18 ▼ January 20. 1005 ▼ jus« out out about town Cascade A ID S Project provides nonmedical services to people whose lives are affected by HIV/A1DS in Oregon Services include counseling, support groups, advocacy assistance, outreach and educa­ tion. activities and inform ation Benefits A d vo ca cy C linic is held every Monday to assist people who are HIV-positive w ith governm ent entitlem ent programs and housing form s ( 10 30 am-noon. CAP offices) Confidential and anonymous D rop-In H IV Testing is provided every Tuesday evening fo r gay and bisexial men (6-8 pm. CAP offices). The Plus C lu b Social Hour provides a relaxing setting *or people w ith H IV/AID S to meet and mingle socially. On the first Friday of the month, the Plus Club w ill meet at Hobo's Lounge (5-8 pm. 120 N W ThirdAve ) On the third Friday, the group will meet at E sspre ss It c o ffe e house (5-8 pm. se co n d floo r. 1026 S W S ta rk S t ). M enTalk II presents the safer sex workshop Spooking of Sox... a safe place for gay and bisexual men to brush-up on the latest in hot, protected sex, and offers other free workshops on a regular basis (call CAP for information on programs and events) Speak to Y o u r B ro th e r« P ro ject allow s gay and bisexual men, both HIV positive and HIV negative, to find support and get involved in helping their com m unity fight AIDS. M en T a lk « are In-home gatherings which provide a safe atm osphere to talk about relationships, safer sex. testing and m ore (call 223-6339. ext 160). CAP is recruiting Volu nte e r O utre ach W orkers fo r education m aterials developm ent, and the M enTalk Home M eeting Program (call Roger 223-5907 ext 130). (CAP offices. Suite 300. 620 S W Fifth Ave . 223-5907 ) ( 5/1 9) OW TO CONTACT US Out Ab o u t To w n > . a free community service of |ust out Listings of events, announcements and groups that are specifically relevant to gay men. lesbians and bisexuals of every color In Oregon are provided free o f charge |u «t o u t prints a full groups listing in the second issue of the month; the deadline for that issue is the Thursday before the first Friday of the month In the first issue that comes out each month. Ju s t o u t will list only immediate care organizations The deadline for that issue is the Thursday before the third Friday of the month These deadlines apply to the calendar also Announcem ents ,ire subject to editing, and inclusion is subject to space Im itations, relevance and receipt by deadline Submissions cannot be accepted over the phone Please type your announcement Send submissions to ju s t o u t calendar. PO Box 14400. Portland. OR 97214 0400, or fax to 236-1257 Items in O u t About To w n run for six months If you wish to continue to run your group's inform ation, please submit an updated announce­ ment » — i A -— — . ............. - ................ ....... ........................................■ - C A P Su p p o rt G ro u p Program s continue to o ffe r a variety of form ats including groups open to family and friends, lovers and caregivers, and people who are AIDS sym ptom atic and HIV positive asym ptom atic, as well as grief and loss support groups. If you would like to join an existing support group, or would like to assist in developing new support groups, contact CAP (Call Project O ient Services 223-5907 ) (5 /1 9 ) , NNOUNCEMENTS Clackam as C ounty A ID S Raliaf Effort is a newly form ed, community-based AIDS service organization m Clackamas County. Programs include HIV prevention education, support groups for people affected by HIV/AID S, and a Personal Active Listener program for peojDle with AIDS. (Call653-8738 o r write CCARE. 4790 SE Logus R d. Milwaukie. OR 97222 ) ( 3 /4 ) B ulletin B o ar d . . . O ne With Heart announces A e ro b ic Boxing for M en and Women — physical fitness w ith purpose Non-contact. Taught by Lara C lackam as C o u n ty Public Health is seeking citizens who would Seeburg (6 30-7 30 pm. Mondays and Wednesdays) (4231 SE Hawthorne Bhrd. $225. 