C o sc a d « Union O f Educators (CUE), a so c ia l/su p p o rt group for gay and le s­ b ia n teachers, and others involved in or interested in education, meets each sec­ ond Thursday throughout the school year. Potlucks, p arties, and interesting speakers and program s provide a congenial atm osphere. Fo r further inform ation call Kathy Bam beck at 245-2634. c A S C A D E S I D A P R 0 J E C T NEEDS Bra d ley-A ng le House is pleased to an­ nounce the formation of a support group fo r b a tte re d lesb ia ns. Fo r m ore inform ation, c a ll 281-3540, and leave a nam e and number where you can be reached. Fe m in ist Gay M en: Here's a chance to meet men like yourself and to d iscuss is­ sues rela ting to the gay m ale experience from a fem inist perspective. O ur potluck and d iscussio n group meets every third Frid a y at 7 pm. C a ll 233-4148 or 284-2134 for location inform ation. LITERARY Fa ll A utho r Se rie s, featuring the fo l­ low ing authors at A W om an's Place: S a ra h Schulm an, Novem ber 14,5-7 p.m. "So p h ie Horowitz Story," and her new re­ lea se "G irls, V isio ns, and Everything"; Vicki Noble, Novem ber 17,5-7 p.m., "M o the rp e a c e ", Barbara Wilson, Novem ber 2 1 ,7 ;30-9 p.m ., "Siste rs of the Ro a d ," "Th in Ice," "A m b itious W om en," and "W a lkin g on the Moon." A W om an's Pla c e Bookstore, 1431 NE Broadway, Portland, O R 97232,284-1110. M onday- Saturday 11-7, Sundays noon-5 p.m. Frie n d s o f the M ultnom ah County Lib ra ry present M illicent Dillon, m Novem ber 1 9 ,7 :30 p.m. Po w e ll's Tra ve l Sto re Special Events C alendar. Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW 6th & Ya m hill, 228-1108. Attend our next workshop and discover how you can be a volunteer in one of these areas: C hristine M ille t and G abriele O sburg in Novembermond. part of the Wom an's Eye V iew film series sponsored by FILM A showing November 6. S lste rS p irtt invites a ll women to join our study group! Discussion w ill be on Woman- Church by Rosem ary Reuther (available at A W om an's Place Bookstore) or Dream ing the Dark by Starhawk The study group w ill meet on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, and Sunday, Nov. 16th at 2:30 p.m. at 2 8 0 4 NE 42nd. You are welcom e at one or both sessions! Join Siste rSp irit for a C elebration of Abundance on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, at 6 :00 p.m .. Echo Theater, 1545 SE 37th. Fo r m ore inform ation about S lste rS p irtt events, ca ll Frodo at 282-8615 or write Siste rSp irit. P.O. Box 9246, Portland, Ore­ gon 97217. D ignity, a C atholic organization for g a ys and lesb ia ns and their friends, meets at St. Fra nc is Church, 330 SE 11th, Portland, Sa turd a ys at 7 :30 p.m. for Liturgy and So­ c ia l. Phone 295-4868 for information. A lte rn a tiv e S p iritu a l A ssociation Inc.: A non-profit Pagan sp iritua l group celeb ra ting G oddess and God. Gay. bi, straight. M eetings first and third Tuesdays each month. Box13072, Portland, OR 97213 for inform ation and location. SPORTS SPIRITUALITY Pagan S p iritu a l G roup. Gay, Bi, Straight. M eetings first and third Tuesdays each month. Box 13072, Portland, OR 97213 for inform ation, location." Fo re st G roup Frid a y, Novem ber 7 : Forest Group Pot- luck and Meeting. 6:30 p.m. Bring d e lic i­ ous food and great ideas for winter events. Meet new and old friends. A ll women welcome. C all Pat at 249-8767. Sa tu rd a y, Novem ber 15: Forest Group United M ethodists who are concerned about the fu ll inclusion of lesb ia ns and g a y men in the church have now organ­ ize d to create a support network and fe l­ low ship group. "A ffirm a tion: United M ethodists for Les­ b ia n and G ay C oncerns" includes fam ily and frie nd s of gay and lesb'^ n persons, others who support the struggle tor justice, a s w e ll a s gay men and lesbians. Interested persons m ay w rite to A ffirm a­ tion. P.O. Box 12673, Portland, O R 97212; or c a ll (503) 790-0698. M e tro p o lita n Com m unity Church (M C C ) has services Sundays at 10 a.m., and 5 :4 5 p.m. the church is located at 24th and NE Broadway. M a ss In Tim e o f A ID S. M ondays at 6 p.m. at the C am pus M inistry at PSU, 633 SW M ontgom ery and Broadway. A ll are welcom e. U n ita ria n s for Gay and Lesbian Con­ cerns holds monthly social and support m eetings. C a ll 231-1135 or 232-3403 for m ore inform ation. döst N** cross country ski trip. Fa irly easy. De­ pends on snow level, but may be Ben­ nett Pass or Newton Creek. C a li Kathy at 864-2569 for info. A ll women w el­ come. Sunda y, Novem ber 16: Forest Group hike in the Gorge. M oderate hike, place to be determ ined. C a ll Catherine at 231-5775. A ll women welcome. Frid a y , Decem ber 5: Forest Group Pot- luck and Meeting. 