Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, April 01, 1988, Page 20, Image 20

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    W h at is a real jew ? ( Send contribution with SASE
by lune 1 to HerBooks, PO Box 7467, Santa Cruz,
CA 95061.)
Debtors Anonymous is a 12-step recovery
program for com pulsive debtors and overspenders.
U sing methods sim ilar to A lcoholics Anonymous,
thousands of people nationw ide have recovered
'fro m the disease of com pulsive debting. (7-8:30
about town
pm, Tuesdays, Holladay Park M edical Center, fifth
flrxjr, # S, 200 NE Multnomah St., left, 835-1592.)
A support group for women with adolescents
meets m onthly for a potluck and discussions on
parenting. (5 pm, third Sundays, Stevie or Marge,
Dance the night away in a benefit for
A W om an 's Place Bookstore and the Portland
Lesbian Choir, featuring d<x>r prizes, refreshments,
a special jx*rformance by the Portland Lesbian
Choir, and more. ( 8 pm-midnight, Saturday, May
W om en with elementary-age children take a
fishing trip this month. (Nancy, 234-6620.)
A support group for women without custody
meets regularly. (Edna, 234-0002.)
7, Echo Theatre, 1515 SE 37th Ave.)
W om en with Women with Children is a social
networking group for lesbians w ho have or want
to have children in their lives, whether as
mothers, m others' partners, "B ig Sisters" or adop­
tive mothers. (Monthly activities flyer: 2717 NE
Arthur M ille t's powerful drama, "The
Crucible." opens this month at the Colum bia
Theater Com pany. This m oving story is set in
Salem Village, Massachusetts, in 1692. Using the
tragedy of the Salem w itch trials as a backdrop,
M ille r's play examines the ultim ate price of power
c orrupted and the nobility of w ill that challenges
the* forces of darkness, (fl pm, Thursdays-Saturdays,
I lancock St., Portland, O R 97212, Holly,
luggling Jam meets at Echo Theatre. A ll levels
w elcom e. (2:10-4 pm, Saturdays, 15 15 SE 37th
Ave., $2,231-1232. )
and 2 pm, Sundays, through April 23, Columbia
Theater Company, 2021 SE Hawthorne Blvd.,
The "W e'm oon Almanac '8 9 ," an astrological
moon calendar, appointment book and daily
guide, is soliciting contributions from artists, •
writers and healers with the theme "Sp irit
H ealers." C over artwork due April 15, all other
cam era-ready art and written m aterials due
M ay 15. (Mother Tongue Ink, 37101 SE Snuff in
Storefront Theatre presents "O n the Verge, or,
The Geography of Yearning" by Eric Overm yer.
The N ew York Time s calls this exhilarating tale of
three V ictorian "la d y explorers" "a mirthful safari
. . . |oyfully fem inist. . . a frolicsom e jaunt through
a continuum of space, time, history, geography,
fem inism and fashion." ( Wednesdays-Sundays,
April 22-lune 5, days and times vary, Dolores
Road, Estacada, O R 97023, Musawa, 630-7848.)
H erBooks, a lesbian feminist press in Santa
Cruz, is seeking contributions for an anthology
about women who didn't find out they were
Jewish until they were adults. W as your Jewish
fam ily history kept from you? Does your fam ily
deny they are Jew ish? D o you feel like a fake lew ?
Winningstad Theatre, Portland Center for the
Performing Arts, 1111 $W Broadway, $ 12.SO and
$14 SO, 224-4001.)
The Portland Professional Organization of
Wom en provides gay wom en with the oppor­
tunity to meet others in social and special events
throughout the year. (PO Box 22821, Milwaukie,
Ore 97222.)
Forest Group events are open to all women
interested in hiking, bicycling and other outdoor
activities. Participants must provide their own
equipm ent.
Friday, April I : Potluck at 6:30 pm; meeting at
7:30 pm. (Shari or Catherine, 238-2759)
Sunday, April 3: 20-25 m ile bicycle tour at
V ancouver Lake, may be preceded by breakfast.
(Catherine, 238-2759.)
W indfire, a gay, lesbian and bisexual youth
group, is one of the most exciting things in Port­
land for those 20 years old or younger. Because
growing up gay in a heterosexual environm ent
can be difficult, W indfire provides peer support in
a non-judgmental atmosphere. W indfire also
sponsors picnics, parties, potlucks, special events
and weekend cam ping trips. (7-9 pm, Thursdays,
Outside In, 1236 S W Salmon St.; 2:30-4:30 pm,
Saturdays, O ld W ives' Tales, 1300 E Burnside,
Ann Shepherd, 244-3225.)
Sunday, April 10: 30-mile bicycle tour of Grand
Island. (Kathy, 233-2569.)
Saturday, April 16: 30-mile M ountaindale
b icycle day trip. (Donna, 777-2339.)
Sunday, April 17: Silver Falls State Park hike.
Portland Leathermen is an informal social
group that gathers regularly to w ear and enjoy
black leather. ( 10 pm, Fridays, Dirty Duck Tavern,
(Terry, 245-1196.)
439 N W 3rd Ave.)
Sunday, M ay 1: Float dow n the Clackam as
R iver from M clver Park to Barton. Wetsuits
suggested. (Sarah, 282-6391.)
The Portland Women's Crisis Line has
announced openings for its spring volunteer
direct-service worker training. PW C L is a feminist
organization that serves M ultnom ah, Washington
and Clackam as counties and is committed to
ending violence against wom en and children.
Volunteer positions are availab le in all aspects of
crisis-line work. No experience is necessary, but
o n ly a lim ited number of spaces are available.
Practicum students are w elcom e to apply; credit is
availab le. P W C L is an equal opportunity
em ployer. Survivors of violence and women of
co lo r are particularly encouraged to apply.