231 1999 ) (3/15) like to partiepate in the HIV Prevention Planning Task Force. The group w ill plan and prioritize how funds fo r HIV prevention activities w ill be used M eetings w ill last two hours, and w ill be held four to six tim es per year in O regon C ity beginning in February 1995. C itizens are asked to make a one-year com m itm ent. (Contact Dixie W hetsell o r Dawn Martinez. 655 8430 ) (3/3) Th e B o rd e r Rider M otorcycle C lub. N orth Am erica's only international gay m otorcycle club, w ill celebrate its 25th year of bro th erh oo d in V ancouver. B C ., on Feb 18 (D etails R oy 503-256 0197 ) (2/17 ) O rganizing to r 1999's Lesbian and G ay Pride parade and rally has begun Individuals and groups interested in working on the C lu b B B S is a com puter bulletin board w ith AID S/H IV inform ation. CDC daily summaries. AIDS newsletters from around the world, and support fo r AID S/H IV affected individuals Huge file base, and online text file inform ation Support for clinicians and lay people This is a free bulletin board system (24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Club BBS. PO Box 25954. Eugene. OR. 503-345-79881(3/3) event are encouraged to get involved (Call for information 295-9788 ) (4/21 ) C o-editors Karen X. Tulchinsky and James Johnstone are accepting subm issions for an international anthology of short, short stories (750-1.000 w ords) by lesbians and gay men The book w ill be an album o f snapshots that reflect the spectrum of lesbian and gay life experiences Deadline: March 31, 1995. (For full guidelines, send SASE ¡must have correct Canadian postage or International Reply Coupons) to Queer Glances. Queer M om ents. 41002-1340 Burnaby St., Vancouver. B C . Canada, V6E 1 R 1 )(4 /1 ) Lesbians of diverse backgrounds are being sought to contribute to an Friends of Psoplo with A ID S Foundation is a nonprofit organi­ zation offering assistance to people with AIDS. (245-7428.)(5/1 9) H IV D ay C antor offers hospitality, inform ation and a variety of Carol Stainel and W Y M P R O V ! do a com edy benefit for the Feminist W om en's Health Center at Echo Theatre Ja n . 22 anthology of nonfiction assays about personal experi- encoe w ith health and health-related lesuee This anthology is intended to provide a healing catharsis fo r women in pain and to be a source o f com fort and strength for women struggling to survive in the health care system Deadline is April 30. 1995 (Mail typed, double­ spaced manuscripts and/or queries to: J White. M D , and Marissa Martina*. PO Box 10003. Portland. OR 97210. please include SASE.) (4/21 ) The editors o f L e e b b m a O H the Rag/ A Menopause/ A n th o l­ o g y are seeking personal narratives and short fiction about your menopausal experience as a lesbian. including helpful, useful and funny m aterial Deadline M arch 1. 1995. (Send submissions to: Anthology. PO 804. Grants Pass. OR 97526 ) (3 /3 ) Je w is h and new in to w n? The .Jewish Federation offers the booklet Shalom Portland A Newcomer 's Guide to Portland. Oregon s Jewish Past and Present (Free. 245-6219 ) (2 /3 ) B oundless Spirits, a perform ance-oriented choral group o f New Thought persuasion, seeks experienced, like-m inded singers and pianist Tuesday evening rehearsals at U nity of Beaverton, indepen­ dent rehearsal, and several evening o r weekend perform ances each month A perform ance tour to Russia is being planned for 1995. (Information Bob Lamberson 231-5135 )(2 /3 ) Th e Zone is an on-line com puter bulletin board for lesbian, gay and bisexual teens Based In Los Angeles, the free service operates 24 hours a day (213-731-0390 ) (4 /7 ) C onte m p o ra ry lesbian love poem s wanted for an anthology edited by Lestea Newman to be published by Ballantlne Books Deadline Feb 14. 