Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, August 01, 1987, Page 7, Image 7

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Cycle (J
Works I
CYCLE PRO • FAGGIN ( fr o m It a ly )
2 0 2 5 SE H a w t h o r n e B lv d .
F o
o d
S t orx .
3 0 2 9 S .E . 2 1 s t
P o rtla n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 0 2
(1 b lo c k n orth o f P o w e ll B lv d .)
T r i-M e t b u s # 9
p h on e 2 3 2 -9 0 5 1
O p e n 1 0 -8 , M o n d a y to S atu rd ay
1 2 -7 , S u n d a y
tooze • rrr. tabor
NAMES project begins assembling
national "AIDS Quilt"
A massive fabric tribute to Americans killed by
the AIDS epidemic.
undreds of cloth panels, each bear­
ing the name of a single person lost
to AIDS, are being collected in San
Francisco and sewn into one vast quilt of
names. Organizers of the Project expect
the quilt to eventually cover several city
blocks and include thousands of individu­
ally created fabric panels.
Persons wishing to participate in the
NAMES Project are urged to design and
create panels of any light-weight, durable
fabric measuring six feet by three feet (6’
x 3’) held horizontally or vertically.
The quilt will be displayed across the
Capitol Mall in Washington, DC on the
morning of Sunday, October 11, 1987. the
day of the National March for Lesbian and
Gay Rights.
Project Director Cleve Jones has asked
participants in the memorial to complete
their panels well before the September
15th deadline. “ We need to allow one
month to six weeks to sew the pieces
together and additional time for travel and
public displays,“ said Jones.
Completed panels have been received in
a large variety of styles and materials.
According to production coordinator
Joseph Durant, no two have been alike.
“ We’ve been really impressed with the
quality of the work we’re seeing,” said
Durant. “ Even the panels done with
simple techniques show real thought and
loving care.”
Project organizers have received several
inquiries concerning duplication of names.
Jones and Durant do not consider duplica­
tion a probem and will use all panels
received, even if some individuals are
remembered in more than one panel.
Tax-deductible donations toward pro­
duction and transportation costs can be
sent to The NAMES Project at P.O. Box
14573, San Francisco, CA 94114. For
more information call Mike Smith at
Insurance com pany
refuses AIDS payments;
com plaints filed In
14 states
be allowed to carve out a special exception
for AIDS. For insurance companies to shirk
their responsibility to pay for AIDS-related
medical expenses is to undercut the very
purpose of health insurance.”
NGRA Executive Director Jean O ’Leary
said, “ Last winter, NGRA was instrumen­
tal in persuading fourteen state insurance
departments to declare that insurers may
not exclude coverage for AIDS. By filing
complaints in all fourteen states, NGRA
intends to let insurers know that these
policies will be enforced around the
NGRA filed its complaints with insur­
ance departments in Arizona, California,
Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota.
Missouri, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South
Dakota and Tennessee. NGRA had helped
to convince departments in these states to
forbid insurers to exclude AIDS through a
national insurance survey conducted in the
winter of 1986.
ational Gay Rights Advocates has
unfair practices complaints with
fourteen state insurance departments
against the American Service Life Insur­
ance Company (ASLIC). In its complaint,
NGRA charges the Texas-based health in­
surer with refusing to pay for AIDS-related
medical expenses. NGRA cited as evi­
dence ASLIC’s promotional materials,
which declare in small print that the com­
pany will not pay for expenses rising out of
“ any disease which was sexually
Benjamin Schatz, Director of NGRA’s
AIDS Civil Rights Project, declared:
“ Insurance companies cover medical ex­
penses for cancer, heart disease and other
life-threatening illnesses. They must not
Designs Created Specifically
for You and Your
gift ideas
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serving all hospitals
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Always good for a laugh or t w o . . .
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Brio W atches, Cheap Sunglasses,
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C o m e in and see us — J u s t . . .
7821 S.E. Stark
Just Out .
7. August.