Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, September 01, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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•PORTLAND *97215 *236-0505
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It’s not a bias crime because the attacker
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M atching gay m en sin ce 1982
former Portland State University attack. “It was a really tough call, but we felt it
wrestler convicted of assaulting the was better to go with the assault charge,” says
patron of a Portland gay bar has Howe.
Multnomah County District Judge Thomas
been placed on three years’ proba­
has also ordered Woodward to write
tion, and must serve ten weeks in a
community service forest camp, undergo
gay of apology to the victims after he com­
sensitivity and anger counseling, and enroll in an pletes a few months of counseling, and he must
pay Fuller $441 for his medical expenses. Howe
alcohol treatment program.
Lesbian and gay activists are applauding the had requested that Woodward serve jail time, but
August 12 sentencing of Ciayton Alan he did not receive that penalty as part of his sen­
Woodward, 21, who was convicted on a single tence. Fuller says, however, he’s not disap­
count of fourth-degree assault stemming from his pointed. “I’m really pleased about the gay sen­
attack in early March on two men and a woman sitivity counseling. Hopefully that will help him.
at Ray’s Ordinary Bar and Grille in Old Town. It may do more for him than sitting in jaü ever
Woodward was originally slated to go on trial for could,” he says. “W e’re also really pleased
assaulting all three, but agreed to a plea bargain about the amount of community service he must
in which he pled no contest to one assault charge serve. We had asked he serve 80 hours, and in­
stead he’s received 500 hours.”
against Bruce Fuller.
Members of Neighborhoods West-Northwest,
“I really feel as though justice has been
served,” says an enthusiastic Fuller. “I feel vin­ an organization representing nine neighborhood
dicated, like all the blood, sweat and tears have associations in the city’s Northwest quadrant,
joined with lesbian and gay activists to form a
paid off.”
Fuller was slammed in the back of the head court watch. They sat in on court proceedings to
by Woodward on March 5, as he sat with friends help ensure Woodward did not walk away with­
at the bar. He fell to the floor, his eyeglasses out due punishment. “We felt this was an impor­
smashed, his face cut and bleeding. “This has tant issue to get involved with,” explains Maria
already helped my healing process. If we didn’t Calvadetscher, crime prevention specialist for the
take this to court, or didn’t get a conviction, the neighborhood group. “We had initiated court
situation would remain unresolved. It feels great watches in the past, involving issues like drug
that it’s all finally over,” he says.
dealing in Washington Park, and we were suc­
According to Deputy District Attorney Susan cessful. It made sense that we should get in­
Howe, who prosecuted the case, the attack was volved in this. This kind of violence hurts all of
not classified as a hate crime due to lack of “suf­ our neighborhoods and it cannot be condoned."
ficient evidence.” For instance, though
PSU officials have since revoked
Woodward assaulted patrons of a gay bar, he did Woodward’s athletic scholarship, and he has
not make any anti-gay slurs during the actual chosen to transfer to another college.
The OCA won’t
go away
The Oregon Citizens Alliance ballot initia­
tive could have disastrous effects on AIDS serv­
ices and organizations throughout the state. The
initiative forbids state, county, or city funding to
any program that might “promote, condone, en­
courage, or facilitate” homosexuality. Here are
some things to consider:
OCA members on a recent AM Northwest
program made it clear that one of their primary
targets was AIDS education in public schools,
including colleges and universities.
The OCA wants to eliminate current AIDS
prevention programs targeting gay and bisexual
The Oregon AIDS Hotline could be prohib­
ited from answering questions regarding safer
sex practices.
Anonymous or confidential HIV testing could
be challenged as facilitating homosexual behav­
Volunteer organizations such as Cascade
AIDS Project, Willamette AIDS Council, Phoe­
nix Rising, Shanti in Oregon, etc. could lose sig­
nificant portions of their budget.
-Radical Activist Truth Squad (RATS)
Corvallis against
the OCA
On Monday, August 5, the Corvallis City
Council and AFTER 8, a gay and lesbian educa­
tion and advocacy group, co-sponsored a press
conference publicizing a resolution passed unani­
mously. The Corvallis City Council resolution
opposes the recent initiative filed by the Oregon
Citizens Alliance.
Spokespeople included Corvallis City Coun­
cilors Prudence Miles and Edgar Bolden, Louis
Van Leer from AFTER 8, Corvallis Mayor Char­
les Vars, State Senator Clifford Trow, Benton
County Chief Deputy Stan Robson, the Rev.
David Zaworski from the First Congregational-
United Church of Christ who represented local
clergy, and Merry Demarest from National Or­
ganization for Women.
Miles read the resolution, which stated, "The
City reaffirms its pledge of full support to ongo­
ing efforts to educate the people of the Corvallis
Community with the goal of eliminating, to the
extent possible, bias and prejudice based on race,
religion and sexual orientation.” Miles added,
‘This initiative serves only to harass further law-
abiding lesbian and gay citizens who want to live
peaceful lives and enjoy the full civil rights due
them as members of society.”
(Continued on next page)