1995 W omen o f color especially encouraged to send poetry (Send up to five poems with an SASE to PO Box 815. Northampton. MA 01061. )(2 J 17) Irvington residents are invited to Join the Irvington G a y and Lesbian A sa o d a tio n (281 6781.) (4 /2 1 ) A m erican Express Financial A d viso rs n o w has "dual cli­ ent financial planning" specifically designed for nonmanted couples (I e . gay men. lesbians, siblings, or any other nonmamed couple). (For a free guide, call David Woosley 503 255-4900. ext 225 )17 /7 ) The M ultnomah C ounty Health Departm ent is currently conducting paid, confidential interview s of A frica n Am erican ga y and bisexual men The surveys are inform al and address frequency o f condom use. level o f com m unication w ith sexual partners, and m eth­ ods o f obtaining inform ation Participants w ill receive a $15 g ift certificate to Fred M eyer (Jonathan 248-3030 ) (2 /1 7 ) join a group form ed to explore and develop interest and skill in various types of w riting—poetry, prose, nonfiction An interest In w riting is all that is required (M arty297-3480 ) (3 /1 7 ) Singers and Instrum entalists are invited to sing and/or accom ­ pany a vocal ensemble sponsored by Shalom M inistries M usic w ill include a variety of styles, religious and social comment, m support of cM l rights for all (760-4215 X 2 /1 7 ) Q u e e r« R U s is putting together an anthology of all radical, queer, and-aeelm ilatlonist material that deserves m ore than a local audience Send in your broadsides, 'rtn ew o rk. new sletter pieces, articles, dem o fliers, transitory agitprop (wheatpasting posters, stick­ ers . spray paint docum entation), etc . along w ith some info why you did It. what you did w ith It. responses New m aterial welcom e Deadline May 1.1995 (Send material—multiple copies if posable— o r inquiries to D Gould 4646 N Winchester Ave . Suite 2. Chicago. IL 60640. e mail to E Rand erandObates edu.) (4 /2 1 ) L ab yrin th, a fine arts journal by and fo r women, is now accepting nonfiction, and prose, poetry and visual art expressing views V olunteers on sexual orientation, political issues, spirituality, children, aging, feminism, erotica, body image, surviving abuse, the beauty myth, the creative process, and racial-ethnic-cultural Issues Deadline; Jan. 31, 1995 (W rite and enclose SASE Labyrinth. Women's Center. Viking Union. 211 Western Washington University. Bellingham. WA 98225. 206-650-6114,)(1 /2 0 ) So u th w e st W ashington Health D istrict is recruiting volu n ­ teers to participate in its Companion Care program assisting HIV­ Th e Lesbian Avengers— a direct-action group focused on issues of survival and visibility of lesbians, bi-wom en and trans-dykes— announces a change in Its meeting location. A ll women welcom e! (8 pm. first and third Tuesdays. Rexall Rose Cafe. 2403 NE Alberta. 452 5 4 0 8 ) positive clients Volunteers provide at least four hours per week o f em otional and/or practical support. Individuals or groups welcome. (Contact Becky Bilyeu. Volunteer Coordinator 360-695-9215. ext 3 I5 1 .)( 4 /1 9 ) the spiritual needs o f fam ilies and Individuals affected by the epidem ic through prayer, worship and educational experiences. (Milwaukie United Church o f Christ. 4790 SE Logus Road. 654-6770.) (5 /5 ) sought Rehearsals are on W ednesday evenings (242-1675.) (7 /7 ) M ultnom ah C oun ty H IV Se n d ees include anonymous and confi­ Volunteers are needed to help organize and produce Portland's 20th International W om an's D a y celebration, to be held Sunday. dential HIV counseling and testing by appointm ent and w alk-in (248-3775) and HIV O inical Services fo r HIV infected persons. (248-5020). (5/19 ) G atherings Oregon Cascades Faeries w ill gather fo r five days, sharing stories, rituals, fantasies, wisdom, healing and love amid the spectacular surroundings. Facilities include hot springs, hot tubs, sauna and sweat lodge (Thursday-Monday. Feb. 16-20. to register, write B B W 95. 