Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, October 04, 1996, Page 29, Image 29

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B eyond F ear
Poet-performer Drew Pisarra bids farewell, moving from
Rose City to Big Apple in search of a bigger challenge
by C. Jay Wilson Jr.
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Drew Pisarra
rew Pisarra has never been one to act
safely within the confines o f comfort.
Dragging audiences through his
psycho-sexual phantasies o f sex and
domination, he attacks and delights
in his own reflection o f voracity in an environ­
ment that is wholly his own. A s sensualist o f the
underworld, Pisarra engenders his work through
probing into the forbidden recesses o f his psyche.
“Every time I do a new piece” he says, “I pose
utertm mue
a question to m yself, which is: ‘What am I afraid
o f doing; what looks scary?’ and I go there be­
cause I want to find out what’s there.”
One o f Portland’s more intriguing and versa­
tile artists— a poet, performer, director and patho­
logical raconteur— Pisarra has wowed both audi­
ences and critics alike throughout the Northwest
and in locales as distant as Los Angeles and
Montana. He has been the recipient o f grants from
the Regional Arts and Culture Council and a
commission from the Portland Art Museum for its
Biennial Performance Festival, where he debuted
a Jean Genêt-inspired trinity entitled The Gospel
According to Saint Genêt.
In between his performances he managed to
publish a short chapbook o f poems, and this year
Future Tense Books published Pub lick Spanking,
an entertaining new volume o f short stories that
offers up a degenerate cross-examination o f life at
our contemporary fin de siècle.
As it appears his local renown has been firmly
established, Drew Pisarra will offer one last per­
formance before moving to New York City, where
he hopes to benefit from a more established net­
work o f experimental theater opportunities. D e­
manding a seat at New York’s table is every
performer’s dream— usually kept from being re­
alized by the wealth o f fears that plague such a
desire. Pisarra will not be conquered by those
fears. He wants his life to reflect the tenor o f his
art and not the warm insulation o f complacency.
Armed with all o f the experience and confidence
that Portland has afforded him— and 25 phone
numbers— he will board a plane three days after
his Portland farewell engagement.
Pisarra is known primarily as a solo per­
former, but has recently been involved in collabo­
rative efforts with other performers and dancers.
He has enjoyed the different quality that these
performers bring to his own work. “Solos and
Duets,” a collaboration with dancer Katherine
Petersen a couple o f years ago, featured Pisarra in
a more whimsical performance posture. He has
also acted in some ensemble performance pieces
at Imago, including last year’s praised Samuel’s
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Major Problems.
“A Small Piece o f My Mind,” Pisarra’s cur­
rent endeavor and Portland farewell, promises to
reveal yet another aspect o f his performance prow­
ess. He labels this collaboration with dancers
Linda K. Johnson and Cynthia Chimienti a “genre-
defying” piece that is neither dance nor theater but
rather falls somewhere in between. More buoyant
perhaps than anything he’s done, the performance
w ill be accompanied by a fusion o f movie
soundtrack music and four or five pre-recorded
short pieces o f original text. Pisarra is excited to
try his hand at choreography; he also observes the
challenge that not having the text to turn to on
stage poses for him.
Drew Pisarra will forever be remembered as
queer Portland’s patron saint, and Pisarra knows
as well as anyone that the road to sainthood leads
in a direction where others dare not follow.
"A Small Piece of My Mind” premieres at
Conduit. 918 SW Yamhill St., Suite 401, at 8 pm
on Oct. 11 and 12. Admission is $10-$ 12;
tickets are available by calling 221-5857.
Publick Spanking, $8.95, can be purchased
from Future Tense Books, PO Box 42416,
Portland, OR 97242.
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