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy good company in a warm indoors w hile the weather blusters outside. Maybe p la n a solstic e celebration. C a ll Peg or Catheme at 231-5775. A ll women w el­ come. Po rtla n d Frontrunners, a gay /lesbian running group meets for a w eekly run at 6 :3 0 p.m. on Tuesdays by the chinning b a rs at Duniway Park. A m ple O pportunity, a health orga ni­ za tion for fat women, sponsors sw im m ing o r just p la ying around in the water every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7-8 p.m. at the M etropolitan Learning Center at 2033 NW G lisan. $2 per session. Fat wom en only. • • • • Office Procedures Speakers Bureau Practical Support Impact Newsletter • • • • New Attitudes Publications PAL Project Fundraising • Public Relations Saturday w orkshops 10 a .m .-4 p.m. at Volunteers of America 537 S .E . Alder An Introduction to Homeopathy, w ill be a five-week introductory course on us­ ing hom eopathic m edicines at home. Re­ m edy kits and books w ill be available. The cla sses w ill be held Tuesday evenings. 7 -8 :3 0 p.m ., Novem ber 11-Decem ber 9. C a ll to register or for more inform ation, Suzanne Scopes, N.D. 234-9231. The Tra ining Ground. A School of A ctors, announces the winter session of the A dult Acting Program. C la sse s which range from Beginning Acting, to Scene Study, to Acting Shakespeare, to Mono­ logue Study w ill begin Novem ber 3. Con­ tact C hris at 274-1717. November 1 December 6 January 10 February 7 W orkshop date:. Name___________ Address. C ity/State/Zip. Day Phone____ Eve. Phone. CINEMA C inem a 21 continue their Lesbian/ Gay Film Series. Novem ber 11,12 Hid­ den Pleasures (7 00-8 55) Novm eber 18-19, My Beautiful Laundrette (7:00-10:30); Parting Glances (8 55). N ovem ber 2 5 ,2 6 , Ernesto (8 30), Mala Noche (7:00,10:15). Cinem a 2 1 , 616 NW 21st Ave., 223-4722. Film a continues its Fifth Annual W oman’s Eye View Film Festival at the Irvington Theatre, 1333 NE Broadway, 282-0682. Nov. 4 Fran; Nov. 6 Lesbians and Novembermoon. Nov. 11, Wives and Wives Ten Years After. Nov. 13, The Gold Diggers and Thriller. Nov. 18, Film ­ m a ker Christine Choy presents several short works. Nov. 20, Dirty Dishes. Nov. 25, Silver Feet, Summer’s End and Hair Piece: A Film for Happy-Headed People. GALLERIES Portland's newest gallery is seeking Fine Art of a ll kinds, for a Novem ber grand opening, in a com fortable and non­ threatening environment. For more infor­ m ation, contact D.G. Taylor, 239-4912. Photograp hic Im age G allery pre­ sents the annual C hristm as Group Show with W estern landscapes by Ray Atkeson. Steve Te rrill; Silve r Prints by Stu Levy, Jay D usard, M athias Van Hesemans. trust p rints frm the logen Cunningham estate; nudes by Theresa Airey, North Am erican Ind ia ns by Edward S. C urtis; o rig ina l prints b y A nsel Adam s and abstracts by Allan Bruce Zee. There w ill be an opening re­ ception for the show on Sunday, Novem­ b e r 23, from 1-5 p.m. and a "M eet the A rtists" night, Thursday, December 4, from 5 -9 p.m. to coincide with First Thursday. There w ill be refreshments served and live m usic. For further inform ation, contact G uy Sw anson, 224-354^. ^ □ Enclosed is $ 3 .5 0 for a box lunch Ä W A W W .V Â N flir ABOUT LIVING. LOVING, SEX AND AIDS is a four-hour AID S and Safer Sex Awareness workshop offered by the Cascade AID S Project. NEW ATTITU­ DES is for all gay men, especially men who: • are s t i l l p ra c tic in g unsa fe se x (even part of the time), • know what is not safe but want to know more about what IS safe, • want support from other men for making changes towards safer sex and ju s t want to TALK about It ! ! NEW ATTITUDES IS FOR YOU Training Nov. 22 1 2 :3 0 -4 :3 0 p.m. Schedule PSU Smi,h Hal1- Rm 230 Dec. 13 The Em bers NW Couch and Broadway Cascade A ID S Project 408 S W. Second Ave. \| Suite 4 2 0 Portland, OR 97 20 4 223-5907 Òf17