114 NE 22nd A v e . Portland. OR 97232-3104. e m a il RavndVlIIOaol com. o r call 735-4758 ) (2 /3 ) A sians and Friends of Florida announces its ' Florasian O ccasion " Last year's event drew participants from throughout the U S . Canada and Europe The three-day celebration includes a Banana Bash opening reception, a Deck Brunch, and a Legends Dinner Sightseeing and an Asians and Friends Bar-B-Q Dinner are also planned. (Friday-Sunday. Feb. 3-5, $119. for Information o r registration application PO Box 1207. Fort Lauderdale. FL 33301.) T h e Am e rica n Federation of Veterans w ill hold Its Biennial Conference and Educational S u m m it at the New York Holiday Hills Conference C enter and Resort Featured guests include Anthony Hawkins, director o f the V A. C enter fo r M inority A ffairs, and Joan Furey. director o f the V A. C enter fo r W om en Veterans. W orkshops. sensitM ty training, and a "V .A . Town M eeting fo r Veterans* are planned (Friday-Monday. Feb 17-20. $260 per person (double occu­ pancy) Includes accommodations, food and workshops, details AFV. 3 4 6 Broadway. Suite 811. New York. N Y 10013: o r call: 212-3493455. fax 212 233 6058 em ail: SWAROOP4140aol.com ) (2 /1 7 ) Project Q uest w ill sponsor "Livin g FuNyi A Pacific N o rth ­ w est H IV and A ID S Healing Conference. * fo r those whose lives have been touched by HIV and AIDS A healing retreat, a tim e for learning, play, tears, inspiration and jo y Keynote speaker w ill be Dr. Jon Kaiser. M D .. author of Immune Power The conference w ill be held at Breitenbush Hot Springs (Thursday-Sunday. April 20-23, registra­ tion $249 before Feb f . $269 after. 241-1635 ) (4 /2 1 ) Th e G a y and Lesbian Parents C oalition International C o n ­ ference. held June 30-July 3 at the U niversity o f California-Los Angeles, w ill com prise three sub-conferences The Parent's C onfer­ ence. focusing on issues o f relevance to those who are currently parenting or wish to become parents, and the Young A dult's C onfer­ ence and the C hildren's Conference, which w ill examine topics o f im portance to the children o f lesbian or gay parents Each w ill feature workshops, guest speakers, special events, and entertainm ent (W rite GLPCI 95 7985 Santa Monica B N d . Box 109-346. W est Hollywood. CA 90046. c a t 231 654 0307 fax 310-652 7584 )17/7) M inistry to Psoplo Living w ith H IV / A ID S seeks to provide fo r Bridges V ocal Ensam bla. P ortland's Lesbian and Gay choral ensemble, is looking fo r a now adm inistrativa coordinator (a volunteer position w ith a m onthly stipend). Te n o rs are also being M arch 12. at M ontgom ery Park. (231-1604.7 (3 /3 ) N orthw est Radical Faeries celebrates its Annual W inter Gathering at Breitenbush Hot Springs, southeast o f Portland in the services to all persons w ith H IV/AID S to help them cope intellectually, em otionally, spiritually and socially with the vim s Dinner is offered on Monday; lunches Monday through Friday (12:30 pm). Specialized ser­ vices include: Daily Bread Express fo r the housebound: Monday evening support group/relaxation techniques; Lazarus Com m unity, w ith the Ftev G ary M clnnis. soul care fo r those w ith HIV and AIDS (6pm Mondays>. Tuesday morning spiritual issues discussion/support group; W ednesday afternoon AA meeting; Thursday morning stress manage­ m ent/support group. Additionally, the Day C enter offers "Friday F licks." Tuesday YM CA health/fitness classes, and seasonal parties and field trips. Nursing is available The Day C enter is interfaith sponsored. (9am- 5 pm Monday-Friday. 3835 S W Kelly S t . 223 3444 7(5/19) Th a N A M E S Project Portland Chapter runs panel-making w ork­ W orkshops It's M y Pleasure presents w orkshops to the com m unity, designed to educate and inspire W elcom ing Lesb ians P od u cki meet new shops the first and third Monday o f e e ry month at the HIV Day Center. Educational m aterials and a speakers bureau are also available. (6-8pm. 3835 S W Kelly St.. 650-7032.) ( 2 / IT) O rego n A ID S Hotline, cosponsored by CAP and the O regon Health Division, provides AIDS Inform ation, support and referral, treatm ent Inform ation, and free theater tickets fo r people w ith H R //A D S . Poal- tfvs Link connects people im pacted by H IV/AID S w ith trained HIV­ positive volunteers fo r telephone support and Inform ation (ask for Positive Unk) (10 am-9 pm Monday-Friday. noon-6 pm Saturday and Sunday. 