tWfi t* n i v • nr just out T octobor 15, 1003 ▼ 23 T h * O th er S id « ■ a gay and lesbian service organization. K hosts a party every Saturday night at the Other Side Club The club la available fo r any gay or lesbian related event Business meetings are the second Friday of each month (PO Box 5672. Bend. 97706) C r is is Intervention S e rv io e s (PO Box 819. Medford 97501, 779 4490. Hcplme 779 HELP. Teentne 779 TEENor800201 TEEN ) D ouglas County C a y A rc h iv e s is a repository lor materials relevant to the rural homopfute (POBox 182. Dillard. 97432.6799913) ofFletgioua Science. 460 SW T S t . Grants Pass. 474 0 7 1 9 ) P e s o s H o u se (PO Box 524. Ashland. 97520 482 96 2 5 ) G a y A A (P O B ox 1313. Medford 97SOI. 535 3315) Q u e er N a tio n -A sh lan d C h a p te r invites ail concerned commu n*y members to Join in non violent, positive political activism to improve awareness of gay. lesbian and bisexual concerns in the area Meets alternate Tuesdays at the city Itorery. in a relaxed atmosphere with respect fo r all opinions (Wyfy. 488 3093 ) G ay and Lesb ia n A llian ce meets monthly (7 30 pm. second Thursdays. Gay and Lesbian Commonly Center. 3856 Carries Road. Rosebuig. mating address. POBox813. Roseburg. 97470. 672 4126) Ro gue V a lle y C h o ir includes lesbians, gays, bisexuals and sup porters of human rights ( 7-9 pm. Mondays. First United Methodist Church. Ashland. 482 9122 or 488 3436) G a y and L e s b ia n A lo o h o lice A n o n ym o u s meets weekly (.Thursdays, call GALON AIDS Hotline. Bruce or Lee. 269 4 183) G a y and L e sb ia n and C o m m unity A llia n c e (Southern Or­ egon State Cotcge. Ashland. 97520; 552 7702 ) G a y and L e s b ia n O u tre a ch N etw o rk (G A L O N ) provides a 24 hour inform aton hotline, monthly meetings and a newsletter (PO Box 4212. Coos Bay. 97420. 26941831 G a y and L e s b ia n D is c u s sio n G ro u p merits weekly (7 30pm. Tuesdays. First United Methodml Church. 1771 W Harvard Blvd.. Roseburg. 97470 ) Rogue V a lle y P / F L A G . Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gay men. provides support lor s i family members and friends of lesbians and gay men (7 pm. third Tuesdays. Upper Room. First United Methodmt Church. 175 NMam S t . Ashland, mailing address. PO Box 13. Ashland. OR97S20. c a t Candace o r Chuck. 482 4017. orChehe or Gerald. 488 3436) G a y and L e sb ia n United Effort (G L U E ) P A C meets monthly to promote equality for. and visb ility of. the gay and lesbian community in Lincoln County Fun. friendly aoclal/political advocacy (265 5662 ) G a y and L e sb ia n S u p p o rt G ro u p of S o u th ern O re g o n offers support and information for lesbians and gay men (PO Box 43. Klamath Fate. 97601) L e s b ia n s of T illam o o k C o u n ty sh a ra po tluck together m onthly. (L T .C . PO BOx 156. Beaver. OP 97138. 398 5 223) The G ra p e v in e is designed to provide the southern Oregon lesbian community with a resource center Services offered w it include local newsletter. chUd care, coordination of local resources for confer ences, rental referrals, lesbian business directory and much more (C a ll673 3070.) iv^xXv^Xvixix^^XvX:: O A S T A t O R EG O N So u th ern O reg o n C o a s t C h a p te r of P / F L A G (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gaya). (C a t 347 9306 ) T illam o o k Co u n ty C itfa e n s for Hum an D ignity works toward a society in which the basic chril rights of all Oregonians are assured. (PO Box 763. Tillamook. 97141; 842 1068 ) Tillam ook C ounty G A L A holds month^potlucksand get together« lor gay men. lesbians and bisexuals (PO Box 592. Pacific City. 97135) Dunn H o u se provides crisis intervention and a women's shelter (M edford 7 7 9 4 3 5 7 ) Hum an R ig h ts C o alitio n of J a c k s o n C o u n ty (P O B ox3176. Ashland 97520; 7 7 01761) Jo se p h in e C o u n ty Hum an Rights A llia n c « (PO Box 182. Grants Pass. 97526 4768696 ) K lam ath A r* a Lam b d a A sso c ia tio n ( K A L A ) (PO Box 43. Klamath Fats, OR 97602. 883 2437 ) K lam ath F a lls P / F L A G chapter. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, meets the firs t Thursday of every month (7 pm. First United Methodist Church. 230 N I Oth St . 882 3309 ) L e s b ia n and G a y H otlina in Medford provides information and referrals on local resources and events. AIDS information, as w et as supportive listening (7-11 pm. every night. 773-8146.) Lam bda Eaatern O reg o n C o n n e ctio n h olds monthly meetmgs in Baker C ity (Box 382. Baker City. 97814 ) L iste n and B« Kind, a lesbian and gay w riters' group, meets m homes from W olf Creek to Ashland (866 2 5 1 0 o r 776-2159 ) M adford G a y M e n 's S u p p o rt G ro u p meets weekly (Wcdncs days, call Bob. 779 7324 ) M etropolitan Com m unity C h u rc h of R o seb u rg celebrates Sunday services with the Rev JodyA hlstcdt (1 1 am. GLCC. POBox 2125. Roseburg. 97470. 