the Kauai Times, following the death of one of the partners, a Hawaii circuit court judge has re­ moved the surviving partner as trustee of the estate and granted control over the remainder of the couple’s joint assets to the deceased man’s impulse VIDEO Bring in this ad and receive 1 FREE RENTAL! When you rent another video at regular price p e r c u s n i n n imi w r - b um miìb « « 10120 S .W . I— I 0 t m e (near Washington Square) P a (across from Chez Jose's) r 851 1 S.W . r m o n 6356 TerwiNiger Blvd S.W. Capitol (next to Nature's in Hillsdale) t h 452-825-4 I— Iwy 245-8351 I0 GAME CHiySJMAS PACKAGE Startinswith F o r as little as $ 8 0 .0 0 you can share th e fu ll 10 gam e experience o f W om en's P rofessional B asketball a t M em o rial C oliseum . Dec. 29 vs. Colorado @ 4 pm Dec. 30 vs. Columbus @ 7 pm Jan. 2 vs. Richmond @ 7 pm Jan. 4 vs. Seattle @ 7 pm Jan. 9 vs. Atlanta @ 7 pm ^ W A I I ^ \L L C A O O O Ä j U 0 " A < 3 0 1 the first same following Christmas, the Ultimate Christmas Present includes the following games: Jan. 16 vs. San Jose @ 7 pm Jan. 23 vs. Colorado @ 7 pm Feb. 6 vs. San Jose @ 7 pm Feb. 17 vs. Seattle @ 7 pm Feb. 20 vs. Colorado @ 7 pm " r i v v r To o rd e r your Ultim ate Christmas Present to d a y Chenoweth’s family filed a restraining order in May 1995, three years after Chenoweth ’ s death from AIDS complications, to prevent Kelly from acting on behalf of his late partner’s trust, which consists of property originally valued at $650,000 and now selling for $435,000. The other joint assets were stocks worth $120,000 inherited by Chenoweth and placed in Kelly’s trust, but that money has since been used for property improve­ ments and repairs, mortgage payments and legal fees in Kelly’s court battle to retain his authority as trustee of Chenoweth’s estate. Judge George Masuoka ruled Nov. 4 to grant trusteeship of Chenoweth’s estate to his brother, John Chenoweth. Kelly is seeking a stay of that decision. After the house sells and expenses have been paid, Kelly estimates the trust will be worth between $20,000 and $50,000, but says that prin­ ciple cannot be accessed by anyone else named in the trust until after his death. However, as the new trustee, Chenoweth’s brother does have the au­ thority to evict Kelly from the couple’s home, which he has done. Although the language in Chenoweth’s trust account was constructed to protect Kelly from a legal challenge, a single qualifying phrase— in which Chenoweth requested rather than directed that the surviving partner be accorded certain rights—left his family a loophole. If Masuoka denies Kelly’s request for a stay, as Kelly expects, he says he doesn’t have the resources to continue his challenge. New precautions issued for ritonavir relationship has not been established.” Other ad­ verse reactions noted are complications for pa­ tients with hemophilia; and potential seizures, hyperglycemia and renal failure. Some critics, among them ACT UP activists, believe that ritonavir was “rushed through the [approval] process,” and that insufficient testing was done before the Food and Drug Administra­ tion approved the drug for public use. Speak with your doctor if you have concerns about whether ritonavir is right for you. Washington human rights resolution rejected The Whatcom County (Washington) Council succumbed to pressure from anti-gay activist groups and voted 4-3 to withhold support from the Whatcom Human Rights Task Force, which was formed by citizens concerned about a recent se­ ries of hate crimes at a migrant workers’ camp near Lynden. According to a story in the Bellingham Her­ ald, anti-gay activists at a Nov. 25 council meet­ ing objected to the task force’s inclusion of sexual orientation in its call for the elimination of preju­ dice, and claimed that the task force would allow sexual minority activist groups such as Hands Off Washington to influence policy decisions. Femdale resident Angie Fairbanks spoke at the meeting, suggesting that the cross burning at the migrant workers’ camp may have been a prank rather than a hate crime. Regarding the task force’s inclusion of sexual minority rights in its agenda, she said, “The minority organizations should have great reluctance to allow themselves to be exploited by a group like Hands Off Wash­ ington, who has a behavior as their claim to minority status.” Several people spoke in favor of the resolu­ tion, including council member Ron D’Alosio, who said, ‘T o disrespect another person because of their status, because of the way they led their life, is a destruction of human rights.” Christiana Castoreña, a representative of the local chapter of the League of United Latin Ameri­ can Citizens, said the task force was intended to address hate crimes, not sexuality. “Our decision and our choice in clu d ed sexual o rie n ­ tation.. .[because] we don’t condone any hate, or any crime, or any violence or any harassment towards any human being,” she said. Everyone wins in HlV-drug lottery Abbot Laboratories, manufacturer of the HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir (trademark name Norvir), has released new information regarding Health officials in the state of Missouri de­ drug interactions and contraindications, precau­ cided to hold a lottery to distribute federal funds tions and adverse reactions, and overdose warn­ to HIV-positive people to pay for protease inhibi­ ings for the $ 15,000-per-year treatment, based on “postmarketing expe­ tor treatments, but on the day before the deadline rience.” only 83 people had applied for the 132 winning spaces, Reuters reported. Each winner would Product informa­ tion on the drug is be­ receive about $ 10,000—enough to pay for a year’s ing updated to include worth of treatment— and it now appears as if warnings of potential everyone who applied will be receiving assis­ allergic reactions tance. ranging from mild to Some people with HIV were initially outraged life-threatening. Also, by the planned lottery, but supporters insisted it people with pre-exist­ was the only fair way to distribute the limited ing liver disease, liver resources. enzyme abnormalities or hepatitis are warned to use ritonavir with caution, as liver dysfunction— including some fatalities—has occurred in pa- ; tients using the drug. In these cases, however, the ! San Francisco’s STOP AIDS Project is con­ drug company insists that “a definitive causal ! ducting a survey to determine the usefulness of Welcome to Reality