ju st out ▼ february 17, 1995 ▼ 19 the Plus C lifc w ill meet at Hobo's Lounge (5 8pm . I 20 N W Third Ave ). On the third Friday, the group w ill meet at E sspre ss It c o ffe e house (5 -8 pm . se co n d flo o r. 1026 S W S ta rk S t.) M enTalk II presents the safer sex workshop Speaking of Sex... a safe place for gay and txsexual men to brush-up on the latest in hot. protected sex. and offers other free workshops on a regular basis (call CAP fo r inform ation on programs and events) Speak to Y o u r B rothers Project allows gay and bisexual men. both HIV positive and HIV negative, to find support and get involved in helping the ir com m unity fight AIDS M en Talks are in-hom e gatherings which provide a safe atm osphere to talk about relationships, safer sex, testing and more (call 223-6339. ext 160) CAP is recruiting V o lu n te e r O utre ach W orkers for education m aterials developm ent, and the MenTalk Home M eeting Program (call Roger 223-5907 ext 130). (CAP offices. S uite 300. 620 SW Fifth Ave . 223-5907 ) ( 5/1 9) Em ployees Association for Gays and Lesbians of U S W E S T Com panies is an inform al group o f gay. lesbian and gay-supportive phone company employees The group provides support for members and acts as a resource fo r U S WEST. (C ontact Sue Salmon 242 8272 ) (5 /1 9 ) Equity Foundation is a statew ide com m unity foundation created by lesbian and gay Oregonians Equity awards grants to organizations that support its m ission o f “ access to worth " (C ontact Jim Vegher. PO Box 5696. Portland. 97228 5696. 220 0628. fax 22 2 5062. e-m ail Equi tyfundO aol com 7(5/19) Lesbian Com m unity Project provides outreach, networking and other services to the lesbian com m unity (223-0071. TDD o r voice ) (5/19) Love Makes a Fam ily serves lesbian and gay fam ilies through public education and outreach A parents support group m eets every second Monday, along with an art group for school-aged children, and a discussion group for teenagers (6-8 pm. Bonneville Power Adm inistra­ tion. 905 NE 11th Ave . Portland, o r wnte PO Box 11694. Portland. 97211, 228-3892) (5/19 ) C A P Sup p ort G ro u p Program s continue to offer a variety of formats including groups open to family and friends, lovers and caregivers, and people who are AIDS sym ptom atic and HIV positive asym ptom atic, as well as grief and loss support groups If you would like to join an existing support group, or would like to assist in developing new support groups, contact CAP (Call Project C lient Services 223-5907.) (5/19 ) N orthw est G ender Alliance is a social and support organization for cross-dressers and transsexuals M onthly open meetings and socials (PO Box 4928. Portland. OR 97208-4928. 646 2802 ) ( 5/1 9 ) Clackam as C oun ty A ID S Relief Effort is a community-based AIDS service organization In Clackamas County. Programs include HIV prevention education, support groups fo r people affected by H IV/AID S, and a Personal Active Listener program fo r people w ith AIDS. (Call 653-8738 o r w rite: CCARE, 4790 SE Logus R d . Milwaukie. OR 9 7 2 2 2 )( 3 /4 ) Parents. Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gay Men provides love and support for all fam ily members and friends o f lesbians and gay men M eets the fourth W ednesday o f every month (7 9 30pm . Augustana Lutheran Church. N ortheast 15th Avenue and K nott Street, o r wnte. PO B ox 8944. Portland. OR 97207. 232 7676 7 (5 /1 9 ) Clackam as C o u n ty P ublic Health is seeking citizens who would like to partiepate in the HIV Prevention Planning Task Force The group w ill plan and prioritize how funds for HIV prevention activities w ill be used. M eetings w ill last tw o hours, and w ill be held four to six tim es per year in Oregon C ity beginning In February 1995. Citizens are asked to make a one-year com m itm ent. (C ontact D ixie W hetsell o r Dawn M artinez. 