Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 05, 1996, Page 25, Image 25

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    j u s t o u t ▼ J a n u a ry 5 , 1 9 9 6 ▼ 2 5
S ex + D eath + R eligion =
D angerous T heater
Direct from New York City, Purgatorio Ink presents its
iconoclastic Suddenly Something Recklessly Gay
January 8
HIV & You.
by C. Jay Wilson Jr.
January 1 1
anarchic theater amidst the rise of Islamic funda­
ietzsche’s vexatious The Gay Sci­
mentalism. He was exiled in 1979 after the Iranian
ence contains the aphorism “The
Revolution and the subsequent installation of the
secret of reaping the greatest fruit­
Ayatollah Khomeini and moved to New York to
fulness and the greatest enjoyment
his career of contumacy in the United
from life is to live dangerously!”
Babilla continued to stir up controversy as
Most artists would certainly agree with States.
matter freely explored homosexuality
yet those artists who actually strive to ascend to
and a host of social and sexual taboos.
the Nietzschean apogee of iconoclastic dissen­
The controversial subject matter of Bani’s
sion are few. Enter Assurbanipal Babilla, the
plays has been likened to that of Nabokov’s, and
prophet of the perilous, who brings to the Pacific
his influence upon artistic communities and the
intelligentsia in his native Iran was compared to
the legacy here of Andy Warhol. Bani’s most
recent autobiographical composition, Suddenly
Something Recklessly Gay, employs the stark
minimalism of Beckett’s plays and combines it
Northwest for the first time the offense of his
with the dark dementia of Genet’s diseased world.
controversial company Purgatorio Ink in its per­
The plot involves
formance of Sud­
child abuse, incest
denly Something
and murder as ex­
Recklessly Gay or
perienced by a four-
Cirque de Ca Ca,
member circus fam­
Jan. 22-24 at the
ily on the eve of the
C linton Street
Second Coming.
Theater. The pro­
gram is part of the
ventional percep­
Portland Institute
of familial re­
for Contemporary
lationships, Bani’s
A rt’s 1995-96
play offers an ex­
amination of the
nature of social au­
B abilla, known
thority and its ini­
simply as Bani,
tiation of violence
combines a formal
and abuse in a world
stag ecraft and
sustained by misan­
classically struc­
tured texts with el­
Suddenly Some­
em ents draw n
thing R ecklessly
from sym bolist
Gay was produced
im agery
originally by La
stand-up comedy
MaMa, New York
to communicate
City’s theater fa­
ideas that wrestle
mous for bringing
with themes of ho­
to life brilliant un­
mosexuality, reli­
derground works of a more absurdist inclination.
gion and sexual grotesqueries. His work force­
This play’s exploration into the obscene promises
fully attacks the moral and social constructs that
to be an experience that has the unique ability to
define the delicate matrix of our society, estab­
simultaneously delight and horrify.
lishing him as the avant-garde Momus of contem­
porary U.S. theater.
Suddenly Something Recklessly Gay runs Jan.
A former Protestant minister who studied the­
22-24 at the Clinton Street Theatre,
ology in Beirut, Lebanon, Bani found it increas­
2522 SE Clinton St., in Portland.
ingly dangerous to exist as an Assyrian, Christian,
Tickets are $14, call 242-1419.
homosexual playwright producing his brand of
with Turn
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HIV University is funded by the Ryan White Care Act (Title 1 ) I
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