Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, February 01, 1990, Page 18, Image 18

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    can meet to discuss coming out Issues, and
personal matters. The group is organized by
Jeff Hood. (8 pm. C ity Nightclub. 13 NW 13th
Ave.. 224-2489.)
9 »FRIDAY_______
Breitenbush offers a three-day retreat for
men. with workshops on holotroplc breath-
work. m en's issues and ritual. (7:30 through
Sunday lunch. Breitenbush. $ 180 Includes
room and board, for reservations and
Inform ation call. Tim Barraud. 758-4118 or
Robert Hunter. 232-8212.)
Double Tee presents Swiss mime troupe
Mummenschanz. (8 pm. Arlene Schnitzer
Concert Hall. $ 18.50 for adults. $ 13.50 for
students and seniors (tickets: Re d Meyer
FASTTIXX. Everybody 's Ticket Centers or can
OUT ABOUT TOWN is provided as a free
community service by Just Out. Listings of
events, announcements and groups which
are specifically relevant to the gay and
lesbian communities of Oregon are pro­
vided free of charge. Send your announce­
ment with all pertinent information and we
will make every effort to Include it In the
monthly calendar. Announcements must
have a contact name and number, though
we will keep them confidential upon
request. Send your submissions to:
Just Out Calendar Editor
PO Box 15117
Portland. OR 97215
Announcements are subject to editing,
and inclusion Is subject to space limitations
and relevance. Deadline for submissions is
the 15th of each month. No submissions can
be accepted over the phone.
it should go without saying, but an­
nouncements must be legible; typewritten
notices are vastly preferred.
Columbia Theater Company continues
its production of gay playwright Lanford
W ilson's Ta lley and Son. This humorous and
moving story of the Talley family during
World War II is continued through a trio of
plays including 5th o f Ju ly and Ta lle y's FoUey.
See also February 6. (Thursdays through
Saturdays. 8 pm . Sunday February 11 and
18.2 pm. Columbia Theater Company. 2021
SE Hawthorne. $8-$ 10. 232-7005.)
Connie Cohen and Judi Friedman
perform folk music. (8 pm. Café Mocha.
4108 NE Sandy Blvd.. S3-S5 slid ing scale.)
Pan International Global Jack-Off Day.
reduction, communicating with parents and
relaxation. Admission Includes workshop,
dance and two meals. ($5. c a ll Camp Fire.
The Northwest Passage Freedom Band
holds an organizational meeting for
prospective new members who play
woodwinds, brass, drums or who have color
guard experience. The band is open to gay
men, lesbians and supportive people.
Northwest Passage Freedom Band is
scheduled to play in the 1990 Lesbian and
Gay Pride Parade. Seattle Pride Celebration.
Rose Festival and Saturday Market. (4 pm.
ca ll Beth Hamon. 234-2133.)
The Zodiac Parties continue with half-
price cover for Aquarians. Party favors and
birthday cake available while they last.
(Café Mocha. 4108 N E Sandy Blvd.. 288-
The Portland Imperial Rose Court invites
you to meet Prince Anita and Princess Eden
Express. (5 pm. R a y's O rdinary. 317 NW
Intermediate level Ballroom dancing
classes for lesbians begins a four week
series. Beginners' class w ill begin in March. (6
pm. 3rd floor. 107 N W 5th. Larinda, 236-
The Portland Imperial Rose Court’s
monthly meeting with Emperor Mr. Bill and
Empress Velvet Monet. (7:30 Em bers. 110 NW
The Portland W om en's Theatre
Company's production of ‘night, M other by
Marsha Norman continues. (Fridays and
Saturdays through February 17. 8 pm .
Portland W om en's Theatre Company
Theatre. 1728 NE 40th Ave.. $ 10.)
First Tuesday Coffeehouse with Carol .
Steinel presents ’ Know W ater' with Cathryn
Heron. Elissa Goldberg and Meg Rowe. Also
preforming are Susan Aarow. All Adleman
and Denise Howard. (7:30 pm . Café Mocha.
4108 NE Sandy Blvd.. 231-9351.)
A Leadership Training Conference
sponsored by the National Congress of
Neighborhood Women and Housing Our
Families will bring together women of diverse
backgrounds from around the Northwest to
learn the NCNW 's Leadership Support
Model. (8:30 am -5 pm. Kenton United
Presbyterian Church. 2115 N Lombard St.. $5
for Individuals. $20 for organizational
representatives. Guadalupe Guajardo. 239-
Teens in Action presents a full-day
“Surviving the ‘90s" workshop and dance for
metro-area teens. The workshop features
Mike Miller from Dare to Live. Teens and
Company and sessions on self-esteem, stress
-stout V !3 Y February 1990
Columbia Theater Company presents a
staged reading of gay playwright Lanford
W ilson's Ta lle y's Fo lly. See also February 1. (8
pm. Colum bia Theater Company. 2021 SE
Hawthorne. $5. 232-7005.)
ACT UP meets to discuss their winter
actions. (7-8:30 pm . M etropolitan Commu­
nity Church basem ent. N ortheast 24th
Avenue and Broadway. 288-7853.)
A new gay youth club holds its first
meeting to get the ball rolling. This group will
The Imperial Sovereign Court of the
Emerald Empire (Eugene) and Empress XVI.
