Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, August 01, 1987, Page 3, Image 3

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    ju s t out
SteppirY Out
photo by Jay Brown
Renee LxiChance and Jay Brown
f we take an honest look at the root of
discrimination and bigotry in our cul­
ture, we clearly see that there is one main
force behind the effort to deny homosexu­
als and and other minorities their right to
equal protection under the law. That force
is none other than Christianity. The church
has always tried to claim every victory
made in human progress. In truth, it has
always been the iron weight that has be­
leaguered progress. In most cases, it has
tried to stop advancements in science,
medicine, technology and human freedom.
Blacks, for example, were enslaved pri­
marily because of biblical teachings. Had
Abraham Lincoln not been an atheist,
blacks would not have been emancipated
when they were.
Editor Jay Brown
Feature Editor w. c. McRae
Advertising Coordinator Jewel Murphy
Advertising Representatives
Meg Grace, Jeff Fritz
Production Director
Renee LaChance
Creative Director
E. Ann Hinds
Production Assistants
Bev LaBelle
Graphic Inspiration
Rupert Kinnard
Sex and Christianity
— Don Sanders
American Gay Atheists
Terri Redbird
Jemma Crae
Lee Lynch
Dell Richards
Anita Floyd
Dr. Tantalus
Bradley J. Woodworth
Michael S. Reed
Brady Jensen
Nestor Perala
Steven Bailey, N.D.
Eleanor Malin
Just Out is published the first of each month Copyright
1987. No part of Just Out may be reproduced without written
permission of the publishers
W ritten and graphic materials are welcomed for sub­
mission. All written material should be typed and double­
spaced. All graphic material should be black ink on white
paper. Material will be edited for spelling and grammar, with
the exception of letters to the editor
Deadline for submissions Is the 15th of each month.
Out About Town is a courtesy to our readers. Performers.
clubs, individuals, or groups wanting to list events in the
calendar should mail notices to Just Out by the 15th of the
month preceding publication. Listings will not be taken by
Display Advertising will be accepted up to the 17th of
each month
Classified ads must be received at the office of Just Out by
the 17th of each month, along with payment. Ads will not be
taken over the telephone
Editorial policies allow the rejection or the editing of an
article or advertisement that is offensive, demeaning or may
result in legal action. Just Out consults the Associated Press
Stylebook and Libel Manual on editorial decisions.
Views expressed in letters to the editor, columns, and
features may not be those of the editorial staff of Just Out.
Subscriptions to Just Out are available for $12.50 for 12
issues. A free copy of Just Out and/or advertising rates are
available upon request.
I he mailing address and telephone number for Just Out
P O . Box 15117
Portland. OR 97215
printed material which demeans and reviles
gays and lesbians and equates them with
evil and immorality. On June 30, 1987,
Priscilla Martin and an unidentified person
ust Out recognizes that the average
stood at the comer of SW 6th and Main in
member of a jury might equate a
terrorist and one who engages in terrorism downtown Portland and held a sign which
reads “ Gay Pride = Portland’s Shame.”
as one who uses bombs, such as those
On July 3 and 4, Priscilla Martin was party
mailed to local abortion clinics in Decem­
ber, 1985.
to demonstrations against the International
Gay/Lesbian Square Dancers’ Convention
Statements that appeared in the July,
1987, Just Out that Priscilla Martin is a
at the Portland Hilton.
ringleader of a “ terrorist group” and has
Priscilla Martin has disseminated printed
been active in “ terrorism” for several
material written by Paul Cameron, a dis­
years are not factually supported. Just Out
credited psychologist, which contains the
regrets the original publication of these
following quotations:
“ The number one health problem is not
AIDS; it is homosexuality.”
Priscilla Martin is one of the defendants
in a case brought by the Portland Women’s
“ As with genocide, homosexuality is a
Feminist Health Center against anti-choice
crime against humanity and must be treated
protesters who were interfering with
as such.”
clinic business and intimidating persons
“ Public health measures that separate
entering the clinic. The judge in that case
the infected from the well must be created
issued an injunction against Priscilla
and enforced.”
Martin and others prohibiting screaming, .
“ The AIDS epidemic . . . will only be
solved by vigorously suppressing and
yelling and shouting at persons entering or
leaving the building; destruction of
punishing certain kinds of human choices.”
property; interfering with utility services;
“ We [Family Research Institute, Inc.;
blocking access to any person; trespassing
Paul Cameron, Chairman! believe that sci­
on clinic property.
entific, empirical evidence demonstrates
Priscilla Martin consistently appears at
that homosexuality is substantially inferior
anti-gay demonstrations and disseminates
to heterosexuality.”
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Priscilla Martin slapped
with $500 fine for contempt
S. District Judge Helen Frye ruled
on July 20, that Priscilla Martin
and four other anti-abortion demon­
strators were in civil contempt for viola­
tions of the June 9, 1986, court ordered
injunction at the Portland Feminist
Women’s Health Center (PFWHC). Mar­
tin and Fred Ritcherson were found in con­
tempt for the second time and fined $500
each. The court stated it would impose a
$5,000 fine for any future violations, and
that it would consider non-monetary sanc­
tions should these fines prove ineffective.
Demonstrators Ivars Bitans, Roger Flem­
ings, and Shirley Barnard were found in
contempt for the first time and the court
fined each a suspended $500. Addition­
ally, all violators were fined a suspended
$2000. PFWHC was awarded $1,454.46
in damages and attorneys fees.
The protestors were found in violation
of the injunction by screaming and yelling
during protests which interfered with the
PFWHC’s provision of safe medical ser­
vices, obstructing free and safe access into
the clinic, and entering the twenty-five-
foot zone in front of the PFWHC building
on SE Foster Road.
Just Out. 3 . August, 1987