Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, September 01, 1991, Page 31, Image 31

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    fa st dish
just ow« ▼ September I M I V 31
by Linda Shirley
KISS OFF... United Way of the Columbia-
Willamette kicked off its 1991 campaign with a
proposed goal of $20 million. What it would like
is for employees to contribute one hour’s pay per
month. Yeah, well, what I would like is for
United Way to stop funding homophobic organi­
zations. Organizations that stand proudly in their
hate and bigotry, organizations that staunchly
defend their policies of antiquated moralistic
insanity on national TV. Organizations like the
Boy Scouts. Last year. United Way allocated
$428,700 to the Boy Scouts, Columbia Pacific
Council. That was the third highest allocation
for 1990. $428,700 to an organization which
makes no bones about the fact that queers have
no place in their organization, that queers are
devoid of the type of character Boy Scouts
should have. Of course, the Boy Scouts also dis­
criminate against atheists and girls, and since this
is America they have that god-given right to hate
anybody they want to. But not with my money.
Now, unlike United Ways around the country,
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette has no
anti-discrimination policy for agencies that they
fund so it’s really not a concern to them what the
Boy Scouts do. Well, it concerns me and with
good reason. First of all, it teaches that intoler­
ance, hate, and exclusion is okay and perpetuates
the myth that queers are bad and should be cast
GROUPS. United Way has a program that they
don’t publicize and don’t actively encourage
people to use. It’s called the “donor designated
contribution.” When those forms start circulating
at work and the pressure is on for everyone to
contribute, fill out the section for “donor
MONEY GOES. Any organization that is
health- or human-services oriented and is non­
profit is eligible for this program. United Way
takes out 10 percent for administrative costs, but
the rest goes where you want it to go. Here are
some humble suggestions on what to do with
your money. Designate Lesbian Community
Project, Cascade AIDS Project, Phoenix Rising,
Portland Women’s Crisis Line, Our House of
Portland, Oregon Minority AIDS Coalition and
Coalition for Human Dignity. Money talks,
bullshit walks.
TEST TOO MUCH...The OCA is offering a
$1000 reward for information on who was re­
sponsible for the Free Jeffrey Dahmer posters.
Excuse me! Maybe Lon Mabon himself did not
make a midnight run to Kinko’s to xerox those
despicable fliers, but it’s the OCA’s hate and fear
and total ignorance that is responsible for the It's definately a time warp trip, just the other day
fliers. So give Lon a call at 682-0653 and col­ I heard one lesbian refer to her lover as "my old
lect your reward.
lady.” Darts, pool, furniture that invites you to put
your feet up and a decent selection of beer. What
AND NOW FOR THE VELVEETA more could a girl ask for?
love process as much as the next anal retentive
MACHO MACHO MAN, be still my beat­
person, but give me a fucking break, sixty-five ing heart, can it be true, yes, it’s the return of the
minutes to figure out how decisions will be made Village People in Portland on October 26.1 think
at the No on Hate meetings-should it be consen­ it's a benefit for Cascade AIDS Project but the
sus, or majority rules, or some other feel-good sponsor's logo, Miller Genuine Draft, is bigger
method? Ku Klux Klan members marched in the than CAP's name. In some people's minds the
streets of Lancaster, Penn, protesting the inclu­ Miller boycott is still on but in other people's
sion of sexual orientation in the city charter. minds it's off, you can make up your own mind.
What will it take for us to get our shit together,
Nazis marching down Stark Street? I suggest that
the biggest (get it?) rules. And where the hell is Packwood voted along with chief bigot Jessie
our city ordinance?
Helms to force health-care workers to get an HIV
test and if they test positive, they must tell all
PICK UP YOUR LOVE BITES at Ladd’s their patients or face 10 years in prison and a
Editions Bookstore. Fight for our rights to define hefty fine. Call Bob at 327-3370 and tell him
ourselves. Also check out Lillian Faderman’s we'll remember him in November of V2.
new book. Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers, a his­
tory of lesbians in the 20th century. An affirming
and fascinating look at our lesbian culture anybody eat out anymore? Because of the lame
evolved in America. And, thankfully, Faderman amount of responses to the name your favorite
does not simply focus on white middle class restaurant contest, we’re extending it for one
dykes (is that an oxymoron?). And for a small month. Send your romantic choices to Eat Out,
taste of things that were in some lesbian bars 15 Just Out, PO Box 15117, Portland, Or. 97215.
or 20 years ago, check out Choices on Stark St.
Please and thank you are not the only magic w ords:
When supporting our advertisers mention Ju s t o u t
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