655-8430 ) ( 3 /3 ) Phoenix Rising Foundation Inc. is a mental health agency prlmanly serving members o f the sexual m inority com m unities Services are open to all and include individual, couples, fam ily and group counseling and support groups Sliding scale fee and some insurance coverage Is available Coming out groups for men. women and youth meet regularly The agency also can provide educational sessions and inservice training on homophobia (620 SW Fifth A v e . Suite 710. Portland. OR 97204. 223 8299 ) ( 5/1 9 ) C lub B B S is a com puter bulletin board with AID S/H IV inform ation, CDC daily summaries. AIDS new sletters from around the world, and support for AID S/H IV affected individuals Huge file base, and online text file inform ation. Support fo r clinicians and lay people. This is a free bulletin board system . (24 hours a day. seven days a week. The Club BBS. PO Box 25954. Eugene. OR. 503-345-7988 ) ( 3 /3 ) Pink Link The Resource Line Prerecorded inform ation in over 20 categories including wom en's resources, night spots. AID S/H IV, and more (241-9769. adm inistration 243 3424 7(5/19) Portland Bisexual Women is a discussion group for bisexual women o r any woman who may be wondering about her sexuality A forum for exchanging ideas, feelings, resources and inform ation about bisexuality W omen of any age. race, culture encouraged to attend (7 9 pm. second and fourth Fndays. It's M y Pleasure. 4526 SE Hawthorne Ellvd. preregister 236-0505 o r 283-6433 ) (417) Friends of People with A ID S Foundation is a nonprofit organi­ zation offering assistance to people w ith AIDS (245-7428 ) (5/19 ) H IV Day C enter offers hospitality, inform ation and a variety of services to all persons w ith H IV/AID S to help them cope intellectually, em otionally, spiritually and socially w ith the virus. Dinner is offered on Monday; lunches Monday through Friday (12.30 pm ) Specialized ser­ vices include: Daily Bread Expreaa for the housebound. Monday evening support group/relaxation techniques. Lazarus Com m unity with the Rev. Gary M clnnis. soul care fo r those with HIV and AIDS (6 pm Mondays), Tuesday morning spiritual issues discussion/support group; W ednesday afternoon AA meeting; Thursday morning stress manage- m ent/support group Additionally, the Day C enter offers "FridayFlicks." Tuesday YM CA health/fitness classes, and seasonal parties and field trips. Nursing is available The Day C enter Is Interfaith sponsored (9 am- 5 pm Monday-Friday. 3835 S W Kelly St.. 223-3444 )( 5/1 9) Portland M etro Area P C U se r G ro u p for lesbians (777 3020 ) (8 /4 ) Pride Northw est s an ongoing organization that plans Lesbian/Gay Pride and other Pride-associated events. (PO Box 6 6 1 1. Portland OR 97228. 295 9 7 8 8 ) (6/15 ) Together W orks is a support group for lesbians, gay men. bisexuals and friends A ctivities include discussion on tim ely topics and social activities Meet others in a neutral, safe environment (7 30pm . second and fo u rth M ondays. F irst B a p tist Church. M cM in nville. O re . 503-434 6266 or 503 434 8699 > (3/17 ) M inistry to People Living with H IV / A ID S seeks to provide for the spiritual needs o f families and individuals affected by the epidemic through prayer, worship and educational experiences (M ilwaukie United Church o f C hrist, 4790 SE Logus Road. 654-6770 ) ( 5/5 ) A m onthly support g ro u p fo r A frica n Am erican gay and bisexual men is being co-sponsored by Brother to Brother. Cascade AIDS Project and M ultnomah C ounty Health Departm ent A variety of topics are discussed including H IV/AID S, isolation, relationships and ways to build com m unity. For African Am erican men o f all ages and backgrounds. (Jonathan 248-3030 o r André 223-5907 ext 129 )( 8 /4 ) Multnomah C ounty H IV Services include anonymous and confi­ dential HIV counseling and testing by appointm ent and walk-in (248-3775) and H IV C linical Services fo r H IV infected persons. (248-5020) (5 /1 9 ) P h o to g ra p h s of N e w Y o rk C ity dra g queens b y L izza rd w ill be up fo r v ie w in g at the S alon Estevan gala auction and benefit fo r O u r H o u se h o sp ic e S a tu rd a y , Feb. 25, from 2 to 7 pm Seropositive w ellness program offers individuals counseling Se habla español. (Testing . 