ju st o u t ▼ d t c t m b t r 1, 1 9 9 5 ▼ 3 letters No assholes need apply To the Editor: To the woman who wrote in her personal ad “No fatties or veggies”—you are an insensitive slob. I hope you meet another insensitive slob so that you will be out of the singles scene soon. You’re a very shallow person; I have casserole dishes that are deeper. (I’m a roly-poly tofu-eatin’ mama.) Julie Sanders Portland Keep being inclusive To the Editor: I am white, male and understand some of my own feelings and experiences of privilege. Privi­ lege is a very difficult thing to deal with— it is not the equivalent of power. In fact, it is not about meeting the needs of the privileged person. It leaves one feeling less empowered, more defen­ sive, and oftentimes in need of more privilege in order to have control of one’s life. Sometimes I want to whine and complain about how hard it is to be in this state of privilege. Sometimes I want to know what it is that could bring us out of the blind frenzy that so many of us seem to live in (more money, better job, more fun, better service). The following quote, from a review of Peggy Orenstein’s School Girls in the Oct. 2, 1995, Eugene Register-Guard, speaks of the frustration of young men when young women were given equal treatment in the classroom. With attendance roster in hand, the teacher explained that she would now call equally on boys and girls. ‘‘After two days, the boys blew up, ” Orenstein said. They complained that she was calling on the girls more, even though she could prove to them she w asn’t. “Boys," she said, “generally perceived equity as a loss. ” Perhaps the young men were not in need of being called on more in a classroom. Perhaps they needed more affection, more acceptance, more attention to who they might be inside themselves. I know that I did. Bruce Evan Hilbach-Barger Eugene M y significant influence To the Editor: I appreciated your 12th anniversary article, “Significant Influences” [Just Out, Nov. 3,1995]. It was inspiring to read the varied responses. The article prompted me to share about the people who have influenced me during my initial and ongoing process of coming out. One person who has influenced me the most is George Eighmey. Some may know him as the second openly gay state representative in Oregon, but I know him as Dad. I was 10 years old when my father came out to me. At that time, I did not know that his orientation was different or that people would shun him for it. Over the past 15 years I have seen firsthand the devastating effects of bigotry and hatred; I have watched his struggle for self-acceptance, and more recently, I have witnessed his emergence as a leader in my com­ munity. All of this has paved the way for me to accept my lesbianism. It provides me with an anchor, something I use to steady me when I feel internalized homophobia creeping to the surface. There are women who have also been anchors for me— Audre Lorde; the Rev. Karen T.; my mother, Marie; and her mother, Ruth. Their sto­ ries and their lives teach me about compassion, wisdom, and an integrity that knows no bound­ aries. But my father is the anchor that pulls me through some of the hardest times of being a lesbian. I know my story is unique, and I fear that it could be used as ammunition by the extreme right to show that homosexuals really can train their children to be like them. My father taught me, however, that I must be who I am, and who I am is a lesbian. His courage and strength to stay true to himself has always inspired me, and for that I am grateful. Thanks, Dad. Jasmine Ruthdotter Portland Clarifying advance directives To the Editor: Regarding the article “Protecting Your As­ sets” [Just Out, Oct. 20, 1995], I wanted to offer some clarity about advance directives. Oregon Health Decisions is a citizen network for educa­ tion and action on ethical issues in health care. One of our most important goals is to educate and inform about individual rights in making health- related decisions. In 1993, the Oregon Legislature revised the laws relating to what we used to know as a living will and health care power of attorney. The two separate issues have been combined into a docu­ ment called an advance directive. For people who appointed a power of attorney for health care and/or completed a living will before 1993, look­ ing at (and perhaps completing) the new docu­ ment is important. Oregon Health Decisions publishes and sells two documents related to advance directives. The first publication, “Making Health Care Decisions When You Can’t Speak for Yourself—A Sum­ mary of Oregon’s Advance Directive Law,” con­ tains the legal document and brief instructions. The second publication we offer is a consumer’s guide to the advance directive law. It is a thorough examination of the law and includes a very useful values-clarification exercise. The consumer’s guide also offers detailed information for the person being appointed to act as a health care representative. The summary pamphlet (containing the legal documents) is available alone for $2 in English (Spanish, Vietnamese and Russian versions are available as w ell). The summary and the consumer’s guide are available for $5. To order, or for more information about the laws, call 241-0744 in Portland, or 1-800-422-4805 toll free. TH E ◄ l)m ♦ For Parents, X x i h & Children (Mats second Mend»» of month) ► Opening Hearts t Minds ► ► C a ll 2- B A L L E T OK ◄ 'lo ve Makes a Fatally' ◄ Weekly Tak Radio Proyam K K EY 1150 A M * 7 - 9 a.m Wed ◄ ◄ ► ◄ ► 503/228-3892 ◄ ► Fax: 503/228-3970 ◄ ► ◄ Portland, OR 97211 ▲ A A A A A A A A ÀÀ ^ tin HIJ ◄ PO Box 11694 ► A' a A m ericanA irlines ◄ A ♦ CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR ♦ SPONSIJÄDBV THE LFSBIAN COMMUNI IY PROIECf flam ini L esbian N e w Y e a r ' s E v e Dana £, S ilent Aun/on nk çé jr gMb v fH J THE HORFIANO Lt SBIAN CHOIR CORPORATE LEISURE DOMESTIC INTERNATIONAL Protidh/ Bcnt/uj Our Cotnmic/tftj/ ...Bf/ Y/I m M/ h / Your P/cttfs Mimi Luther, executive director Oregon Health Decisions Portland Creative misrepresentation is a disservice To the Editor: How did the murder of the 9-year-old boy in Delaware become some parable for the problems of homosexuals? Does Renée LaChance really feel that this heinous, demented crime of rape, “mutilation” (hunh?— not elaborated on?) and murder is the logical and expected extension of kids picking on someone for being different? Isn’t there even a more likely possibility that the 15-year-old perpetrator of this crime may have committed the murder to conceal homo­ sexuality on his part, since there was sex in­ volved? Regardless, isn’t it a stretch to see this as a reflection on that or any other community, and doesn’t this sort of reaching and creative misrep­ resentation merely do a great disservice to a very real problem? That’s the most warped, convoluted, self-serv­ ing use of a tragic event that I’ve seen in some ti me. Y ou guys don ’ t want to be the gay Willamette Week, do you? Steve Henry Gresham ◄ A Public Voice for ► Lesbian and Gay Families ► I I I K I I M A S II : K 7 M O - A R T S ◄ Speaker Empowerment Mtarieshops ► ->A O regon ballet : THEATR ◄ Dialogue for Educators ► ? ◄ the Parent Testier Panel ► M m i< O - Z K Ti I Monthly S«w>ort Groups ► flUTCRACKER r ! T T H T T T T T Designated Agency for Team Portland to Gay Games IV \ Designated National Agency to 1994 Lavender Law ' Convention • Designated National Agency for Dignity '95 Convention • Official Agency for N W Women's Trade Show, Oct 1995 A • Bonus Dollars issued for all Travel HIV Community Support Program through donated Bonus Dollars " Z Ä 503-223-1100 • 800-357-3194