6 7 2 4 1 2 6 ) A m e rica n C iv il L ib e rtie s Union. Jackson County Chapter ( C at 779 4357) M etropolitan Com m unity C h u rch of the S isk iy o u s observes Sunday services with pastor Don Magill (6pm. 540 NHolly. Medford; mating address. PO Box 1313. Medford. OR 97501. 770 7966 ) P a re n ts and F rie n d s of L e s b ia n s and G a y s (P/FLAG), Grants Pass chapter, meets the third Thursday of every month (7pm, Church S u p p o rt G ro u p fo r L e sb ia n « In R eo o very from A lco h o l an d/o r N aro ctioe A d d ictio n meets weekly (7 9pm. Wednea days. Gay and Lesbian Community Center. 3856 Carnes Road. Roseburg. c a t Fran. 440-2272) W o m en 's D an o es In R o eeb urg Womyn only (8 pm midnight. Saturdays. Winston Community Center. 5 miles south o f Roseburg. $3 5 sliding scale. 673 3070 ) W omaneouree (POBox335. Ashand. 97520. 482 2026. 488 1616) W o m en 's C e n te r (Southern Oregon State College. Ashland. 97520. 552 6216 ) W om en's C r is is S u p p o rt T e a m ( 748N W 5th S t . Grants Pass. 97526 4799349. orHotbne 4 7 9 1 4 0 0 ) Y o u th w o rk a (1032 W Mam S t . Medford. 97501; 779 2393) C 2 ILLAM ETTE VALLEY C o alitio n to En d B ig o try » a broad based coalition that works to celebrate diversity fcy actively supporting and securing civil equality fo r gays, lesbians and bisexuals General meetings are held the third Sunday of every month (4 pm. Room 240. Salem City Council Chambers. SalemCityHall)(Mailingaddress. POBox 13144, Salem. OR 97309 373 4173 ) Fam ily and F rie n d s of L e s b ia n s and G aya, affiliated with the national P/FLAG. meets m Eugene ( 7:30 pm. third Mondays. First Congregational Church. POBox 11137. Eugene. 97440. 689 1630) H ealth care W o rk ers G ro u p is open to gay men and lesbians who work in any healthcare related field (PO Box 17313, Salem. 97305) O U T P A C is a gay. lesbian and bisexual human rights political actxsn comm ittee that does research and education around gay and lesbian «sues OUTPAC sponsors quarterly conferences targeted at training community based organizations and comm unity leaders to give them the skills and informalx>n needed to create change (PO Box 5263. Eugene. 97405 687 922 6 ) P re sb y te ria n « fo r L e s b ia n and G a y C o n e e r n s (PO Box 3391. Eugene. 97403. o r c a t in Portland. 285 9458. m Eugene. 346 2778. and m Corvatm. 757 8243 ) S w e e t S p irit M etrop olitan C o m m u nity C h u re h is an ecu m encal Christian church open to all people Come celebrate w ith us ( I I am. Sundays. 1410 SE 12th S t . Salem. 363 6618 ) A ffirm sH o n -S ssttis are gay and lesbian Mormons, friends and family who share a common background, coming together for friend ship, funandsupport (David. 206 820 5729orNephi. 206 823 2 5 5 7 ) B i-O ut S p e a k e r s C o lle c tiv e e a speakers' bureau, form ed to Increase v e b ility of bisexuals and bisexual issues W e can provide accurate inform at»n about bisexuality, answers to questions and concerns, resources for bisexuals around the USA. asset with program development for new bisexual groups, and asset exetm g groups that wish to include bisexuals m their programs (BiNET/ Seattle. PO Box 30645. Greenwood Slaton. Seattle. WA 98103- 0645. 206 720 4506 ) B ise x u al S u p p o rt G ro u p e forming in the Longview /Kelso area Focus w ill be on open talk and awareness M eetings w ill be closed (CallRose. 206 423 1075) T h e F a irn e s s P A C works to build support for gay and lesbian esucs in Clark County and southwest W ashington (206 696 4527 ) L av en d e r W inds K ite C lu b e a group of gay and lesbian kite flyers LWKC s a chapter of the American Kitefhers Association (M arkor Brian. 206 896 6190. o r PO Box 5396. Vancouver. 98668) M etropolitan C o m m u n ity C h u ro h o f the G e n tle S h e p h e rd a a Christian congrcgatxMi (4 30 pm. Sundays. 4505 E 18th S t , Vancouver, mailing address. PO Box 5094, Vancouver. 98668. 206 253 840 1 ) N ew B e g in n in g s a a group fo r Three Rivers gay men and lesbians and their friends to meet others and have fun In a relaxed, accepting atmosphere M eets first Saturday and third Sunday of every month (Write or call for lime and location. POBox 14. Longview. WA 98632. 206 425 4072.) V a n co u v e r C o m m u n ity A c tiv itie s B o a rd meets the second Sunday of every month to organize social activities (4pm. North Bank Tavern, 106 W 6th A v e . Vancouver ) ARCH Trick or Treat! Y o u r F u to n Is W aitin g. BRO W N’S just as Tim TOP STORY sST mother begins campaigning on a homophobic platform. With his friends' support, Tim comes out—even on the 6 o'clock news. John Finch, Jerry Ferraccio and Lin Haring star in Arch Brown's bittersweet comedy of gay life, love, lust and politics in the video age. S25.00 VHS 118 minutes Available exclusively through A DIFFERENT LIGHT New York/San Francisco/West Hollywood Nothing could be more fun than a little trick or treat from Fantasy Adult Video.... Ss\. 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