Lighting candles in the dark b y Billy Russo EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT TEN PERCENT In darkness broken only by candlelight, about 20 people gathered on the steps of the Douglas County Courthouse Sunday night to protest the California AID S initia­ tive and ask that gays and lesbians in California and Roseburg be given the right to love without government intervention." — Greg Abbott The N ew s-R eview N ovem ber 3. 1986 O n the eve o f election day Roseburg’s daily paper covered Southern O re g o n ’s first lesbian/gay dem onstration. Both local televi­ sion stations also showed footage on the evening news. In his article Greg Abbott goes on to ex­ plain how the California initiative would affect individuals carrying, a n d /o r suspected of carrying, the HIV virus. He also docum ented the hom ophobic re­ sponse that accom panied the candlelight vigil: “T h e vigil was quiet, the only interrup­ tion being a few people driving by shouting ‘G et AIDS,’ or obscenities. S o m e [vigil participants] joked that they were am azed people of that mentality could actually read the newspaper to know o f the vigil.” T h e de­ m onstration had been announced in the c o m m u n ity section of the paper a few days earlier. I arrived at the courthouse a full hour be­ fore the vigil com m enced. It was a cool, but clear, evening. Downtown Roseburg is usu­ ally peaceful on a Sunday n ig h t and N o vem ­ ber 2 was no exception. Half a dozen faggots and dykes joined m e in the first half hour. T h e n the T V crews arrived: first the PBS sta­ tion and then the N B C affiliate. By six-thirty 16 GALA m em bers, two offi­ cers from the U m pqua River’s N O W chapter, and two participants from the newly-form ed A ID S Task Force joined the small assembly. And with candles, speeches and songs, we stood in protest for all to see. In the days that followed the vigil som e individuals Suggested that I had hired local punks to drive by and scream obscenities. Well, it does sound like something that I would do: however, it isn’t true. In fact, I was genuine­ ly concerned that an overw helm ing hom o- phobic resonse would have done consider­ able dam age: giving us the sense that we had failed, especially if the hom ophobia spilled over into the m edia coverage. I well rem em ber what happened to M C C in 1983 when the Roseburg congregation re­ quested permission to use the chapel at the First United Methodist Church and was re­ fused. T h e little M C C group had grown in leaps and bounds until that point. After the resounding defeat of that proposal, M C C Roseburg rem ained at a plateau for a while, and has since slowly declined. T h e M C C scenario played over and over in m y m ind in the days preceding the vigil. I could easily imagine two or three “Joy Buses" arriving from the Seventh Day Adventist church, filled with sign-carrying, vicious people, extolling their hatred and drowning out our poeaceful dem onstration. T h e effect of such overwhelm ing hom ophobia would have been demoralizing, and the effect on our social service organization would be far- reaching. M any closeted hom ophiles were watching us that evening. A negative event would have reenforced their fear of exposure. As it turned out the hom ophobic response was quite m anageable and the press was all good. And it’s no conicidence that at its general m eeting the following week, G A U \ signed up six new m em bers. Norm ally we d o n ’t sign up that m any in a whole year. Just O ut. Decem ber. 1986 Jon Arterton, Jenifer Firestone, Tom Wilson Weinberg, Helena Snow, and Elliot Pilshaw . . . jubilant in its affirmation of gay and lesbian love, life and culture. The Advocate . . . totally captivating . . . an entertaining, exciting and uplifting evening. Bay Area Reporter FIVE PERFORMANCES ONLY!!!! Thursday, January 29, Sparkling opening, 8 p.m. Friday, January 30, 8 p.m., Saturday, January 31, TW O SHOW S, 7 & 10 p.m. Sunday, February 1, Limited Income Performance, 7 p.m. Tickets (available December 15th) sliding scale — Thursday Sparking Opening, $10-$15. Friday and Saturday performances $7-$10. Sunday Limited Income Performance $5-$10. For more information call JÜST OCIT at 236-1252 or PHOENIX RISING, 223-8299. Percent o f proceeds benefits Phoenix Rising Foundation. H