ju s t o u t ▼ fo b ru a ry 4 . 1 M 4 ▼ 1 3 THE OTHER HAND FUNCTIONAL ART FROM THE NORTHWEST (AND OTHER PLACES) CAP launches new intervention program Cascade AIDS Project launched a new inter­ vention program for the gay and bisexual male community last month. Called “Speak to Your Brothers,” the program aims to educate both HIV positive and negative men about safer-sex prac­ tices and to encourage all people to be tested for HIV. “After more than 12 years of fighting and trying to stop this disease, gay and bisexual men are still becoming infected with HIV,” said project coordinator Dan Bueling. Of the total number of AIDS cases reported in Oregon as of January 1994,83 percent were attributed to gay or bisexual men. A key component of the program are Men Talk Meetings, in which eight to ten men meet in a home for two to three hours and talk about safer sex, testing and how HIV and AIDS is impacting their lives. The meetings will be run by trained volunteer facilitators. "The objective of the meetings is to create opportunities for gay and bisexual men to discuss the many complex issues they are facing and how together they can respond," B ueling said. “It might be hard to believe that something so very simple— talking to each other—could be enough to slam the brakes on this epidemic. But we believe that it can.” ■ T O G E T H E R WE WILL l U I L D l BROTHERS ■ 3N03H1A0 H IM 3M H 3 H 1 3 9 0 1 ■ Group members will be encouraged to talk about issues brought up in meetings with friends, co-workers and loved ones. An ongoing survey sponsored by CAP and the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies of the Uni­ versity of California in San Francisco shows that while most gay and bisexual men in Portland are practicing safer sex consistently, many are having difficulty maintaining safe behavior all the time. Findings also show that one out of three men do not know their HIV status. During the past year, CAP has sponsored 19 focus group meetings with more than 200 gay and bisexual men. Those groups revealed that men are feeling isolated and stigmatized in the face of the AIDS epidemic. Many expressed fear of knowing their status. “If I test and I’m positive. I’m afraid [my friends will] leave—once you’re positive, you’re sunk,” said one participant Another aspect of the “Speak to Your Broth­ ers” program is a change in the monthly newslet­ ter, now called Speaking Up. Co-editor Howard Dana said that the newsletter, which was intro­ duced last month, will target all gay and bisexual men affected by HIV, not just men who are HIV positive. The newsletter was formerly called Posi­ tive Connection. Dana said that funds for the newsletter, which come from the Center for AIDS Prevention and Multnomah County, are specifically marked for the men’s prevention program. He said CAP is committed to assisting all people affected by HIV, including women. To be a part of a Men Talk meeting or for more information, call CAP at 223-5907. Chez Jose donates portion of sales to charity About SI 0,000 has been distributed to Port­ land agencies, including the Cascade AIDS Project, Bradley Angle House and an AIDS hospice cen­ ter, through Chez Jose’s “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" program. Each quarter since April 1993, one percent of the gross sales at each of the two Chez Jose restaurants has been donated to four different agencies. The charities are determined by restaurant pa­ trons. Every customer votes for one charity and, at the end of the quarter, donations are distributed according to percentage of votes. Other charities that have received money from the program include the Blanchet House, Sisters of the Road Cafe and Our House. Chez Jose restaurants are located at 8502 SW Terwilliger and 2200 NE Broadway. Bisexual conference to be held The Northwest Conference on Bisexuality will be held Feb. 12 at Portland State University. Workshops include Relationships and Bisexu­ ality, The Radically Sexed, Loving Someone Bi, Fighting the Right and Heteros, Homos and Switch Hitters. Elections for two Northwest representatives to BiNet USA, a national organization for bisexual people and their supporters, will take place after the last workshop session. A dance will be held from 8 pm until midnight. Registration begins at 9 am in room 224 of Cramer Hall at PSU, located at SW Broadway and Harrison. Cost for the conference is $25; for the dance only, cost is $10. For more information, call the BiNet Oregon Bisexual Information Line at (503) 635-3156. II of 0 sponsors symposium on sexual minority issues “Conversations on Curriculum: Sexualities in the University Classroom” is the topic of this year’s symposium on gay, lesbian and bisexual issues at the University of Oregon, set for Feb. 18- 19. The event includes three panel discussions and an informal networking reception. M ainstream ing the M argins: Including Sexualities across the Curriculum, held on Friday, Feb. 18,3 to 5 pm, will address how sexual issues are included in biology, English, history, law, sociology, theater arts and other academic fields. The networking portion will be held afterwards, from 5:30 to 7 pm. Both events arc in the Gerlinger Lounge. Queer Topics: Examples of Research and Courses Focusing on Diverse Sexualities, a dis­ cussion of courses specifically focusing on sexual minority issues, will be held on Saturday, Feb. 19, from 10 am to noon. That will be followed by a discussion on the risks and rewards of addressing sexual orientation in the classroom, from 1 to 3 pm. Both events will take place in the EMU Walnut Room. Faculty from the University of Oregon, Lane Community College, Oregon State University, Portland State University and other colleges and universities will be participating in all programs. Admission to all events is free. For more infor­ mation or directions, call 346-1142 or 346-4863. Compiled by Pamela Lyons 4534 5E HAWTHORNE • PDX 97215 (503) 232-3429 HAND-CRAFTED ITEM S BY LOCAL ARTISTS P olaroid an d W axed T ra n s fe r» by SARAH TAYLOR C O N T R IB U T E T O T H E W E L L -B E I N G O F O T H E R S W H IL E C R E A T IN G Y O U R OW N H EA LTH Y, PROSPEROUS L IF E S T Y L E ! Start your own business with ecologically friendly products for optimal energy pure air and water, weight loss and management of stress, women's health Issues and Immune system functloa • Highly effective products you can feel great about) • Gener ¿onerous compensation plan • Professional training to support you at all times • W ork with an energetic team of committed health professionals I n H E A L TH 503-235-3724 We see you David A n d erso n B'Zillion Dollar Club *7