648-8851 :call648-8881 fo r clinics in Beaverton and H illsboro: TDD 648-8601 ) (8 /4 ) C kmtsal O regon C entral O re g o n A ID S S u p p o rt Te a m provides services and support fo r H IV-positive people and their caregivers. (389-4330 ) (8 /4 ) pm Monday. Feb. 27 and M ar 27. Paragon Channel 2 1. 2 pm Thursday. M ar 9, Channel 21. w nte S ister Paula M inistries. PO Box 2206. Portland. OR 97208 ) (3 /3 ) The S n ic k e re L a B a rr Shove, with talk for gay men. lesbians and bisexuals (Shownon: TVCA Channel59. 9:30pm everyFnday: 5 30pm every Saturday: 3 30 pm every Monday. 727-2491 ) ( 5/1 9) Transgressive Sexuality is an open fom m for exploration and discussion which has as its focus nontraditional gender and sexual identities Men. women and other sexes are welcom e M eets the second and fourth Thursdays. (7 pm. It's M y Pleasure. 4526 SE Hawthorne Blvd 7(5/19) Tra n s -P o rt ir, a peer support organization open to all transgendered people and their fam ilies W ith bi-weekly and m onthly open meetings (PO Box 66913. Portland OR 97290 6913. 774 8463 7 (8 /4 ) New W om an's W riting G ro u p m eets to exchange constructive feedback on members' fiction and poetry (4 6pm . every Sunday. Third W orld Coffee. 232 3188 7(2/17) Woman W riters' G rou p self-assignm ent, check in. feedback For dedicated women over 40 (223-0761 7(4/7) Th e N A M E S Project Portland Chapter holds panel-making work­ shops the first and third M onday o f every month at the HIV Day Center Educational m aterials and a speakers bureau are also available (6-8 pm, 3835 S W Kelly St.. 650-7032.) (2/17 ) O regon A ID S Hotline, cosponsored by CAP and the Oregon Health Division, provides AIDS Information, support and referral, treatm ent inform ation, and free theater tickets for people with HIV/AIDS Posi­ tive Link connects people impacted by HIV/AID S with trained HIV­ positive volunteers fo r telephone support and inform ation (ask for Positive Link) (10 am-9 pm Monday-Friday: noon-6 pm Saturday and Sunday. 223 2437 o r 1 BOO-777 AID S 7(5/19) O u r House of Portland is a nonprofit. residential-care facility fo r men and women w ith AIDS This agency provides 24-hour nursing care and quality living services to residents Volunteer opportunities abound (Call o r drop by dunng business hours. 2727SE Alder S t .234-0175 X 5/5) P e o p le of C o lo r A g a in s t A I D S N e tw o r k (S e a ttle . 206-322-7061 ) ( 5/1 9) Project Q uest is a nonprofit HIV and AIDS self-empowerment and immune function enhancement program, offertng workshops, retreats, and conferences, along with ongoing programs in nutritional cooking and eating for people with HIV. yoga, stopping smoking, meditation, and more. Project Q uest now offers a Com prehensive Health M an­ agement G ro u p for People with H IV / A ID S The group will be facilitated by Lusijah Marx. R N , Psy D . and Graham Hardman. M.A. (Call to receive schedule and preregister fo r workshops. 