Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, February 01, 1990, Page 20, Image 20

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    regon sta r« university meets
every Tuesday. (7 pm. Women 's Center.
Benton Annex.)
Gay and Lesbian ABC/WIBC Sanctioned
Bowling Leagues meet weekly. New
members always welcome. (7 pm . Fridays,
ca ll Rich. 231-0671)
Ballroom dancing for lesbians is for both
beginning and advanced dancers. (Lar-
Inda. 236-9633.)
Bisexual Community Forum is a rap and
social group open to men and women.
(7:30 pm . second and fourth Mondays,
banquet room . Charbos Restaurant. 2651 E
Burnside. M ichael. 232-2601.) Bisexual
Community Forum’s Women-only group
meets twice monthly. (7 pm . first Mondays.
Room 230. Sm ith M em orial Center. Portland
State University; 6-8 pm . third Fridays. Cafó
Mocha. 4108 NE Sandy Bivd. (800) 234-2428.)
Bread and Roses is a feminist, lesbian
radio program of public affairs, art. music
and discussion. (Tuesdays. 9p m . KBOO 90.7
FM .)
Café Mocha is an alcohol-free space
where you can dance and play. Open
seven evenings a week. Café Mocha has
video games, pool tables, a dance floor
and quiet spaces. (4108 NE Sandy Bivd.)
Cascade Guild—Health Care Chapter is
a networking group for gay and lesbian
medical, social, and mental health workers
that meets monthly. (Hazel. 636-0609. or
C hris. 297-4314.)
Cascade Union of Educators (CUE) is a
social and support group for gay teachers
and others Invoved In education. There are
potlucks. parties, speakers and other
programs. (Katie. 288-2943.)
Coalition for Human Dignity is a group of
concerned citizens dedicated to actively
combatting hate-group activity. (7p m . first
and third Thursdays. King Neighborhood
Fa c ility. 4815 N E 7th. 287-6334 o r 235-4211.)
Corvallis AIDS Support Group is a
counseling and support group for people
diagnosed as HIV-seropositive. New mem­
bers may join at any time. (4-6 pm. Thurs­
days. C all Liz. 754-4317. o r Karen. 758-3000.)
Forest Group. All Forest outings are
cooperative ventures. Participants are
responsible for providing their own equip­
ment and choosing outings appropriate for
their skill and fitness level. Women only.
Feb. 2: Potluck and planning meeting. (7:30
pm. 238-2759.)
Feb. 4: A M. Sauvle Island bird watch. (231-
Feb. 10: Full moon urban walk. (235-3765.)
Feb. 11: Intermediate cross-country skiing.
Feb. 17: Snowshoe trip to Cooper spur. (235-
Feb. IB : Telemark skiing clinic. (233-2652.)
Feb. 21: Alameda area city walk. (288-2893.)
Feb. 23: Night lift skiing. (288-2893.)
Feb. 25: Beginner cross-country. (283-5926.)
Feb. 28: Slide show of southwest deserts.
March 2: Potluck and planning meeting.
March 24: Whale watching trip. Pay and sign
up by March 2. (235-1712.)
Funny Ladles Afternoon Tea and Posey
Society Is a social organization of gay
women 35 and over that offers monthly get-
togethers, including trips to the theater,
concerts, skiing, swimming and potluck
dinners. (231-8712.)
GALA of Eastern Oregon State College
meets twice each month. (7 pm . second
and fourth Tuesdays. Hoke Ha ll 4309. La
G rande.)
ju st ou t
T 2 0 T February 1990
Gay and Lesbian Helpline is operated by
the Lavender Network out of Eugene. (4 pm -
8 am. TDD. 4 pm - 10pm . (Eugene) 683-C HAT
o r (800) 333-C HAT.)
Gay and Lesbian Video Access Project
meets to consider future video productions.
(Ed Schiffer. 227-8431 o r Jack Cox. 231-3713.)
Gay Men’s ACOA meetings are for men
who were raised in alcoholic or other
dysfunctional homes. (7:30-9 pm . Tuesdays.
Uve and Let Live Club. 2403 SE Ankeny. 231-
Gay Men Together is a social discussion
group open to Portland State University
students, faculty and the general commu­
nity. An open steering committee meeting
follows the general meeting. (7:30-9:30 pm.
Wednesdays. Room 229 Sm ith M em orial
Center. Portland State University. David. 229-
0674 o r Alan. 222-7438.)
Feb. 7: *Gay Advocacy in Portland Today."
Guest: Lanny Swerdow.
Feb. 14: Cascade AIDS Project offers a
session centering on safe sex awareness.