223-2437 or 1-800-777-AIDS.)(5 /1 9 ) people during this fun, social tim e Bring a dish to pass and your own dinner service Facilitated by A lice Knotts and Jeanne Knepper (6.30 pm Saturday. Jan 21. $5. call to preregister) Sex T o y s 101 1 for women only. Com e and enjoy an inform ative 'sh o w and te ll* about erotic additions to your sex life. Presented by Holly Mulcahey. this ‘ lecture* is safe, respectful, humorous and welcom ing to all women (7 pm Tuesday. Jan 24, free, please preregister) Lesbian Health Caret learn alternatives to the traditional male model o f medical care from Jill Sanders o f the Portland Naturopathic Clinic. A ll welcom e (7 pm Thursday. Jan 26, free, please preregister) Guided M editations with Twlla Nesky (7 pm Tuesday. Jan 31. please preregister). (4526 SE Hawthorne B fvd . 236 0505.) (6 /1 6 ) O u r House of Portland is a nonprofit. residential-care facility fo r men Project C o p e is a workshop providing education and support for Project Q uest is a nonprofit H V and AIDS self-em powerm ent and Individuals with HIV, their partners, fam ilies and friends Presented in six weekly, two- hour sessions— available M ar 28-M ay 2 and Sept. 19- O ct. 24— the workshop w ill provide accurate, up-to-date Information; em otional support, and practical alternatives fo r day-to-day IMng. ($ 15. Information: 833-3514.) immune function enhancement program, offering workshops, retreats, and conferences, along w ith ongoing programs In nutritional cooking and eating fo r people with HIV, yoga, stopping smoking, m editation, and m ore. (Call to receive schedule and preregister fo r workshops. 241-6448) (5 /5 ) ■ 'o tas/. "* • IDS & HIV and women w ith A D S . This agency provides 24-hour nursing care and quality living services to residents. Volunteer opportunities abound. (Call or drop by during business hours. 2727SEA)derSt .234-0175.X5/5) P e o p le o f C o lo r A g a in s t A I D S N e tw o rk . (S e a ttle . 206-322-7061.) (5 /1 9 ) Regional A ID S Interfaitfi N etw ork supports and trains people in developing strategies for increased com m unity awareness about H IV / AIDS RAFJ w orks w ith local health departm ents and com m unity-based organizations to develop "Faith in A ction" opportunités and to assist in prevention education, advocacy, caregiving, food banks, transportation and fund raising (4790SE Logus Rd.. Milwaukie. OR 97222.653-8738. fax 653-0013.1(5/19) T o d 's C o m e r provides free clothing for people w ith A D S . A service o f the Friends o f People w ith A D S Foundation (245-7428 ) (5 /1 9 ) A ID S Hotline (1 800-777-AO S ) (6715) A ID S Forum Live is television fo r people with AIDS (1 108 NE Going St . Portland. OR 97221. Jack Cox 284-6807) (5/19 ) to B rother sponsors a M enTalk in conjunction with Cascade AIDS Project, specifically fo r African American gay and bi­ sexual men A variety o f topics are discussed M eets 7-10 pm the tNrd W ednesday o f each month (To register André Pruitt at C AP223-5907. ext. 129. o r Jonathan Hutchinson 248-3030.) (4 /7 ) Trin ity Episcopal C hu rch offers a m onthly Heeling and V e s ­ pers Service w ith special Intentions fo r those people affected in any way by H R //A D S disease (5 pm. second Sunday o f each month). Also offered is Hope end Wholeness, a spiritually centered support group fo r people IMng with HIV/AID S disease Focus is on spiritual nourish­ ment and growth (7-9pm Wednesdays) (Wheelchair accessible. 147 N W 19th Ave , 222-9811.) (5/19) W ashington C o u n ty Health D epartm ent H IV S e nde e s pro­ vides anonymous testing and counseling, by appointm ent and walk-in Seropositive wellness program offers Individuals counseling. Se habia