241 6448 ) (8 /4 ) Regional A ID S Interfaith N etw ork supports and trains people in developing strategies for increased community awareness about H IV/ AIDS. RAIN w orks with local health departm ents and community-based organizations to develop "Faith in A ction" opportunités and to assist In prevention education, advocacy, caregiving, food banks, transportation and fund raising (4790 SE Logus Rd.. Milwaukie. OR 97222.653-8738. fax 653-00 U .) (5 /1 9 ) T o d 's C o m e r provides free clothing for people with AIDS A service o f the Friends o f People w ith AIDS Foundation (245-7428 ) ( 5/1 9 ) Trin ity Episcopal C hu rch offers a monthly Heeling and V e s­ pers 8 end ce w ith special intentions for those people affected in any way by H IV/AID S disease Special guest M ichael Tolley w ill be the speaker In February (5 pm. Feb 19) Also offered is Hope and Wholeness, a spiritually centered support group for people living with HTV/AOS disease Focus is on spiritual nourishment and growth (7-9pm W ednesdays) (W heelchair accessible. 147 N W 19th A v e . 222- 9811.H S /19) W ashington C o u n ty Health Depa rt m ent H IV S ervices pro­ vides anonymous testing and counseling, by appointm ent and walk-in S outnknn O regon Douglas C o un ty A ID S C ouncil sponsors m eetings and educa­ tional activities R uby House, a project of the council, is a residence In Douglas County fo r people with AIDS. Housing, energy assistance and other services are provided (3035 Laurel Springs Drive. Roseburg, OR 97470. 440 2761 ) ( 5/1 9) MfiLLaasKTTK V alley Cascade Counseling offers a variety o f services fo r the HIV/AIDS community, including a therapy group for people w ith HIV/AIDS. a support group for fam ily and friends, socialization activities, counseling, and advocacy Many services are free of charge. ( I l l 1/2 Third St.. Hood River. OR 97031. 3 8 6 -1233 ) ( 5/1 9) H IV Alliance provides free em otional and nonmedical practical sup­ port services to persons living w ith HIV, their fam ily and friends, and those grieving. A c o rn House, a service o f the Alliance, is a hospice and day care facility (342-2830). (3 4 7 7 EAmazon Pkwy . Eugene: mail: PO Box 5513. Eugene. OR 97405. 342 5088 ) (5/19 ) Valley A ID S Inform ation N etw ork offers inform ation, support, speakers and referrals fo r people affected by H IV/AID S Call VAIN 's 24 hour hotline (128 S W N inth Street. Corvallis. O R 97339.503-752-6322 o r 1 800-588 A ID S ) ( 5 /5 ) W s s s iM S T O M S t a t e Life Force, a coalition for people living w ith H IV/AID S in Southwest W ashington, m eets fo r brown bag lunches the third Saturday of the month All supportive persons are welcome (Noon-3 pm. conference room. N orthw est N atural Gas Company. 1400 Columbia S t.. Vancouver, o r wnte PO Box 86095. Vancouver. WA 98686-0095:360-573-7304 ) (5 /1 9 ) BROADCAST CAMPUS A ll-H ill G a y, Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance m eets the first and third Tuesdays o f every month OHSU, VA, Shriners and any other Pill H ill stu d e n ts, fa c u lty , s ta ff and frien ds are w elcom e (Diana 774 0503 o r S co tt 494-5227 7 (5/19 ) G A L A of C lark College, a campus club and support group for gay. lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students, meets weekly, Septem ­ ber to June. (Noon Tuesdays, for room location call advisors Kathy Bobula 699-0328 o r D avid Oates 699 0 3 0 5 7 (5/19 ) Western States Chiropractic College G ay. Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance meetings are open to the chiropractic community (W estern S tates Student A ffairs O ffice 251-5707 7 (6 /1 6 ) COMMUNITY G eneral The Atheist C om m unity C enter is an organization com m ited to educating the com m unity about the irrationality and the dangers in supernatural beliefs Gay and Lesbian Atheists o f O regon meet on the second Sunday of each month (7 30pm. 4 15 S W 13th Ave .241-9268 7 (2/17) B iN et O rego n offers social, political and support groups to the bisexual community, its supporters, and bf-curtous poepie A mixed- gender group meets first and third Tuesdays (7 pm. Laughing Horse Books. B iU ne 299-4 764 ) ( 5/1 9 ) Bonneville G a y, Lesbian and Bisexual Resource G ro u p is for The H e a rt o f P o rtla n d : A C a p ito l R e p o rt is a monthly show hosted by state Ftep Gail Shibley A variety o f tim ely news issues are discussed ( Shown on: Channel 11. 