14 ▼ March 1— 1 ▼ )— t vv- ■ HIV, M on rA m our Are we becoming a c< immunity split into HIV positives andi HIV negatives? r Iifp l if * /® /.. ill® : by ‘ an older that there S& ' ■ ■,.. ■ B w gM ;, ... t I : because h e was sick. , moved out o f our apartment l int» a tiny one- s& n is based beeoi iftpiaiim friends urge hi “As an to think >> í ” vto- ■ ■> î sw, * > ; à. ' I can h the tri ; J® »i.---liona. Mwmfrm . % p m m I . next • is some s two.” ial term s, as t mat hurt the : I soil need to i t ’« m y responsibility to find somebody for whom it’s not an issue. I t’s not ray responsibU- And it sometimes works both ways. At an- W V saga, just after his diagno­ sis, Mam was reluctant » get involved with any­ body, but especially someone who had tested negative. Other friends have had similar experi­ ences. “It definitely has an effect on people,” Marc told me last week. “It's the central sexual issue.” Just scan the personal ads in any bar rag or skin mag to discover die topic’s growing popu­ larity. Ads f o r ’’healthy guy seeking same” or, appear more common In itially through sexual relations, ¡along those hues is serious V M 1011 summer 1 he< And as H IV has become lives, w hether it’: ¿m. friend’s, it has b y : relationships, too. I’ve otherwise, and to start ta&iag about how l a*t have a boyfriend who is to incorporate it into m y < : safe sex is that safe and why. Safe amt m eat» HIV preven- “One o f the social issues o f i distinction between th ep o s live,” Ride Jacobsen noted v is positive or has some respects. And it’s gom_ » have gotten In- don’t talk about it openly.” and who despite the IfllF r r l KNOW WHAT YOU’RE BUYING t USED VEHICLE INSPECTIONS. • CONVENIENT BUS ROUTES. 6006 E Burnside • Portland Phone 231-8486 G erard UHie Free 60 minute initial consul ta tibnijefore you begin your home search. A "I S T A R T B Y L IS T E N IN G " a G&M Automotive Inc. PDX Automotive 5934 N.E. Halsey • Portland Phone 282-3315 M ichael Cox “Mechanics With A Conscience" :.W -w Jiome isn't just e right property. ."T i Complete automotive service of foreign and domestic cars and light trucks - Free Ride to MAX In an address book that I have owned for about five years are die names o f 10 rami who are dead. A nother 20 are HIV positive, and about a dozen o f them have AIDS, or are sick enough for HIV to have an impact cm the way they live from day to day. An old boyfriend o f mine moved back to his parents’ house in the Midwest Ian winter, after becoming too sick to stay in New York any longer. In my own life, I am beyond die point where I can pretend that AIDS h asn 't become a part of everything I do. M y HIV test this past summer cured me o f that fantasy. Although it was nega­ tive, it reminded me that this division between positive and negative is im precise at best, be cause for people who are : he sees as a trend Ï# to f ‘ status as f M choices thty make about a * | | WILEY v M illy n n Jam es Your Real Estate Professional (503) 232-6000 • FAX 232-7032 - lin > ■' A Res. 234-6255 See classifieds for March listings ^CON N ECTION