2 ▼ M a y 1091 ▼ Just out ju st out since 1983 steppin 1 out PUBLISHER contents Reneé LaChance CO-EDITORS VOL. 8 NO. 7 Philip Anderson Linda Kliewcr MAY 1991 CALENDAR EDITOR FEATURES Philip Anderson STAFF REPORTERS Tom Potter, our supportive chief o f police and his daughter Katie Potter, a police officer and a lesbian (p. 14) Anndee Hochman Inga Sorenson ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Linda Shirley Amanda Colorado Conflict resolution. What can we do differently? (p. 17) PRODUCTION E. Ann Hinds Profile PROOFREADER Cheryl Welch talks about being an eco-prenuer Philip Anderson (p. 16) TYPESETTER The fifth annual gay and lesbian bodybuilding contest will be held in San Francisco on June 30-the evening before the Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day Parade. First timers as well as sea­ soned athletes are invited to join in this spectacular annual event. For information write Ar­ cadia Bodybuilding Society, 1230 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102. Amanda Colorado GRAPHIC INSPIRATION Rupert Kinnard DISTRIBUTION Coyote Distributing SUBSCRIPTIONS Carol Steincl Chloe Dc Segonzac Just Out is published on the first day of each month. © 1991. No part of Just Out m ay be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. T he subm ission o f written and graphic materials is welcomed. Written material should be typed and double- spaced. Just Out reserves the right to edit for grammar, punctuation, style, liability concerns and length. We will reject or edit articles or advertisem ents that are offensive, demeaning or may result in legal action. Ju st O ut consults the Associated Press Style Book and Libel M anual on editorial decisions. letters to the editor should be limited to 400 words. Graphic material should be in black ink an white paper. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month proceeding publication. Views expressed in letters to the editor, colum ns and features are not necessarily those of the publisher. Display advcrtfcáng will be accepted up to the 17th of each month. (lassifled ads must be received at the office of Just Out by the 17th of each rmruh, along with payment. Ads will not be taken aver the telephone. Subscriptions to Just Oté are available for $17.50 for 12 issues First Class (in an envelope) is $30 for 12 issues. A free copy of Ju st O ut and/or advertising rates are available an request The mailing address and telephone number for Just Out are: PO Boa 15117, Portland. OR 97215; (503) 236-1252 Oregon considers lesbian and gay rights (P- 6) editorial DEPARTMENTS Portland gay rights CONTRIBUTORS Sierra Lonepine Bri ano Lee Lynch Dr. Tantalus Rex Wockner Sandra de Helen Linda Shirley Dell Richards Marilyn Davis Diane Odccn Debra Lewis Bradley Woodworth News Letters (p. 3) National briefs (p. 8) World briefs (p. 9) ight now we have the rare opportunity to rally support for a city gay and lesbian rights ordinance, and state and national gay and lesbian rights laws. R In Portland, a steering committee of lesbian and gay community leaders has written a letter to Mayor Bud Clark and members of city council demanding a city ordinance prohibiting discrimination against gays and lesbians by mid-June, in time for the celebration of Lesbian and Gay Pride Day. The committee represents the Lesbian Community Project, Right to Privacy PAC, and the ACLU Commission on Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Rights. Those people signing the letter were Terry Bean, Gary Wilson, Steve Fulmer, Cathy Siemens, John Baker, Stephanie Holloway, Paul Starr, Sherry Oescr and Donna Redwing. City officials have been telling us for years-we support you, BUT the time just isn’t right. Our community leaders say, the time is right, let’s do it, now. Council members say they need letters of support from us as well as a show of mainstream support for this measure. Those straight friends who are reading this, write letters and get civic organizations that you arc a part of to support the civil rights of gay men and lesbians. And of course those o f us who arc lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, dykes, faggots, and queer must once again or possibly for the first time write the mem­ bers of city council, call them, visit them-they aren’t so far away. Call your friends, go in a group and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Go to your churches, local businesses, civic organizations and tell them to support you. You have, after all, been supporting them. This year maybe Lesbian and Gay Pride can be a real celcbration-or a real protest. Instead of ending up in the park blocks we could end up IN City Hall! On the state level. Senate Bill 708, the gay and lesbian rights bill is almost assuredly out of the Senate and on its way to the House o f Representatives and an uphill battle. House Speaker Larry Campbell will assign that bill to a committcc-a decision which could make or break our future. Call or write Speaker Campbell now and ask him to please assign SB 708 to the Housing Committee in order to give it a chance to have a fair hearing and reach the floor o f the House for a vote. Letters, postcards and telegrams are the most effective (some­ thing to hold onto). Phone calls are also good. Nationally, our congressional representatives will be home for a break May 24-June 3. This would be a good time to talk to them about HR-1, the bill which adds lesbians and gays to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Also, ACT UP/DC is organiz­ ing National AIDS Lobby days. Direct lobbying is the most effective means of reaching your representative with your message. June 5 marks the tenth anniversary of the first AIDS cases reported by the Centers for Disease Control. The first 1000 cases were reported over a period of 18 months, now 1000 new cases are reported every eight days. By the end of 1990, more 100,000 Americans had died o f complications related to AIDS and an estimated one to two million are in­ fected with HIV (call 202-543-1070 for more info.) On a lighter note, Cj and Abby are back in the script o f LA Law. Abby, the inexperienced one, asked Cj on a date. Yes, a date. They even used that word-just to make sure they understood each other. Wouldn’t want any misconceptions here, after all. So much for the rumor that LA Law wasn’t going to continue that storyline. I ’m excited. So when you sit down for your marathon postcard/letter writing session don’t forget to thank the writers and producers of LA Law for not forgetting that our 10 percent of the population exists, and that we just love to see ourselves on TV. -Linda Kliewer Im portant addresses and phone num bers City Commissioners 1220 SW Fifth Ave Portland, OR 97204 The Honorable Larry Campbell 269 State Capital Salem, OR 97310 Local briefs (p. io ) COLUMNS Amazon TYail Femmes and faeries (p. 30) Just Dish What's hot and what's not (p. 28) ARTS Les AuCoin 1-800-422-4003 Robert F. Smith 1-800-533-3303 Ron Wyden 231-2300 Mark O. Hatfield 711 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Peter De Fazio 687-6732 Bob Pack wood 259 Russell Senate Office Washington, DC 20510 Addresses for above: House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 M ikeKopetski 588-9100 Music Dr. Tantalus reviews the Portland Gay Men's Chorus (P- 27) Theater Portland Women's Theatre, Tim Miller, Sally Sheklow and Jerry Leith (p. 24)