Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, February 01, 1990, Page 14, Image 14

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    R ejuvenation
House P arts Co.
and the
H is to ric P reservatio n
League o f O regon
a little
1990 Winter Lecture Series
I\idor Revival Homes
and English Cottages.
An Historical Review o f Pre-War
Oregon Architecture.
Lectures and slide presentations by
Historic Preserv ation Professionals
Thu., Feb. 8 Origins of the Styles
730-930 pm Richard Longstreth. Director of (¡rad Program
in Historic Preservation, George
Washington Univ.
Tue.. Feb. 13 Regional Architects and the English
730-930 pm Influence
Alfred M. Staehii, Architectural Conservator
William John Hawkins II, Architect and
author on Architectural History.
The., Feb. 30 English Style Gardens in the Northwest
730-930 pm Wallace K. Huntington. landscape Architect
Gretchen HallCamahv. Garden Designer
m e., Feb. 27 Tudor and English Cottage Interiors
7 30-930 pm Paula M. Madden. Antique and
Fine Arts Appraiser.
Sun., Mar. 4 m u r ol' Historic Homes in Laurelhursl
2 00-.»ito pm (open to season ticket holdersonlyl
UH.vnUN: Northwest Service (¡enter
AU lecture*
1819 NW Everett
$35.00 (ieneral Admission
$ 7.00 Single Evening
Make check payable to HPLO; Send with self-addressed,
stamped envelope to: HPLO, P.O. Bo* 40053,
Portland. OR 972401 Phone 243- I923l_
Supported by a contribution from
Hefuvenation House Parts Co.,
Skidm ore
Drawing to be held Feb. 28th, drop in for
brought to you by Portland's first non-tipping salon...
at Gary Luckey on Broadway,
we won't accept a tip from any body.
C2/V fK
Coffee Merchants
The finest imported coffee
beans, teas, chocolates, and
beverage brewing accessories.
A S W E E N T E R 1990, we would like to
give recognition to our staff members who
have given you so many years of good service!
Myriam Baker
Charlie Kirby
Anne Laufe
Ron Edmonds
Mary Gates-King John Kilbourne
Mark Furstenberg
Rick Brodner
Laurie Huntwork Jennie Sherwood
(Since 1987)
(since 1986)
(Since 1988)
■ lt>37 N E Broadway • 284 «20)
35t>2 S E H aw thom e • 230-1222
Hillsdale Shopping Center • 244-4822
During 1990, we will offer expanded seating
in our new south “quiet” dining room opening
in late January and a completely remodelled
main dining room by summer.
Holly Hart, Proprietor & General Manager
Paddy Collins, Chef
Kate Johnson, Sous Chef
Maude Goin, Dining Room Manager
Sherrie Carrero, Asst. Dining Room Manager
Advertising in ju st: out: w orks. . .
Old Wives tales Resiauraiii
PORTLAND • 238-0470
just out y 14 T February 1990
Win a trip for two in sunny A capulco
1323 NE Broadway 281-7831
“Our ads in just ou t have brought
th e m ost favorable response of
anything w e’ve ever done.”
Stephen Randall “Randy” Ponce
(I960 - 1989)
andy Ponce died peacefully at home on
December 6, 1989 of hepatic failure as a
result of AIDS. He was in the company of
loved ones at the time of his journey and was
blessed with the support of many friends in
the preceding weeks and months.
When Randy was diagnosed with HIV
disease he quickly became involved in
learning all he could about its potential
complications to his life. During this search,
he was somewhat surprised to discover its
many blessings.
In 1986, Randy returned to California
where he was very involved in many AIDS-
related groups and organizations; including
the weekly Louise Hay “Hay-rides,” AIDS
Mastery, and Orange County AIDS Services
Foundation. Fortunately, in late 1987, a
longing for Oregon and loved ones brought
Randy back to Portland. Utilizing much of
what he learned in California, he became the
Education Coordinator at the Cascade AIDS
Project. During his tenure there he touched
many throughout the community with his
ready smile and constant humor as the need
for information about AIDS experienced rapid
changes and growth.
At the AIDS Memorial on Memorial Day,
1989, Randy spoke eloquently about the
positive changes AIDS may bring into our
lives as it had his. Proof of this was borne out
as his disease process continued, for over
thirty friends and family came together
unselfishly and provided Randy care twenty-
four hours a day and sustained him with love
and care, as he had always done for us.
Randy is survived by many loving people.
Survivors include his parents, Donna and Cal
Hall, and Steve and Koni Ponce, and
grandmother, Billie. Portland family includes
Kelly and Joan Chronister, Mimi Luther, Fred
Allemann, Scott Stein, and the “Care Team.”
Randy, we’U all miss you dearly. You
now know the secret that we all will share
someday. It hurts us all to not hear your
laughter or see your smile. But there are
many who don’t share our pain and sorrow,
and for them we all feel sadness, for they were
never lucky enough to know and to love you.
'■ ■ 1 know a passion still more deeply
charming that fever’d youth e’er felt: and
that is love, by long experience mellow'd
into friendship ..."
— James Tomson
Ron Joy
Hal Jones Automotive