just out ▼ august 1992 ▼ 5 world briefs ARGENTINA Argentina’s first gay and lesbian pride week featured a parade through Buenos Aires the evening of July 3. Three hundred activists marched from the Government Palace to Congress carrying pink placards demanding equal rights and chanting, “Respect for the gays and lesbians marching the streets of Argentina!” Other events as well-attended included a gay rights forum, an art show at the city cultural center and a film festival. A parallel exhibit of AIDS education material from 50 countries attracted 130,000 people over 15 days and featured screenings of the film Long­ time Companion. AUSTRALIA At the request of the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group, United National Hu­ man Rights Committee asked the Australian gov­ ernment to encourage legalization of gay sex in the state o f Tasmania. T G L g p has filed a complaint with the com­ mittee against the state government, charging the ban on male-male sex violates gays’ rights to privacy, equal treatment and freedom from dis­ crimination based on sexual orientation as guar­ anteed by the U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Australia is a signatory. Tasmania is the only state in Australia where gay sex is illegal. ▼ ▼ ▼ A 23-year-old man who stabbed to death and tried to decapitate a 65-year-old man he claimed made a sexual advance was acquitted of murder and manslaughter by a Victoria state Supreme Court. Robert Murley met Joe Godfrey in a bar in Mordialloc, and the two went to Godfrey’s apart­ ment. There, Murley said, Godfrey tried to hug him, so Murley stabbed Godfrey 17 times, crushed his rib cage with a chair, tried to cut off his head, set the apartment on fire and left. The court ruled this was an acceptable re­ sponse to an unwanted homosexual advance. Melbourne Star Observer, Outrage BRA ZIL A gay man or lesbian is murdered in Brazil every five days, says Luiz Mott, president of Grupo Gay de Bahia, one of the most active gay groups there. By monitoring the media, Mott has docu­ mented 1,200 murders in the past 10 years. He calls it “genocide.” The murders are often committed by hustlers who rob their victims and then kill them, Mott said. In the few cases in which charges are fried, the killers go free or receive very light sentences after arguing they were defending their honor against a gay advance, he said. GGB has also documented the existence o f 12 paramilitary groups dedicated to exterminating homosexuals and transvestites. One group, Comando de Ca$a aso Gays, has claimed respon­ sibility for killing and mutilating several Rio de Janeiro transvestites. CANADA The British Columbia legislature, on June 12, passed amendments to the British Columbia Hu­ man Rights Act prohibiting discrimination against lesbians and gay men. Lesbians, gay men and other human rights activists had been demanding the changes, both through conventional lobbying and through dem­ onstrations at the legislature and at party conven­ tions. Ken Smith, a lawyer active in human rights issues says that after working for over 20 years to have sexual o rie n ta tio n added to B ritish Columbia’s Human Rights Act, the amendment is a good first step. He feels that the amendment is limited and a comprehensive review of the entire act is needed. ▼ ▼ ▼ The United Church o f Canada has ordained its first openly gay minister, four years after passing a controversial resolution that O K ’d gay preach­ ers. Tim Stevenson, 46, o f Vancouver, was or­ dained by the church’s British Columbia branch. Meanwhile, delegates to the annual meeting of the UCC’s Saskatchewan branch resolved to fill 10 pulpits with open gays within three years. And the UCC’s Manitoba branch voted to develop a liturgy for gay and lesbian unions. That decision will be discussed by the UCC’s national governing body when it meets later this month. Perceptions, Xtra! ▼ ▼ ▼ The Metro Toronto Council voted 18-15 June 3 to extend the Metro government’s employee spousal benefits package to gay and lesbian work­ ers. Five employees, including M etro’s human rights director, had lodged complaints with the Ontario Human Rights Commission after their lovers were denied benefits. Ontario and the city o f Toronto already offer benefits to gay and lesbian employees’ partners. Metro Toronto is a federation of six boroughs and cities, smaller than but similar to a U.S. county. Xtra!, Toronto Star CH IN A The first AIDS hotline received 160 calls in its first six weeks of operation, mostly from men aged between 20 and 44 who asked about preven­ tion, testing and symptoms. China has 708 HIV-positive people, the gov­ ernment says. D ENM ARK Since OcL 1, 1989, when Denmark became the only country to allow lesbian and gay mar­ riages, 663 gay or lesbian couples have gotten married. Two-thirds o f the weddings have been between men. But gay and lesbian couples are still fighting for equality on three fronts. They cannot adopt children or demand their wedding be performed by the state Lutheran church (as opposed to city