Feb. 21: Movie: "Pretty Maids all in a Row"
starring Rock Hudson.
Feb. 28: Open discussion.
Homophile is a gay. lesbian and bisexual
support group for the Lewis and Clark
College community. (Fridays. 5:30 pm.
Ubrary Coference Room .)
K-9 Club Is for gay men who enjoy
outings with other gay men and their dogs.
(10 am. second and fourth Sundays. Oaks
Bottom W ildlife Refuge, north parking lo t.
Southeast M ilw aukie Avenue and M itchell
KBOO 90.7 FM. community radio,
broadcasts Bread and Roses, a weekly
femlnlst/lesbian public-affairs program;
Womansoul. a program of w om en's music
with Linda Shirley; Detour, an International
gay and lesbian public-affairs show and
"51% ". a show about women and society.
(Bread and Roses. Tuesdays. 9-10 pm ;
Womansoul. Fridays. 10pm -1 am; Detour.
Wednesdays. 4-4:40 pm ; “51% ’. Wednes­
days. 3:30-4:30 pm. 231-8032.)
L-9 Club is for lesbians who enjoy outings
with other lesbians and their dogs. (1 pm.
second Sundays. G abriel Park, m eet by
tennis courts. Southw est 45th Avenue.)
Lesbian Community Project provides
outreach, networking and other services to
the lesbian community of Portland. (223-
Lesbian History Group gets together to
study the past. (Laurie. 236-3940.)
Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences is a non­
technical field trip-oriented group interested
In both life and physical sciences. (Lynn. 777-
Lesbian and Gay Pride. Inc., presents the
annual Lesbian and Gay Pride Celebration
In June. It also meets twice monthly from
January to June to plan the parade and
rally. (C all for m eeting tim es and places.
Lesbian Garden Club gets together to
visit interesting gardens and nurseries,
exchange seeds and plants and help one
another in their own gardens. (Susan. 287-
9697. Connie 777-5167.)
Lesbian Peer Support Group meets
weekly. (7:30 pm. Sundays. M etropolitan
Comm unity Church. 1644 NE 24th. 690-9693.)
Nightscene is Gay TV for everyone.
(Tuesdays. 11:30 pm ; on Paragon. TCI and
Colum bia System s, channel 11; on.
Cable, channel 49; In Washington County,
channel 38.)
Feb. 6: Members of REACH-OUT explain how
they help gay people escape Jehovah's
Witnesses and the Mormons. Entertainment
by Mauria.
Feb. 13: Emperor Mr. Bill. Empress Velvet
Monet, and Princess Eden Express perform
and discuss drag queen politics.
Feb 20: Robert Forster discusses hosting a
gay phone sex line.
Feb 27: Interview with US Representative
Gerry Studds.
Nomenus Sanctuary for radical faeries
has a 24-hour recorded Information line. Call
for information about upcoming events on
the land. (In W olf Creek. Ore.. 866-2678.)
Northwest Scenic Cruisers, a gay and
lesbian classic car and special Interest car
club meets monthly to get acquainted and
plan events. Anyone with an Interest in cars
is invited. (7p m . first Tuesday. P ie tro 's Pizza.
Jantzen Beach. 281-0330.)
Oregon AIDS Hotline (223-AIDS In
Portland or (800) 777-AIDS.)
Oregon Guild Activists of S/M includes
people of all sexual orientations. Activities
include Dungeon parties, educational
workshops, demonstrations, and fantasy and
erotica shows. (M eetings second and third
Tuesdays. 7:30-9:30 pm. 333 NE Hancock,
w rite Oregon G uild. PO Box 5702. Portland.
OR 97208 or ca ll 228-6935.)
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
(P/FLAG) provides love and support for all
family members and friends and monthly
meetings. (P/FLAG. PO Box 8944. Portland.
OR 97207.)
Park Avenue Social Club is a weekly gay
rap and social support group for people 18
and over. (7:30 pm. Tuesdays. First Congre­
gational Church. Southw est M adson Street
and Park Avenue, use Madison entrance
and ring the b e l. w rite: PO Box 2294.
Portland. OR 97208.244-3225.)
Phoenix Rising Is a lesbian and gay
service center providing professional
counseling (on a sliding scale fee). Informa­
tion and referrals, social growth activities, an
education program and speakers' bureau.
(Suite 404.333 SW 5th Ave.. Portland. OR
97204. 223-8299.)
Portland Central America Solidarity
Committee is a group of people who share
a concern about Central America. (PO Box
6443. Portland. OR 97228.)
Portland Community Bowling Association
is a bowling league with 180 gay and
lesbian members. Events include "Bowling
for Dollars," ABC/WIBC sanctioned, fun
events and International RoseBowl
Tournament. (Tom . 293-0438 or PC BA. PO
Box 851. Portland. OR 97207.)