7 pm. third Fridays. Channel 33. 7 3 0 pm. third M ondays ) (6/15 ) mutual support and to address diversity and em ploym ent issues at Bonneville Power Adm inistration O ther federal em ployees welcome (Group inform ation: 230-4733 o r 631 -7 7 6 7 ) (5 /1 9 ) Brother to B rother i s a social and political group for African American The com m unity public affairs show Lavender Menace has changed Its air dates (8 pm. second and fourth Tuesday. Paragon Channel 33. repeats 10pm Saturday. Channel2 7 and 10pm Monday, to get Involved In production: Satya Riversong 238 8564 ) ( 6 / 15) gay and bisexual men G et involved and help set the group s agenda (Call Reggie. 497-4900. o r wnte 950 Uoyd Center. Suite 50. Portland. 9 7 2 3 2 ) (67 15) Slater Paula Is back on television w ith her 60-minute specials for the W inter '95 season (11 pm Friday. Feb 17 and M ar 17. Channel 11:8 in a loving environm ent created and run com pletely by parents Lesbian and gay fam ilies are welcom e (9 am-1 pm. three days pe r week. 2800 S E H am sonS t . 233 5 0 9 9 7(5/19) Eastside Fam ily Cooperative offers alternative part tim e child care P o litic a l Advocates for Gay and Lesbian Equality is an organization founded to advocate for lesbian, gay and bisexual equality and to devise and implement activities which prom ote positive images o f lesbians, gay men and bisexuals Call o r w rite for inform ation ( PO Box 5222. Portland. OR 97208. 286 0191 7 (6 /1 6 ) C oalition for Hum an D ig n ity is an anti fascist organizing group concerned w ith m onitoring, exposing and confronting far-right and new-right political groups (7 pm. firs t and third Thursdays. M etropoli­ tan Com m unity Church. 1644 NE 24th A ve . 281 5823 ) (2 /1 7 ) Families Political Action Com m ittee recently form ed to repre sent diverse fam ily structures E fforts w ill focus on the freedom of fam ilies of all types, the integrity o f a dem ocratic educational system, and the safety o f a ll c h ild re n (P O B ox 1485. S andy. OR. 9 7 05 5. 503-253-8160 or 503 2 8 8 4 3 0 6 7 (5 /5 ) A Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defam ation outpost has been established in Portland to challenge the myths, stereotypes, m isinform ation and homophobia in our area, and to mobilize rapid responses to media insensitivity and bigotry G LAAD needs volunteers (2 3 9 7 0 6 2 o r e-m ail glaadpdxOaol com 7(6/16) G ay and Lesbian A rch ive s of the Pacific N orthw est s a historical society and archiving project working to preserve and docu­ ment our local gay and lesbian history (M eets firs t Monday o f the month. PO Box 3646. Portland. OR 97208 3646. 284 1872 7(8/4) Lesbian A ve n g e rs ts a direct-action group focused on issues vital to lesbian survival and visib ility (8 pm. firs t and third Tuesdays. Rexall Rose Cafe. 2403 NE A lberta St. w nte PO Box 11544. Portland. OR 97211. o r call 452 5408 7 (8 /4 ) Log C abin Republicans is part o f a nationwide coalition o f lesbian and gay Ftepublicans (6 30 pm. third Tuesday o f each month. Heart o f Europe. N orthw est Broadway Boulevard and E verett S treet. Lee 642 7292 7(3/17) Radical Women Is active In the daily struggle against racism , sexism, anti-gay bigotry and labor exploitation M eets every third Thursday (6 30 pm. N orthw est Service Center. 1819 N W Everett S t . Room 201. 228 3090. fax 223 2390 7(5 /1 9) Stopping Violence Against W om en is a direct action and educa­ tion group that recognizes pornography and prostitution as extrem es on a continuum of violence against women (777-2796 7(5/19)