Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, December 01, 1991, Page 11, Image 11

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    TO m aW r IN I V it
Fight the OCA
Two groups have organized in Oregon to work against the
by Inga Sorensen
uman rights supporters are develop­ entity, one facet handling public education, the
ing two distinct campaigns designed other taking care of PAC activities.
Those wanting to become involved in No On
to defeat the Oregon Citizens
Alliance’s anti-gay ballot initiative Hate can write to No On Hate/Portland Metro, PO
which deems homosexuality “per­ Box 2725, Portland, Ore. 97208-2725, or call
verse and abnormal." The No On Hate
(503) and
O regonians for Hum an D ignity-This
Oregonians for Human Dignity campaigns strive
to defeat the proposed state constitutional amend­ newly-named entity is frequently referred to as
ment by employing the skills and passions of a the statewide anti-OCA campaign. It grew out of
diverse array of individuals and organizations. a series of large, statewide community meetings.
While the goal of the campaigns is similar, their It has been described as a more broad-based,
structures and processes are shaping up differ­ “mainstream media” effort whose structure is
specifically designed to encourage coalition­
No On Hate-This campaign has been de­ building among gays and non-gays, and members
scribed as a largely grassroots effort, open to of religious, civic, business and progressive
anyone wanting to become involved. Commu­ communities.
“There’s much to be appreciated from both
nity-wide meetings are held regularly throughout
Portland, and participants range from the political campaigns,’’says longtime activist Cathy Siemens,
novice to lifelong human rights activists. All are an OHD Steering Committee member. “I think,
however, this effort will most likely reach the
“The beauty of this campaign is that everyone greatest number of people, both heterosexual and
is welcome. From the lipstick lesbian to the gay, state wide...This is going to be more of a
motorcycle dyke, there’s a place for everyone,” mainstream media campaign.”
Sherry Oeser, Steering Committee chair, de­
explains Donna Red Wing, executive director of
scribes the campaign structure as five-pronged. It
the Lesbian Community Project
She adds, “This is truly grassroots. We’re includes a Steering Committee, Coalition Coun­
teaching each other about our history. We’re cil, Regional Council, Leadership Council, and
teaching each other how to work together, and Grassroots Network. The Steering Committee
how to use the tools that will empower our com­ members were primarily elected by the Interim
munity. What’s also nice is that we’re seeing new Planning Group. That group met during the
leadership emerge. People you may not have summer and included lesbians, gays, and non­
known are emerging as new voices for our com­ gays from a host of backgrounds and organiza­
tions statewide. The Interim Planning Group
No On Hate began its work this past summer, subsequently dissolved after the permanent
and recently issued its mission statement which campaign’s Steering Committee was elected.
describes the group as a “diverse, grassroots Committee members include representatives who
campaign and coalition of organizations dedi­ have solid links to Oregon’s religious, business,
cated to fighting and defeating the Oregon Citi­ political, progressive, grassroots, and gay and
zens Alliance’s hate initiative.” The campaign lesbian populations. It also includes a liaison
structure is essentially lateral, comprised of sev­ between the OHD and No On Hate campaigns.
eral committees; Media, Visibility, AIDS, Activist Carol Steinel will act as that liaison to
Speaker’s Bureau, Finance, Unified Voice, SM/ help ensure adequate communication and coop­
Leather, Volunteer Coordination and a Coordi­ eration between the two campaigns.
The group’s mission statement has yet to be
nating Committee. Volunteers work on the com­
mittee of their choice, and tasks include conduct­ drafted, says Oeser, adding the goal of the cam­
ing historical, legal and other relevant research, paign is firstly to keep the OCA’s initiative from
teaching public presentation skills, creating and getting on the ballot. If it does get on the ballot,
maintaining media relations, coordinating events the goal is to defeat it.
The campaign structure also includes a Coa­
designed to promote lesbian and gay visibility,
and securing and educating volunteers. Commit­ lition Council, whose membership has not yet
tees meet, conduct their research and work, and been determined. Oeser says the council could
then bring their ideas and proposals back to the include representatives from organizations that
entire group to be discussed and ultimately voted have already publicly denounced the OCA’s ini­
tiative. Council members will be selected by the
“We’ve also been working on our structure Steering Committee, and its members could ul­
and process," explains Alanna Hein, a Coordinat­ timately work to educate the public and raise
ing Committee member. "We now have an agenda funds for the campaign. Similarly, a Leadership
which we follow at every meeting. That agenda Council will be formed. Oeser says it will be
includes sharing information about what the comprised of people who have “statewide expo­
statewide campaign is up to, an OCA update, sure, name recognition, access to resources, and
committee reports, and a discussion of old and credibility.” It may include political figures, and
those who are “trusted in their fields.” Leadership
new business.”
Meetings are co-facilitated, and participants Council members would also work towards public
are asked to abide by a series of rules including education and securing resources for the campaign.
A Regional Council will be formed to help
listening and respecting others. No On Hate
efforts statewide. It will include all
meetings have, at times, been described as vola­
tile, unproductive, slow-moving and “too bogged interested parties from all regions. A member of
down in the process.” Hein, however, defends the the Regional Council will sit on the Steering
process saying, “In new organizations the process Committee. A Grassroots Network, involving
of self-defining is a process itself. We believe a any interested individuals or grassroots organi­
process that allows for all sides to be heard is zations throughout Oregon, will also be devel­
oped. Staff, including a campaign manager, will
ultimately the best and strongest.”
On average about 60 people, the majority be hired to helpcoordinate the Grassroots Network,
lesbian and gay, attend the meetings. Hein would and run the overall campaign.
Oeser says decisions about strategy and staffing
like to see that number grow and diversify, and
have not been made because the Steering Com­
encourages others to become involved.
The campaign is also seeking status as a politi­ mittee has thus far been working on the campaign
cal action committee. If its PAC applications are structure. She says, however, the campaign is
approved by city and state officials. No On Hate open to anyone wanting to get involved. Inter­
will be able to raise funds and advocate in a ested parties can write to Oregonians for Human
partisan manner against the OCA’s initiative. Dignity, PO Box 3343, Portland, Ore., 97208, or
The campaign would then evolve as a two-pronged call (503)245-5351.
ND, OR 97232
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