Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, September 01, 1995, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 T M p to m ba r 1, 1909 ▼ just out
just out
since 1983
Renée LaChance
steppin’ out
Boh Roehr
Inga Sorensen
Rex Wockner
VOL. 12 NO. 21 SEPTEMBER 1, 1995
When opposites
Kristine Chatwood
Couples o f mixed HIV status
find that communication and
love will keep them together
Linda Kliewer
(pp. 19-21)
Meg Grace
E. Ann Hinds
C. Jay Wilson Jr.
World news
E. Ann Hinds
Zimbabwean President Robert
Mugabe blasts homosexuals
(P- 4)
Rupert Kinnard
National news
Dole returns Log Cabin’s
check; the Rev. Fred Phelps
cries wolf
Jann Gilbert
(pp. 5-8)
Local news
Kelly M. Bryan
Local activists charge the
Association with transphobia
Ambling Bear
Tcri Ventura
(PP- 10-12)
Kristine Chatwood
Mark Jacobs
Christopher Kamera
Lee Lynch
Lisa Marie Neff
Daniel Vaillancourt
Steve Warren
fust out is published on the first and
th ird Friday of each month. Copyright
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Back to school
A gay Rhode Island teacher
learns that he has support
(p. 9)
The price of bigotry
The sometimes moderate Republican Sen. Bob Dole is flip-flopping on issues
that are viewed as politically devisive within his party
by Renée LaChance
en. Bob D< 'z (R-Kan.) is the Senate majority leader
and the current front-runner in the race for the Repub­
lican presidential nomination. This past June, just in
time for lesbian and gay pride month. Dole’s cam­
paign accepted a $ 1,000 donation from the Log Cabin
Republicans, making him the first Republican presidential
candidate to accept a donation from a national gay and lesbian
The ever astute Deb Price, a nationally syndicated colum­
nist with The Detroit News, figured this out by scanning Federal
Election Commission reports. She called Dole’s campaign
headquarters to confirm the donation and to inform them of the
column she was writing to spotlight the historic event. Two
days later. Dole campaign spokesman Nelson Warfield claimed
the donation was accepted by mistake and announced the
campaign was returning the money to the gay and lesbian
Republican group. Warfield cited financial glitches and even
ignorance about the organization’s “agenda" in explaining the
That is so lame. The Log Cabin Republicans lobbied Dole
all spring and early summer to steer the Ryan White AIDS-
services rcauthorization act through the Senate, and kept at
Dole to buck the objections of Sen. Jesse Helms.
The most likely truth is that conservative Republicans
viewed Dole’s pushing of the Ryan White CARE Act through
past their homophobic messiah as "pro-gay.” In the hotly
contested bid for the Republican presidential nomination that is
centering on right-wing political ideology. Dole can ill afford
to appear pro-gay. To appease those vocal conservatives, the
sometimes moderate Dole has been flip-flopping like a fish
beached on dry land. Flip. Lobbies for support from the Log
Cabin Republicans. Flop. Gives it back when news of the
campaign’s acceptance of the money goes public. Flip. In early
May, is quoted in The New York Times Magazine as saying, “I
don’t know if homosexuality is involuntary or a choice, but
they have, obviously, civil rights. No discrimination. This is
America.” Flop. Two weeks later, writes to The Washington
Times to say he opposes gays in the military and “special status
for sexual orientation.”
After Price’s column about the campaign donation ap­
peared, a media brouhaha unfurled. Few newspapers credited
openly lesbian Deb Price for her scoop (way to go. Deb!) and
all slanted the story to chide Dole for the hypocrisy of turning
away gay dollars, while accepting money from other sources
that don’t match his political ideology.
And talk about idiotic (at the risk of offending our Repub­
lican readers), not only did Log Cabin Republicans donate
money to Dole, but the new Log Cabin Political Action Com­
mittee sent $ 1.000 to California Gov. Pete Wilson, who is also
seeking the Republican presidential nomination. That man is
slime personified. In 1992. Wilson promised the California gay
and lesbian community he would deliver on their behalf if they
would help get him elected, and then, once in office, he vetoed
every bit of legislation endorsed by the lavender lobbies.
As Deb Price said in her column. "Bigotry carries a heavy
price.” Apparently some gay Republicans are willing to pay it.
Northwest Speak Out Project
works fo r small towns;
Roberta Achtenberg strives
to make history, again
(PP- 13-15)
A new advocate may make
things easier fo r queer teens
(p- 17)
Amazon Trail
The Mautner Project is there
fo r lesbians with cancer
(p. 34)
Douglas Carter Beane on
Wong Foo;
in Jeffrey, a kiss is just a kiss
(PP- 27-30)
Jim Grimsley tells beautiful
stories o f tragic lives
(p. 31)
Nine Armenians looks at love,
death and cha-cha lessons
(p. 33)