¡ma» orni ▼ May 1901 ▼ 10 Bridges will perform in their first full- length concert, Lez Be Gay on May 18, at 8 pm in the Main Auditorium. lO M M U N ITl Please honor your friends and loved ones w ho have died with AIDS or are living with AIDS at the C a n d le lig h t M e m o ­ ria l s e rv ic e on May 19 (see Calendar). The service will be held at First Congre­ gational Church in the park blocks and begins at 8 pm. Join your sisters and brothers at the R o se C ity S o b e rfa ire *91 c o n fe r­ e n c e held May 24-26 (see Calendar). The conference opens at 5 pm on Friday and is held at the Mt. Scott Community Center. Friday also includes workshops, a speaker’s meeting and a social. Satur­ day presents workshops, dinner, meet­ ings, roller skating, a dance and raffle. And on Sunday there is a brunch, work­ shops and meetings concluding with a raffle and farewell social. Please call 233-0568. You do not want to miss LEZ BE G A Y , O u t o f th e F rin g e s /ln to th e Fray, a jo in t concert presented by Bridges, composed of members from the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus and the Portland Les­ bian Choir, and the HUB, a lesbian and gay organization (see Calendar, May 18). This will be Bridges’ first full-length show under director Ali Adelman. They will also showcase small group and individual talents. W orks performed will include music from Romanofsky and Phillips and Cris Williamson. A special feature will be new choreography for Romanofsky and Phillips’ W altz fo r a N ew Age. If your organization would like to have a table, participate in the auction, or propose another networking project, call 235- 1356. Shanti in Oregon presents R iv e r W a lk *91 at Alton Baker Park in Eugene on May 18 (see Calendar). This 10K pledge walk is Shanti’s way to raise monies to keep the agency in operation. There has been an increase in demand fo r client services (emotional support and non­ medical practical support fo r people with HIV and their families, friends and loved ones). The agency has 23 trained emo­ tional support volunteers and approxi­ mately 60 clients. Their goal is to raise $15,000. They suggest you ask for a donation of $2 per kilom eter that you walk, and that you collect pledge money in advance. Call 342-5088 for more in­ formation. And of course, there is “ D o n 't S to p N o w !," The Oregon Activists C onfer­ ence in Eugene on May 4 (see Calendar) a series of workshops, discussions, and networking around the topic of lesbian and gay activism. The conference costs $15. Carol Steinel and Howie Baggado- nutz will keep participants entertained at the closing concert for a mere $6. Call 683-2949 for all the information you need to know. Don’t stop now! The P o rtla n d W o m e n 's T h e a tr e C o m p a n y presents the W est Coast Kelly M asterson through June 8 (see Theater). This is the first time the PWTC has presented a play by a man. Set in the summer of 1989 in Provincetown, Mass., the play explores the relationships of an older and a younger couple and the meaning o f family. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, with an artists' benefit on June 8. The theater is located at 1728 NE 40th Ave. Tickets are $10 at In Her Image Gallery. Call 287-5972. Now's your chance to step into the lime­ light and onto the stage! M e d iu m R a re T h e a tre G ro u p in Corvallis will hold auditions on May 18 for Please For­ give Me. Sylvia Plath by Carol Penacci (see Calendar). There are four major roles, two minor roles, plus walk-on sing­ ers and dancers. Production assistance is also needed. Medium Rare produces original scripts by lesbian and feminist w riters w ith an emphasis on comedy. Participation is open to women of all ages, races and sexual oreintations. Call Linda at 928-0871. S o ro m u n d i, L e s b ia n C h o ru s o f E ugene presents a M other’s Day con­ cert at the Hult Center in Eugene on May 12 (see Calendar). This is Soromundi's first full-length performance. A 40-voice choir, their repertoire includes western, spiritual, rock and roll, international and women’s music. The concert is free and all are welcome. It is wheelchair acces­ sible and ASL interpreted. 8626 for more information. Call 683- Singer and songwriter B etsy R o se will present a concert on May 11 entitled "Healing Into Peace and Justice" (see Calendar). The concert will be at the Metropolitan Community Church. Betsy Rose currently lives in Berkeley and has recorded four albums, “ songs of earth and spirit." She has traveled extensively and has shared stages with some of the country's best singers. Tickets are avail­ able at Ladd's Editions, Artichoke Music and Catbird Seat. David York, best known as the Portland Gay M en’s Chorus director fo r eight years, will be taking C o n co rd C h o ir to Estonia this summer to participate in an international choral festival. Concord Choir will present a benefit concert fea­ turing Tom Grant, Shira Subotnick and Pure Imagination on May 7 (see Calen­ dar). This all-jazz “ Partners for Peace" concert at the Intermediate Theater will be Tom Grant’s first appearance with a choral group. Tickets are available through the PCPA box office (248-4496) and FASTIXX (224-TIXX). The indefatigable C a ro l S te in e l p re s ­ e n ts M o th e rs o f G o d in a live per­ formance and recording session on May 10 (see Calendar). This promises to be a delightful evening of spoken and musi­ cal comedy and commentary about the state of the world. Your hootin' and hollerin' will be welcome for the record­ ing session. The event takes place at the Phantom Gallery at 3125 SE Belmont, and costs $0-$6 sliding scale.