( Training begins May 2, interviews begin April 18,
Roseburg resources: G a y and Lesbian Youth
G rou p meets weekly. (1-3 pm, Sundays, Cay and
Lesbian Community Center [G LC C ], 3856 Carnes
Road, Roseburg, 679-9144.) H IV Support Group.
(7:30 pm, Mondays, CLCC, 3856 Carnes Road,
697-9144.) G ay and lesbian discussion group
meets w eekly. (7:30 pm, Tuesdays, First United
Methodist Church, 1771 West Harvard Blvd.,
679-9144.) G ay and Lesbian Alliance meets
monthly. (7:30 pm, second Thursdays, CLCC,
3856 Carnes Road, 679-9144.)
Portland Power and Trust is an informal
m onthly support group for lesbians interested in
safe, consensual S and M. (PO Box3781, Portland,
Ore. 97208.)
Portlandia's Pride is a m onthly social group of
gay and lesbian em ployees of the City of Portland
and M ultnom ah County. (245-2634.)
A transsexual support group is open to male-
to-female, female-to-male, androgynous persons,
crossdressers, transvestites and supporters.
Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences is a non­
technical field trip-oriented group interested in
both life and physical sciences. (Lynn, 777-2339.)
Sisterspirit events
Saturday, April 2: Passover seder. (6 pm,
Shulamit, 232-8237.)
Sunday. April 3: Easter sunrise celebration.
(Frodo, 282-8615.)
Thursday, April 7: West-side discussion group
on sham anic and m etaphysical studies. (7430 SW
Tea and Lesbians provides a monthly chance to
ponder, meditate, muse and ruminate over those
tim ely topics of our lives in a thoroughly genteel
environm ent. (Pat, 775-5888.)
Westside Organization of Women is a social
group for west-side wom en w ho identify as gay
and lesbian. A seasonal newsletter announces the
group's events. ($5 subscription, 4770 SW 165th
The Treasures of Russian Opera
World renowned Metropolitan Opera Stars
Sunday, April 17: Ritual circle — "Flow ers,
Feelings and Sensuality." (6 pm, Echo Theatre.
1515 SE 37th Ave., 282-8615.)
M onday, April 18: W icca n discussion group.
(7:30 pm, banquet room, O ld W ives' Tales, 1300
E Burnside, 234-3599.)
Thursday, April 21: West-side discussion group.
Cascade G u ild — Health Care Chapter is a
netw orking group for m edical, social, and mental-
health workers that meets monthly. (Hazel,
636-0509, or Chris, 297-4314.)
Healing Crystals workshops
Every Sunday: W om en's m editation circle.
(1-2 pm.)
The Portland Opera Chorus and Orchestra
Philip A. Kelsey, Conductor
8:00 P M.
W ednesday, April 13: Planning meeting for
ritual circle. (7:30 pm, 2804 NE 42nd Ave.,
(7430 5 W 172nd Ave., Aloha, Sallie, 591-7008.)
April 8, 1988
Ave., Beaverton, O R 97007, 643-9345.)
172nd Ave., Aloha, Sallie, 591-7008.)
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
Tickets $10.00, IS 00, 20.00. Patrons $100.
Tickets at Portland Opera. Perform ing Arts O u te r
For Best Seats call Portland Opera Ticket Office
(5 0 3 ) 241-1802— Charge by Phone
Portland Opera, 1530 SW Second Ave., Portland, O R 97201
The Bisexual Community Forum is a rap and
social group open to men and wom en. (8 pm,
second and fourth Mondays, O ld W ives' Tales
banquet room, 1300 E Burnside .)
A support group for abused lesbians meets
regularly at Bradley-Angle House. It is facilitated
by lesbians and is confidential; childcare is pro­
vided, donations are accepted. (232-7805.)
A support group for single parents meets
w eekly for discussions on parenting, referrals,
resources, discipline techniques and finding
adequate day care. (Sue Kaastad, 238-8819, or
Tuesday, April 5: " I Am H ealing."(7-9:30pm .)
W ednesday, April 13 and 27: "Energy Healing
Through Touch." (7-9:30 pm.)
Thursday, April 14: "Jo urn ey to M eeting O ne's
G uides." (7-9:30 pm.)
Saturdays, April 16 and 21: "Goddesses of the
Four Elem ents." f7-9:30 pm.)
Thursdays: Tarot readings. (2-5 pm, by appoint­
ment.) A ll workshops are held at Healing Crystals,
8215 SE 13th Ave., J'aim e, 234-2224.
United Methodists for Gay and Lesbian Con­
cerns (Affirm ation) meets m onthly for potluck and
fellow ship. (Affirmation, PO Box 12673, Portland,
Ore. 97212, Paul, 287-6719.)
Debi McFeron, 249-2825.)
The G ay Bridge Club is a weekly rap and social
group for y (King adults 21 and over. (7:30 pm,
Wednesdays, First Congregational Church, South­
west Madison Street and Park Avenue, use
Madison Street entrance, 244-3225.)
G ay and Lesbian Support of Southern Oregon
offers support and information to lesbians and
gays. (P O Box 43. Klamath Falls, Ore. 97601.)
Ju st Out • 20 • A n n i |9XX
A Gay W iccan Support Group is forming for
men only but not gays only. Learn about earth's
energies and nature spirits, find and create male
mysteries, support each other in learning about
w ithchcraft and divination. (Raven, PO Box
40533. Portland. Ore. 9 7240.)
Affirm ation is a social and support group for
lesbian and gay M orm ons, their fam ilies and
friends. (Port!and ¡Vancouver Croup, PO Box 2917,
Vancouver. Wash. 98668, (2061 696-9396.)