Salli B. Goode, present “A Toast to Eugene,”
an AIDS benefit for Shantl in Oregon.
Featured entertainment will include female
impersonators from throughout Oregon.
Cocktail hour will follow the show. (8 pm.
H ult Center. Eugene. $8.50 (tickets: Hult
Center). 687-5000.)
Yoga for Gay Men. taught by Greg
Smoots, includes two and a half hours of
yoga, a half hour of guided relaxation and
an hour of hot tub and sauna. Beginners
welcome. (10a m -2p m . Common Ground.
2926 NE Flanders. $1 5 . to register, ca ll 283-
Sisterspirlt and Crone Magic sponsor an
elements of ritual workshop. (10:30 am -12:30
pm. Crone Magic. 1405 NE Broadway. 287-
Workshop by B J. Castleman. M.S.W.:
Dream Circle for Women. (Noon-4 pm. for
location call. 231-0258.)
The Portland Imperial Rose Court with Mr.
Oregon. David, and Ms. Oregon. Leslie,
presents a formal Valentine’s dance. (7:30
pm. Choices Tavern.)
gay Portland filmmaker Gus Van Sant. The
film, shot In Portland, probes the psyche of a
drug addict without giving way to moral
overtures. (7 pm . Oregon A rt Institute
Auditorium . 1219 SW Park Ave.. $4.50. 221-
The Portland and Vancouver Imperial
Courts present “That’s What Friends are For,”
a benefit for the Pride of the Rose
Scholarship. (8 pm. Em bers. 110 NW Broad­
Downtown Dykes meets for brunch.
(11:30 am. Lunch Bunch Table. Dakota
Café. 239 SW Broadway.)
Summit Athletic Club announces a "G et
Acquainted with Summit Night.” This is a
chance to meet Sum m it's management
and organizers and to learn more about
what Summit will offer. Summit Athletic Club
Is a gay and lesbian health and fitness club
scheduled to open soon In Portland. This is
the last chance for introductory-price
Initiation. Free blood pressure tests w ill be
available. (6-9 pm. Cup and Saucer Café.
3566 SE Hawthorne. M ickey. 250-5228.)
Dr. Zelda Weisbart presents a workshop
on clinical kinesiology and ’The Triad of
Health: Structure. Nutrition and Energetics.'
(7 pm. 2075 SW 1st Ave.. Suite 2-H. free. 222-
Portland Women’s Theatre Company
previews an excerpt from their upcoming
spring production. Paradise Lost, a lesbian
comedy spoof. (9 pm. KBOO Radio. 90.7
Alice B. Repertory Theatre opens two
plays about family. In M y Fa th e r's Bed. an
autobiographic work about surviving father-
daughter Incest by Randa Downs and
Damaged Goods, a bizarre comedy about
a gay m an's do-it-yourself psychotherapy.
(Alternating days, through March 18.
Theater O ff Jackson. 409 7th Ave. S.. Seattle,
for reservations o r Inform ation. (206) 322-
WomanSource of Ashland presents the
Heartbreaks Dance with Barb Galloway and
the Vital Move. Women only, please. (8 pm.
Positively 4th Street. AsNand.)
GALA of Eastern Oregon State College
presents a fundraising Valentine's Dance. (8
pm -m ldnlght. Fairgrounds. La Grande. $5.)
Women with Women with Infants and
Toddler meeting. (10 am-noon. 249—5066.)
Come to a social and networking brunch
for lesbian college and university faculty,
staff and scholars. The presentation will be
on discrimination of gays in the military. A
local Instructor's book on the topic and her
campus's reaction to its publication will also
be discussed. (11 a m -1 pm. Lunch Bunch
Table. Dakota C a f6.239 SW Broadway.)
Windfire In v ite the community for a hike
to Pittock Mansion. Dress for the weather.
(Noon, m eet at Arboretum Picnic Shelter. $ 1
for 18 and under. $3 for adults. 234-1045.)
The National Abortion Rights Action
League (NARAL) presents a benefit Choco*
late Tasting Event hosted by Darcelle and
featuring unlimited chocolate and coffee,
hors d'ouevres and live entertainment by
Michael Harrison and Do Jump Dance
Troupe. (5:30-9:30 pm. Montgomery Park.
2701 NW Vaughn. $20 (tickets: G! Joes. A
W om an's Place Bookstore. Laughing Horse.
C atbird Seat and NARAL. 223-4510.))
The Oregon Art Institute closes Its Frames
of Mind film series with Drugstore Cowboy by
Mama (Judith Clover) and Jessie (Stephanie
Torres) perform in Marsha Norman's ’night.
Mother, at the Portland Women’s Theater
Valentine’s Day
The Portland Lesbian Hotel throws a
Valentines’ Party for Friends and Lovers with
refreshments and door prizes. (5-8 pm.
Lesbian BoarcUng House. 1833 N E 2nd. 281-
Our House, an adult foster care home for
people with HIV disease presents a
Valentine’s Dinner for you and your sweetie
or your friends. (6 pm o r 8 pm. 2116 NE 18th
Ave.. $20 donation, fo r reservations ca ll. 234-
Sweetheart’s Dance and erotic fashion
show. (7:30 pm . $ 1. Café Mocha. 4108 NE