2 T august 19. 1994 ▼ Just out just out s in c e 1983 PUBLISHER AND EDITOR Renée LaChance EDITOR-AT-LARGE Ariel Watcrwoman steppin’ out CALENDAR EDITOR contents VOL 11 NO. 20 AUGUST 19,1994 FEATURES Jann Gilbert Jesse Helms runs amok PHOTOGRAPHER Linda Kliewer Meg Grace The N. C. senator is adding discriminatory riders to a slew o f new bills ADVERTISING REPS (P- 9) ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Fred Allemann E. Ann Hinds Jewel Robinson DEPARTMENTS CREATIVE DIRECTOR E. Ann Hinds World news GRAPHIC DESIGN Israeli Parliament lends unprecedented support to pride celebrations; queer life is booming in the Baltic States Rupert Kinnard COPY EDITOR Kelly M. Bryan FORMATTER Fred Allemann (P- 4) TYPESETTER National news Jann Gilbert Landmark ENDA hearings begin in the U.S. Senate; Olympics flee Cobb County, Ga. DISTRIBUTION Up Front Distribution OFFICE MANAGER (pp. 5-12) Aaron Bong Local news CONTRIBUTORS Martha Allen Aaron Bong Jessica Dubey Jann Gilbert Dale Reynolds Bob Roehr Rex Wockner Ju st out is published on the first and th ird F rid a y o f each m o n th . Copyright C1994 by Just out No part ol Ju st out may be reproduced without w ritten per­ mission from the publisher The subm ission of w ritten and graphic m a te ria ls is w elcom ed. W ritten material should he typed and double-spaced Ju st out reserves the right to edit for grammar, punctuation, style, liability concerns and length We will reject or edit articles or advertisements that are offensive, demeaning or may result in legal action Ju s t out consults the Associated Press Stsle Book and Uhel Manual on editonal decisions letters to the editor should be limited to two double-spaced typed pages. D eadline for submissions to the editonal department and for the Calendar is the Thursday before the first and third Friday for the next issue Views expressed in letters to the editor, columns and features are not necessarily those of the publisher The display advertisin g deadline is the Monday after the first and third Friday for the next issue C lassified a d s must be received at the office ot Ju st out by the Monday after the first and third Friday for the next issue, along with payment Ads will not be taken over the telephone Ad policy No sexually exploitive advertising will be accepted Compensation for errors in, or cancellation of, advertising will be made with credit toward future advertising Subscriptions to Ju st out are available for $17 50 for 12 issues First Class (in an envelope) is $30 for 12 issues A copy of Ju st out is available for $1 and/or advertising rates are available on request The m ailing ad dress and telephone num ber for Ju st out are PO Box 14400. Portland. OR 97214-0400; (503) 236-1252 Our fax number is 236-1257 ♦ • ♦ • S * O « Philanthropic groups invest in pride; attorney David Allen is investigated editorial (pp. 16-17) New trouble As recent violence derails the anti-abortion movement, its leaders are looking toward another target COLUM NS Out there Self-defense course teaches women to stand up fo r themselves (pp. 14-15) T by Ariel Waterwoman ave you been following the news concerning the blood turn cold. These are people who bring violence and recent murders at the Pensacola, Fla., abortion divisiveness into every community they touch. Does this sound clinic? As a woman and former health worker for familiar? The ‘‘tu rf’ wars between the newcomer hate groups an abortion provider, this violence touches me and the established hate groups should be interesting. personally. Almost every weekend the clinic It is appalling to think that the abortion protesters are now where I worked was surrounded by anti-abortion going protesters to pool their resources and join with other hate groups to who were screaming in the faces of women attempting to enter try to destroy our queer communities. Having been at it longer, the building. We had to check the inner offices twice a day for they have much better communications and networking abili­ bombs. After one came in the mail, we had to train office ties than small potatoes like Lon Mabon. workers to identify letter bombs. Our staff meetings were often Can organizations whose primary focus was targeting abor­ consumed with strategies on how to best protect ourselves from tion clinics effectively make the switch to a new target group? attack. Valuable time and energy were lost from the real work When I think about Operation Rescue’s typical tactics of of providing abortions and supporting women through a poten­ barricading businesses, intimidation and threats of violence, I tially painful experience. wonder how its strategies will change. Will the newly rede­ These murders may prove to be the last gasp for the anti­ signed hate groups stick with direct confrontation and vio­ abortion movement. The Oregonian reported Aug. 10 that the lence? Will they bring about more teen suicides by targeting leadership in the anti-abortion movement is moving on to children? Will they join the neo-Nazis who plan to blow up gay bigger and better causes. Randall Terry, the co-founder of and lesbian bars? Where is the attack going to come from, and Operation Rescue, has named the next group to target, and it is what will it consist of? More legislative attacks targeting our us. civil rights will be shot down in the courts. Terry is described in the article as being a “charismatic The speculation is endless. Whatever these new forces speaker with a well-documented taste for the limelight.” He is decide to do, we need to face it head-on with all the ingenuity moving on to attacking queer rights in an attempt to keep the and resources available to us. The irony of “pro-life” groups donations and media coverage happening. targeting the well-being of human—queer— life should not be What this will mean to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans­ lost in this discussion. sexual and transgender communities is a whole lot of trouble. 1 guess the burning question is: Would the “pro-lifers” Juswhinkmg about T tiry ’s ability to rally protesters makes my support aborting lesbian or gay* fetuses? ■ ■ • - , > . , • ■ H ARTS Cinema The director and star of The Adventures o f Priscilla, Queen o f the Desert talk about lip-synching and lycra (p. 24) Profile Paul Monette talks about life with AIDS and his latest book, Last Watch o f the Night (pp. 26-27) Aural gratification An eclectic mix o f CDs strokes the imagination (p. 28)