Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, May 01, 1993, Page 2, Image 2

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    ju st out
since 1983
steppin’ out
Ariel Walerwoman
VOL. 10 NO. 12 MAY 1,1993
Renée LaChance
Meroe Elahi
Irene K. Hislop
Jim Hunger
March on
On Sunday, April 25,1993,
we made history by taking
over the Capital of the United
States. In this issue, a four-
page pictorial begins our
coverage of this historic
event. In our May 15 issue, we
will continue our coverage
with stories and additional
Linda Carter
Linda Kliewer
Amanda Colorado
Meg Grace
E. Ann Hinds
Jewel Robinson
E. Ann Hinds
(pp. 16-19)
Rupert Kinnard
Beth Hyams
National news
Marines acquited of bashing
in spite of factual evidence
Dee Star Dancer Fultz
Photographic oxhihlt of family portraits showiap loshiaa aa i pay families that photographer J ob Gottshall f o u l
throogh afc la j u s t o u t . EiUhit to roa M ay 1-31 at laterstata Rrehoase Caltiral Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave.
Up Front Distribution
Sandra de Helen
Dr. Tantalus
Dee Star Dancer Fultz
Rex Wockner
Tom Cook
Matthew Nelson
Aaron Bong
Keith Hartman
Howard N. Dana
Lee Lynch
JuM Out is published an the first and
fifteen th day o f each m onth.
Copyright ©1993 by Just Out. No part of
Just Out may be reproduced without
written permission from the publisher.
T he subm ission o f w ritte n an d
graphic m aterials is welcomed. Written
material should be typed and double­
spaced. Just Out reserves the right to edit
for grammar, punctuation, style, liability
concerns and length. We will reject or edit
articles or advertisem ents that are
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legal action. Just Out consults the
Associated Press Style Book and Libel
Manual on editorial decisions.
Letters to the editor should be limited
to two double-spaced typed pages.
Deadline fa r submissions is the 1* and
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Views expressed in letters to the editor,
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those of the publisher.
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to the 2nd and 17th of each month.
Classified ads must be received at the
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Compensation for errors in, or cancellation
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A copy of Just Out is available for $1
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The m ailing addreas and telephone
number for Just Out are: PO Box 15117,
Portland, OR 97215; (503) 236-1251 Our
fax number is 236-1257.
(pp. 5-8)
Local news
Longtime friend and ally,
Gladys McCoy, is
Staying home and
watching C-SPAN
Media coverage of the struggle for civil rights for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and
transgendered people has made tremendous strides in a few short years.
Update on the Oregon
Citizens Alliance’s hate
(p -10)
by A riel W aterw om an
he lead story on every news station April 25 was
and HIV, probably more than anything else, have worked to
about the massive civil rights demonstration in
kick many gay men out of their lethargy concerning activism.
Washington, D.C. by gays, lesbians, bisexuals,
One result of this new activism is that more gay men who are
transgendered people of every color and our sup­
in the power elite of this country are dumping millions of
porters. The front page of every newspaper, includ­
dollars into our struggle for civil rights. This financial support
ing The Oregonian, was covered with big pictures of the is march
part of the reason we have emerged as such a powerful
and rally. It’s amazing to see all of the favorable publicity. In
political movement.
just a few short years there has been a tremendous turnaround
The far right’s religious fascism is also contributing to the
in the mainstream media regarding queers.
success of our movement in innumerable ways. Its legislative
In 1987, the March on Washington, D.C. was barely ac­
attacks, and the resulting publicity, have worked to illustrate
knowledged by mainstream media; certainly The Oregonian
why it is so urgent that our civil rights be protected. People in
gave it scant coverage. In the few years since 1987, the
the United States are clearly seeing the vicious assault that’s
movement to ensure the civil rights of sexual “others” in the
directed at us. Many people who never gave a second thought
United States has made tremendous progress. And media
to discriminating against queers are now having to stop and
coverage of this struggle has greatly improved. The rightness
look at whom that puts them in league with. Most people are
of our cause can be found all over mainstream media these
uncomfortable with discriminatory politics, and rebel at find­
days. The Oregonian just won national awards and recognition
ing themselves supporting fascist dogma. This is helping to
for its humanitarian handling of the Ballot Measure 9 fight.
build a strong base of public support for our cause. It’s impos­
When you stop and look at that small piece of our past, it’s as
sible to ignore the daily focus in the media about the justness of
breathtaking as watching a million queers “swarming” over the
our struggle for civil rights. It is only a matter of time before we
capital (to steal The O regonian's headline). The power and
have the same civil rights guarantees that are enjoyed by our
strength of the sexual-minority, civil-rights movement contin­
ues to gain momentum. (I have a strong feeling that the
Every time Lon Mabon and Pat Robertson get on television,
majority of us aren’t even “out” yeL)
and preach their hatred and bigotry toward gays, they are giving
In thinking about this slice of time, what seems obvious is
our struggle for civil rights that much more credibility.
that AIDS continues to take a heavy toll in every segment of our
This latest march on Washington, D.C., and the resultant
society, and religious extremist organizations continue to feed
publicity, is just another measure of the general acceptance our
on the flesh of our fallen members, like so many jackals. AIDS
civil rights struggle has gained.
Catholic priests were once
friends to gay liberation
(p- 9)
A call to activism for sexual
minority youth
(p. 30)
Video artists Green Jello
slime Dr. T. and Nurse
(p- 29)
We lucked out and ended up
with three queer film festivals
in one weekend
(P- 27)