great attention to detail, and Paul D ouroum is as m usical director has kept the m usic fresh and quick. T h e y ! lave also put together a fine cast Randall Stuart as S eym our is a w onderfully energetic little nerd. He is always trying hard, but when he succeeds it is always by mistake. This is the sort o f role that Jerry Lewis always tried to play and make endearing, but never succeded; Stuart has succeeded. The m usic is a little too low fo r him in som e places, but he m anages to speak/sing his way through very well. Playing Audrey, the big g irl o f Sey­ m o u r’s little dream s, is M argie Boule. She is about a fo o t taller, with high heels, short trashy clothes, a blonde bouffant, and a vac­ ant, dingy expression. (Does she stare at the do orb ell because she thinks it is a kindred spirit?) B oule’s big eyes and pouty voice are ju s t rig h t Sure, it’s caricature, but w ell-done and enjoyable caricature. F o r chorus we have C hiffon, Crystal and Ronnette, set o f street-wise Andrews Sisters, enthusiastically played by Brenda Phillips, A nise Hall, and Julianna Johnson. M ost o f the rest o f the cast is played very well by Randy Knee, w ho is a very flexible face and good co m ic tim ing. And, o f course, the p la n t Audrey II goes fro m houseplant size to taking up the whole stage. She was constructed w ith ingenuity by R obin C hilstrom and is m anipulated by C hristopher W hitten (no m ean fe a t in itself). A nd A udrey Il’s huge m aneating m outh is w ell-coordinated w ith the voice provided by M ichael Holliday. plays Thursday th ro u g h Saturday at 8:00 and Sunday at 7 :00 th ro u g h Novem ber 22. Faithful Shepard by Douge Martin F o ol fo r Love by Sam Shepherd. Directed by Tw ig Webster. S torefront Theatre. Sam Shepard is a m aster o f conversational dialogue, and at capturing the way his char­ acters w ould really speak. Twig Webster’s very funny production o f at Store­ fro n t Theatre is faithful to Shepard’s natur­ alness. is an episode out o f a very storm y 15 year old love affair between Eddie Fool for Love Fool for Love and May (N ick Flynn and Victoria Parker). Theirs is an old story o f you can’t live with ’em and you can’t live w ithout ’em. They are ob­ sessed w ith each other, and as Flynn and Parker play the obsession very well, the sex­ ual tension between them is constant and palpable. There are brief interludes (one m ig ht call them rest breaks between rounds) provided by the rem iniscences o f the O ld Man, (B. Joe Medley). The O ld Man is integral in the story o f E ddie and May, and plays a surreal and im p o rta n t part in the action o f the play; he interacts w ith Eddie and May (even though he is not actually present) as a sort o f m an­ ifestation o f their obsession. M artin, a large and dense possible suitor o f M ay’s, adm irably played by Gary Brickner- Schulz, provides a point o f contention fo r the lovebirds(?), and an audience fo r the varying versions o f the ir lives. The m arvellous settings by Henk Pander are replicas o f a tacky and surreal desert m otel room . The exaggerated angles o f walls and flo o r are good com panions to the skewed relations between the characters. Excellent lig h tin g and sound effects were done by Jeff Forbes and B ill Reinhardt; the approaching headlights and sounds o f cars were particu­ larly effective. The actors and W ebster deserve special cre d it fo r keeping consistent and believable rural western dialects throug ho ut the production. is a delight and well w orth seeing. It continues through November 15 at S torefront Theatre. Fool for Love Little Shop o f Horrors Bernardo's, a house of represssion Nick Flynn in Fool for Love Revenge of the Nerd L ittle S hop o f H orrors by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken. D irected by Greg Tam b- lyn. Portland Civic Theatre Main Stage. Little Shop o f Horrors, by Howard Ashm an and Alan Menken, is the sort o f crazy m usical com edy that Portland Civic Theatre does b e st D on’t expect a message, there is none (except perhaps do n’t feed people to plants w ho talk), bu t you’ll have a lo t o f fun. The plot centers on Seymour, the quintes­ sential little nerd, w ho works in a failing flo rists’ shop on Skid Row, and on a strange p lant that appears during a total eclipse o f the sun. The p la n t w hich Seym our names Au­ drey II after the girl o f his dream s, brings fame and fortune to the little shop and to Seymour. There is only one catch; it w ill only eat fresh hum an blood (or w hole bodies, it isn’t too particular). G reg Tam blyn has directed this horticul­ tu ra l w ith a fast pace and Sw eeney Todd The H ouse o f Bernards Alba by Federico G arcia Lorca. D irected by M icheál Griggs. New Rose Theatre. The stage is nearly bare. S m all benches and hard, straight-backed chairs are the only furnishings, the dingy stucco walls are un­ adorned, and the w om en are all dressed in black. T his is a place o f stagnation and repression. W ritten by Federico Garcia Lorca in the early part o f ths century, is a view in to the lives o f w om en in Spanish vil­ lages, lives w hich are tig h tly controlled and The House ofBemarda Alba, The House ofBemarda Alba Presto! featuring fresh pastas and an expanded selection of "ready to eat" foods 3029 S.E. 21st Portland, Oregon 97202 (1 block north of Powell Blvd.) Tri-Met bus #9 phone 232-9051 Open 10-8, Monday to Saturday 12-7, Sunday I 16 / r $ fASTA HITHPfAWALl Call about our exciting schedule of wine classes! 3731 SE Hawthorne Portland, Oregon 232-1010 QUICK> CALL r w A v o K & l • • • • Counseling Services Issues of Gay Men Self-Esteem Relationship Counseling Men’s Groups sliding scale 235-3433 2036 S.E. Morrison Just O ut. November. 1986 j6vr .leamevoVI JuO (¿UC