Portland Frontrunners is a running group
open to all runners regardless of gender or
running ability. (W eekly runs: Tuesdays. 6:30
pm . chin-up bars at Duniway Park b y YMCA.
Barbur Bivd .; Thursdays. 6 pm. Mt. Tabor. 232-
6004; Saturdays. 9 am. cNn-up bars.
Duniway Park.)
Portland Gay Men’s Chorus urges men
who like to sing to audition. (Auditions,
contact David York. 2354241; rehearsals.
Mondays. 6:30-9:15.453 Cram er H a l.
Portland State University.)
Portland Imperial Rose Court is a social,
charitable and community service organiza­
tion. The primary goals are to raise money
for charitable organizations and worthwhile
causes within the gay and lesbian communi­
ties. hold functions and fund raisers for the
community and to further relationships with
the businesses and other organizations
withing the community. Elections for
Emperor and Empress are held in October.
(Rose Em peror XVI. Mr. BUI. and Em press XXXII
Velvet Monet. PO Box 23. Portland. OR
97207. 287-7058.)
cs Is a group of local men
masturbation. (W rite: PDXJ. PO Box 19161
Portland. OR 97218-0161.)
Portland Lesbian Choir accepts new
members at the beginning of each season
In September. Non-singing Friends of the
Choir are always needed to assist with
productions. (Karen. 254-5109 o r w rite PO
Box 8212. Portland. OR 97207.)
Portland Lesbian Hotel provides safe,
inexpensive lodging for women. (Portland
Lesbian Hotel at Urban A rt Retreat, for
reservations, ca ll Ginger. 281-5386.)
Portland Women’s Crisis Une is available
24 hours a day for women dealing with rape
issues who need crisis counseling. Informa­
tion and referrals, and for victim s of rape,
sexual assault, domestic violence, child
sexual abuse. Incest and sexual harassment.
PWCL also provides transportation for victim s
from a dangerous situation to a safe place.
Portland Women's Theatre Company
produces plays that focus on issues of
concern to all women. All levels of experi­
ence and committment are welcome.
Acting Out is the com pany's improvizational
troupe. (PWTC. Suzan. 288-0436; A cting Out.
Jeanne. 233-1266.)
Portlandia’s Pride is a monthly social
group of gay and lesbian employees of the
City of Portland and Multnomah County.
Radical Women meets monthly.
(Multnomah County Ubrary. 249-8067.)
Reed College Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual
Union is for all students, faculty, sta ff and
other Reed Community members. (LG BU.
Reed CoKege. 3203 SE W oodstock. Portland.
OR 97202.)
Second Sunday Brunch Group is for
lesbian college faculty, staff and scholars.
Monthly meetings include socializing,
networking and discussions. (11 a m -1 pm .
Banquet Room. Dakota Cafó. 239 SW
Sex Addicts Anonymous, is a 12-step
support group for those who desire to be
free of compulsive sexual behavior. Two
groups meet weekly. (Hope and Recovery
Group. 7:30-9 pm. Mondays. Uve and Let
Uve Club. 2403 SE Ankeny; There is Hope
Group. 7:30-9 pm . Thursdays. First Im m anuel
Lutheran Church Annex. Northw est 18th
Avenue and Irving Street.)
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous,
Portland Chapter, is a 12-step program for
people who want to stop living out a
pattern of sex and love addiction. (Sundays.
5-6:30 pm . Uve and Let Uve Club. 2403 SE
Ankeny. 6-7:30 pm . Thursdays. Northw est
Service Center. 1819 NW Everett. Low er
Level Conference Room. 231-1838.)
Single Lesbian Potluck meets monthly.
(Second Saturday. Cathy. 625-6383 o r 538-
Support group tor batteredlesbians meets
regularly and is sponsored by Bradley-Angle
House. It is facilitated by lesbians and Is
confidential; childcare Is provided, dona­
tions are accepted. (232-7805.)
Third Sunday Lesbian Brunch holds
monthly potlucks. Open to all lesbians. (236-
3048 for location.)
Windfire is a social and support group for
people under 21 who are gay. lesbian,
bisexual, or unsure. Meetings are small and
Informal. (Thursdays. 7-8:45pm . m ain flo o r
m eeting room s. Multnomah County C entral
Ubrary. 801 SW 10th A ve.; Saturdays. 2:30-
4:30 pm. M etropolitan Com m unity Church.
1644 NE 24th. use upper entrance on
Broadway, fo r Inform ation ca ll Phoenix Rising