Out of the closet and into the comics Comic characters often reinforce negative traits and stereotypes V Banner exclaims, outside, ‘[I] think I'm going to throw up. God . . . what they were going to do to me — ! Oh my god . . . How can any­ mazing Heroes , a national comic trade publication, in its June 15 edition, one . . . ? ’ ” published a lengthy article, “ Out of the Closet On a slowly changing attitude in comics. and Into the Comics,” by Portland writer Andy M angels writes: M angels. “ W riter Mike Baron has included scenes in M angels, a comic book author, gives exam­ several o f his comic series, and has been the ples o f traditional comic-book homophobia as well as some o f the limited examples o f positive imagery now being presented in American com ic literature. “ Com ics, especially mainstream Marvel or Proudly and DC series, have traditionally had a lack of gay openly gay, characters When they are used, however, these Howard characters often reinforce the negative traits and Cruse is stereotypes,” says Mangels, blunt with “ The first depiction in any mainstream comic controversial o f gays was in The Hulk Magazine # 2 3 , topics about O ctober 19X0, in a story by Jim Sh(X)ter. In the gays .from story, Bruce Banner checks into the YMCA. his D ancin’ While in the shower he is accosted and Nekkid with threatened with rape by two young men. When the Angels. Banner escapes, the lilting, earringed examples o f manhood exclaim ‘Oh pith’ (sic), and then, one would assume, rush off to do their nails. B Y H A R O L D M O O R E A center o f a heterosexual AIDS controversy in the pages o f The Flash letters column since he began work on that series last year. In ‘Nexus,’ Sundra Peale had a lesbian affair with Jil, while in another issue. Nexus, disguised as ‘Lance,’ admits to being homosexual to get away from a woman’s sexual advances. In ‘Sonic Disrupters,’ Baron has tossed out several gay references, topping them o ff with a gay sex scene between a tele-evangelist and one o f his young male followers, a la Jim Bakker. “ I asked Baron, since he seemed so at ease with the subject o f homosexuality, was he sympathetic to the cause, or possibly gay him- self? He responded, ‘No, I’m not. As a matter o f fact, I’m somewhat homophobic.’ Baron went on to explain that although he couldn't identify with, or completely understand the reasons behind the same-sex preference, he realized that gays were a legitimate part of humanity.” Mangels encourages fans of comic fiction to monitor the material and take exception to examples o f unfair depiction of homosexuality. “ The publishers are sensitive to criticism, and in the end we only have to purchase what we see as non-exploitive and fair.” • D n MY FANTASIES, I HEROICALLY DEMOLISH THE SICK A RG UM EN TS OF T H E GUH.T- MONGERS WITH MY CLEAR-HEADED WIT. .. I T » M 5. C O M M U fJ lC A T 'O rtS f / / ' ' QjUHB tfS9 ¿HHACOfilDA OMSAtfA! V * I fO & O M fiT W £ VETERAN DRIVER OWNED ^ — -^ E V E R Y O N E WELCOME Enchanted Blue Wave Ltd. “A Magical Oceanfront Retreat" A Bed and Breakfast For Women Ocean Vieti- Rooms ■ Outdoor Spa Fitness and Game Rooms P .O .B o x 147 (206) 642-4900 Seaview, WA 98644 HAL JONES AUTOMOTIVE "CO URTEOUS PR O FES SIO N A L D R IV ER S " OPEN Mon. thru Sat. 4 pm - 2 am Sunday 2 pm - Midnight FREE POOL 11 pm - 2 am Sun. thru Thurs. FOOD - POOL - GAMES 2845 SE Stark 236-4321 * FORM ERLY HOSPITAL PUB PACKAGES PARCELS ENVELOPES GENERAL COMMODITIES • 2 4 H O U R S 1 D A Y S B O N D E D C O U R IE R S » P A S S E N G E R B U S E S A V A IL A B L E NO WEIGHT LIMIT • JUMPER CABLE SERVICE 227-1212 "A Total Personal Health Concept" • Deep Muscle Work • Exercise/Prevention • Sportsmedicine Kim & Ron Joy look forward to seeing our Just Out friends on From All Walks Of Life, a pledge walk fund­ raiser for AIDS care and education — August 7,1988. 51 1 1 N E Frem ont 2 8 8 -1 1 3 0 1613 HW KLARBIT BETTER HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Bill Joy just out • 26 • July IWX PORTLANO B t AVER TON GRESHAM M tlW A U K IE TIGARD OVER 100 CABS AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE LICENSED FOR TRIPS ANYWHERE SIGHTSEEING TOURS STATION W AGONS UPON REQUEST F A S T CO U RTEO U S S E R V IC E CALL JOY Portland. OR 97213 PA SSEN G ER S E R V IC E S D ELIVERY SER V IC E 222-2888 R e n a Sandler, D .C . Doctor on 24 hour page for emergencies 1130 S W Morrison, Suite 301 (by the light-rail turnaround) W orkers' C om p & Auto Insurance Cover Chiropractic C are Insurance Accepted