Barbie and Ken have a growing gay following Barbie and her plastic entourage have en­ thralled little girls for several generations now, but she and her maker, the Mattel toy company, have been mum about her fanatically loyal gay follow ing, which has been coming out in swelling numbers. “ It’ s like coming out o f the closet all over again,” explains Joe Blitman, owner o f Joe’ s Barbies in Los Angeles. “ A lot o f guys start with Ken; they’ re trying to butch it up. After they have about a dozen Kens, it’ s, ‘ W ell, maybe just one Malibu Barbie.’ ” Virginia collector Bruce Wittiger gives it a more blunt perspective: “ I admit it. It started with Ken. I wanted him to fuck me.” Karen Vaviale, publisher o f a journal for adult Barbie fans in publication since 1988, acknowledges the popularity o f Barbie among gay men. “ I don’ t know too many men into Barbie who are not gay, and there are a number o f male collectors,” she notes. itself gushes with a decidedly campy flavor, both in its articles and letters from readers. is faggier than com ­ ments W ittiger. “ The editors are just too dense to realize how nelly their stories are.” Approxi­ mately 10 percent o f the magazine’ s readers, and a third o f its writers, are men. Although Mattel remains silent on the dolls’ popularity among gay men, recent style changes for Ken appear to be an appeal to gay clientele. His latest incarnation, Earring M agic Ken, sports blond-streaked hair, a lavender leatherette vest and t-shirt, a gaudy ring pendant necklace, and a pierced earring in his left ear. As one mother pointed out, “ Look, he hangs around with women and changes clothes all day. Y ou figure it out.” Last year. Sun Sensation Ken was the envy o f the beach in a gold mesh tank top and neon green lycra shorts. Western Stampin’ Ken was butch in his cow b oy hat and black leatherette chaps. "B arbie had the right idea,” W ittiger comments. “ For her, a boyfriend was just another plastic accessory.” Barbie Bazaar, Bazaar “Barbie Bazaar Barbie Blueboy," Salute to Israel parade organizers debate inclusion of gay synagogue Some conservative Jewish groups are oppos­ ing the inclusion o f the gay synagogue Congrega­ tion Beth Simchat Torah in a Salute to Israel parade, scheduled to take place in N ew York City this month. “ W e have taken the request [to p a rticip a te] under a d visem en t,” said Dan Adelman, executive vice chair o f the American Zionist Youth Foundation, which is organizing the parade. "E very effort is being made to make the parade as inclusive as possible. But this is a very, very sensitive matter.” The gay synagogue does not plan to resort to legal means to join the Salute to Israel parade. “ A t this point we are not pursuing a legal solution,” said Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum. “ There has been no formal decision on the part o f the congrega­ tion, but speaking for myself, I do not consider this parade to be a public event. I support the Zionist Youth Foundation’ s legal right to deny anyone a place.” The congregation has rejected a preliminary offer to allow them to march without an identifying banner, although they have ex­ pressed a willingness to carry a banner that doesn’ t affirm their gayness. Yael Dayan, labor deputy o f the Knesset, Israel’ s parliament, and chair o f its wom en’ s rights and gay rights committees, conunented that she is “ amazed and upset” that the issue is even beingdebated. “ Israel would love to be saluted by the American Jewish gay and lesbian commu­ nity,” she stated. “ I find it unacceptable not to accept Zionist identification and support for rea­ son o f sexual orientation.” Typically, the parade supporting Israel attracts approximately 100,000 participants. Imprisonment of gay sailor On March 18, gay and lesbian veterans partici­ pating in the bus trip,‘T o u r o f Duty,” and m em ­ bers o f the Campaign for M ilitary Service and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, held a press co n feren ce outside the gates o f Ft. Leavenworth prison, near Kansas City, to protest the inhumane and unjust imprisonment o f gay sailor Larry Heholick. A fter serving 18 months o f combat duty in Vietnam and earning a Bronze Star, Heholick was charged with sodomy in 1990, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Since then he has been subjected to harsh mistreatment and harassment, including strip searches by epithet- screaming guards, denial o f phone privileges and contact with his lawyer, and solitary confinement. Tanya Dom i, N G L T F M ilita ry Freedom Project director and ‘T o u r o f Duty” spokesper­ son, condemned Heholick’ s treatment. ‘T h is is a horrible example o f how the Armed Forces’ ban against gay men and lesbians has ruined the lives o f people who serve our country,” said Domi, a former Arm y captain. “ It is a shameful display o f how the military’ s anti-gay ban can lead to the violation o f human rights.” ‘T o u r o f Duty,” a 32- city, 24-state bus tour o f gay and lesbian veterans, started in Minneapolis on March 14 and w ill end in Washington, D.C. on April 24. It is sponsored by the Campaign for Military Service, which was established to secure a presidential order ending the military ban on service by gays and lesbians. cathartic com ics I THOUGH 1 DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THE BROWN BOMBER ISN’T HERE TO DO THIS I , GAYLORD SEDEAH, HAVE VOLUNTEERE TO SALUTE THE 1993 LESBIAN AND GAY M A R C H ON W A SH IN G T O N ! IT WAS AWE* IN S P IR IN G BEING A PART OF THE GREATEST GATHERING FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN