Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, May 01, 1987, Page 13, Image 13

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hen was the last time you saw a
my hands covering my head and face,” he
gay comic? No, Gordon Shad-
says. “ What else could I do? I didn’t have
bume doesn’t count. Can’t think time to put on my stage make-up.” A
of any? Well, the truth is that openly gay
queen is bom.
comics/performers are something of a
Like most manic, transplanted East -
rarity in show business. Sure, there was
coasters (“ I feel no overwhelming need to
Paul Lynde and Liberace and Rock and
dialogue, give space, be mellow or floss
now there’s Wayland Flowers and Charles chakras” ), Ammiano hails from New
Nelson Reilly, but none of them are candid Jersey. Although he’s resided in San
about their gayness — either while they
Francisco for more than twenty years, his
perform or during their chats with Johnny
Garden State years continue to influence
or Joan. Well, thank goodness those days
his life. In fact, the first act of Wrists deals
are over! Enter Tom Ammiano.
largely with his Newark up-bringing. It’s all
Tom who? Alas, the name does not
there — from his first teacher in Catholic
come trippingly off the tongue invoking
school. Sister Nazaretta (aka Sister Nazi),
instant recognition amongst peers. Actu­
to studying shouting as a second language,
ally, outside of San Francisco, New York
to describing the pain of masturbating with
and gay cruises (on ships, that is), Tom
a rosary around his fist. It’s gutsy, irreve­
Ammiano is one of gay show biz’s best- rent and probably offensive to certain ele­
kept secrets, which is a shame because
ments of the gay community. But it’s real;
he’s such a fresh, incisive wit. But his time a way of taking the hurt and anger of living
will come. After all, there was a time when in a homophobic society, turning it around
and transforming the painful truths into
blacks weren’t allowed to be mainstream
laughs. It’s a revolutionary approach when
comedians and that’s hardly the case any
one considers how gays in show biz have
more. Unfortunately, homophobia in
fared up until now. So-called “ sissy
show biz, as in the “ real world’’.continues
types” have been a mainstay in films and
to rear its ugly head; fortunately, per­
formers like Tom Ammiano cannot be kept TV, from Edward Everett Horton to Jerry
down or in their place, so just give him
Lewis to Pee-Wee Herman. They’re amus­
ing to a mass (read: straight) audience as
some time. As he stated recently in an
long as they don’t threaten them with overt
article in the Advocate: “ An openly gay
references to their sexuality. Tom
comic runs into harrassment all the time.
Ammiano could never fill their pumps and
For gay comics, the challenge is to play
follow in their footsteps; he’s too busy
rough, yet not break any nails... what’s a
pioneering a new course for out, gay
queen without tenacity?’’
performers, one in which they can be hon­
Ammiano illustrates this point in his
est and open with their audiences and still
one-man show, Wrists, an uncompromis­
be wildly enteraining.
ing comic autobiography. Everything
It’s a chancy venture and it takes a lot of
about gay survival in an anti-gay America
nerve, but then Tom Ammiano is from
is explored in the play, which has garnered
Newark, New Jersey, so the worst is be­
rave reviews in San Francisco and New
hind him and the best is yet to come.
York. Naturally, Ammiano doesn’t leave
out one detail from his decidedly fabulous
life. Early in the show he discusses his
Howie Baggadonutz
birth, declaring that he came out wrists
first. After all, there he was, a star making
a grand entrance under all those lights,
(Ed. note: Tom Ammiano is tentatively
booked for a Portland appearance in
with the eyes of the audience rivetted on
him. “ I had to come out wrists first with
Tom Ammiano is busy pioneering a course for out gay
performers, where they can be honest with their
audiences and still be wildly entertaining.
Just Out. 13. May. m i