officials). And lesbians do not have access to artificial insemination. In other news, PAN Bladet, Denmark's only gay and lesbian newspaper, is preparing to cel­ ebrate its 40th birthday. It is published by the National Association for Gays and Lesbians, which formed in 1948. ENGLAND More than 100,000 people turned out for “ EuroPride” in London. About 30,000 stepped off from the Embankment, and another 70,000 joined post-parade festivities in Brockwell Park. The Pink Paper called the day “the Pride of a lifetime.” ▼ ▼ ▼ Anti-Semitism is flourishing in the 1990s, fed by rising nationalism in the former East bloc and growing popularity of far-right parties in the West, according to a 50-nation study by the Lon- don-based Institute o f Jewish Affairs. The report noted that Russia has “probably the most dynamic anti-Semitic movement anywhere in the world,” and in the West pointed to “a new breed of electorally successful far-right leaders” with anti- Semitic leanings, among them Jean-Marie le Pen of France and David Duke of the United States. LITH U A N IA The Ministry of Justice is preparing “the draft o f the law providing for the abolishment of Ar­ ticle 122 o f the Criminal Code for consensual homosexual relations,” Deputy Justice Minister S. Sedbaras wrote to a U.S. activist this month. Neighboring Estonia and Latvia, along with the former Soviet republic of Ukraine, have al­ ready decriminalized gay male sex. Lesbianism was not illegal in the U.S.S.R. M EX IC O A leader of Mexico City's AIDS movement and two other gay men were murdered in a Mexico City apartment July 12. The killings follow at least four other anti-gay murders in the city in recent weeks. According to Mexican newspapers, Francisco Estrada Valle, founder and president o f the AIDS organization A ve de Mexico, and two friends were tied up, tortured, stabbed and strangled. There are no suspects and gay groups charge that police "are more interested in the particulars o f the victims's sexual lifestyles than in clarifying the facts of the crime," as one activist put it. Police and press have reported extraneous inform ation such as that dildos, cockrings, sadomasochistic paraphernalia and women's cloth­ ing were discovered in the apartment where the murders happened. The murders happened as the 14th annual conference o f the International Lesbian and Gay Association opened in Paris. Two hundred ILGA delegates quickly pro­ tested at the Mexican embassy and reported they were "brutally" attacked by 1,200 officers o f the French riot police, CRS. Nine demonstrators were injured. Police barricaded the street with squad cars and began beating protestors without asking them to disperse or leaving an opening through which they could depart. ILGA lodged a protest with the Minister o f the Interior, who is responsible for the police. NEW ZEALAND The Broadcasting Standards Authority added “sexual orientation” to the anti-discrimination provisions of the Television Code of Broadcast­ ing Practice, at the request of the New Zealand AIDS Foundation. Portrayals of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and straights that denigrate their sexual orientations are now banned. Out! NICARAGUA There was “a grand display” of lesbianism at the Central American Feminist Conference March 23-28 in Managua, according to the Costa Rican gay and lesbian magazine Confidencial. “It was a topic of considerable importance that was approached in a serious and responsible man­ ner by the participants," the magazine reported. "This was useful to once again smash stereotypes and taboos....” NORW AY Gay Pride Week offered a parade, a lesbian handball tournament, dance and theater perfor­ mances, church services, sadomasochism parties and a film festival, among other events. The parade through downtown Oslo was lead by Dykes on Bikes and a male pom-pom troupe. The pride slogan was, “All Homosexuals-Come Forth afld Be Proud and Visible.” Blikk SOUTH AFRICA The Advocate will remain banned here follow­ ing a citizen’s appeal to the slate attorney in Pretoria. An appeals board determined: “This publica­ tion is aimed at homosexual/Iesbian readers and co n tain s ex p lic it le tte rs, ad v ice and information., .which are of such a repulsive nature that it certainly would exceed the tolerance level of the reasonable South African reader. "This publication is both indecent, obscene, offensive and harmful to public morals,” the board ruled. ZIM BABW E The ground-breaking organization Gays and Lesbians o f Zimbabwe celebrated its first anni­ versary with a Gay Pride Week. Activists organized a video festival, an AIDS workshop for youth and a bicycle tour o f the capital, Harare, among other events. Compiled by Rex Wockner, copyright Outlines. A G e t condom s. G e t tested. G e t tre a tm e n t. G e t in vo lve d . k decade of hard work has paid off. Prevent- mg the spread o f H IV no» reality Earls H IV antibody testing and variety treatments enante people to lise ttv longer healthier. 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