H IST O R Y / 10th International AIDS Candlelight march scheduled for May 23 M obilization Against A ID S has announced that the 10th Annual International A ID S Candle­ light Memorial and M obilization w ill take place this year on Sunday, M ay 23. The event is the w orld’ s largest annual community-based A ID S event, observed in 370cities in 55 nations. Obser­ vances range from small gatherings to huge marches through major urban centers. The largest and oldest, in San Francisco, attracts over 10,000 participants a year and was first observed in 1983. M A A ’ s successful outreach program has re­ sulted in ever-increasing participation in the in­ ternational commemoration. The candlelight vigil is often the first AIDS-related public event to occur in a town or city. “ A single person, without previous experience, can bring the Candlelight to his or her town with our guidance and support,” said M A A Executive Director Paul Boneberg. “ A ll that’s needed is a little time and a lot o f dedication. W e ’ve given birth to many AID S activists this way.” M A A assists by sending posters, press releases, banners, public service announcements, and samples o f invitation letters for public officials and dignitaries. For more information, call M A A at (800) 245-6229. Survey finds soldiers at risk for AIDS A survey o f soldiers at 30 Arm y bases in the U.S. and Europe indicates that over half the sol­ diers questioned continue to indulge in frequent, unsafe, and indiscriminate sexual behavior. Last year, 556 Arm y soldiers were found to have contracted H IV while on active duty, and other branches o f the military report similar figures. The majority o f these infections occurred through heterosexual contact “ W e are looking at the future o f the epidemic,” said Lydia Temoshok, director o f behavioral medicine research at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, the federal re­ search institute that conducted the survey. Scientists were especially confounded by in­ dications that young blacks in the military are being infected at rates up to 4 times that o f young whites, according to ongoing data collected since 1985 from infected active-duty personnel. Cur­ rently, HIV-infected members o f the military are allowed to remain on the jo b unless their units are deployed overseas, or they serve in sensitive jobs, such as health care. They are given medical discharges and disability benefits when they be­ come too ill to continue working. MCC dedicates $1.5 million center in Washington, D.C. On March 27, amid trumpet fanfares and a bank o f rainbow flags, almost 600 people ce l­ ebrated the opening o f the new, $1.5 million Ministry Center o f the Metropolitan Community Church o f Washington. "This culminates 20 years o f effort,” noted Councilmember Jack Evans, who represents the Shaw neighborhood where the church is located. He likened it to “ a new birth in the community, where all gays and lesbians can come and worship and bring together all the diverse aspects o f this community in one estab­ lishment.” M C C ’ s pastor, the Rev. Larry Uhrig, drew particular attention to the sanctuary’ s cross, which was pieced together from wood discarded during a renovation project at the congregation’ s previ­ ous location. “ It is a fitting symbol because those pieces o f wood had spent literally decades in hiding, supporting the building, but not visible to anyone,” he said. “ But in a moment o f grace they became something new. And we put them to­ gether and it became a symbol o f our life and a symbol o f G o d ’ s light in us.” HRCF names head of mail canvass program The Human Rights Campaign Fund has named California gay activist Tony Cheek to head the W est Coast operation o f its Speak Out program, which generates constituent mail to Congress, and has become the most successful grassroots m o b iliza tio n to o l in the lesbian and gay community’ s lobbying efforts. “ I ’m excited ateut building on the energy in the lesbian and gay community from the election,” said Cheek. "T h e military issue is an incredibly important battle this year. The right wing has their network in place. Our network. Speak Out, w ill have to become stronger on the West Coast if we are to win. I ’m excited about the challenge.” Cheek worked on the fundraising campaign for the Democratic Party in California and the Clinton Campaign before joining the Human Rights Campaign Fund. He also served as the first Special Events Coordinator for the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center. The three-year-old Speak Out program has generated hundreds o f thousands o f letters to Capitol Hill in support o f civil rights, A ID S fund­ ing and other issues o f concern to the lesbian and gay communities. compiled by Jim Hunger featuring The Brown Bomber and Diva Touché Flambé by P ro f. I.B . G itte n d o w n e [WITHIN THE ECO N O M Y PACK OF FOUR) L PANELS,THIS COMIC STR\P IS IOO% A r FORTIFIED WITH A LEMON FRESH, ph b a l a n c e d . n o sugar added a d m i r a t i o n FOR EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN P.C. USING A ‘ T IM E R E L E A S E FO RM U LA >|S IT MY IMAGINATION OR IS OOR SON IN THE C R E A T IO N OF THIS COMIC, .SOUNDING LIKE A T.V. C O M M E R C IA L?; .OUR RESPECT FOR THE MARCH’S M A X IM U M S T R E N G T H IM PACT WILL B E IN C R E A S IN G L Y E X P E R IE N C E D fER T IM E l u A N D R E M E M B E R . STAY T U N E D TO DOCTOR R E C O M M E N D E D , ALL-PURPOSE] C A T H A R T IC C O M I C S - NOW PRIN T ED ON N E W A N D IM P R O V E D . EASY] . G R IP PAPER B Y P R O D U C T S /