_ PUBLIC INTEREST W ln d flr« is a gay, lesbian and bisexual youth group, ft is one of the m ost exciting thing s in Portland if you're 20 years old or younger. G row ing up gay in a heterosex­ ual environm ent is very difficult. W indfire provides peer support in a non-judge- m ental atmosphere. Besides peer sup­ port, if you're looking for fun, W indfire is m ost d efinitely for you. W indfire sponsors p icnics, parties, pot lucks, special events and weekend cam ping trips. M eetings are held on Thursday even­ ing s at the Multnomah County Library, m eeting room E, 8 0 1 SW 10th, from 7.00 to 9 :0 0 p.m. The second w eekly meeting is on Saturday at O ld W ives Tales restaurant, 1300 E. Burnside, from 2:00 to 4 :00 p.m. If you need more inform ation, call 233-1169. Parents Flag meets the fourth Wednes­ day of each month at the Justice Building, 1111 SW 2nd Ave., at 7:30 pm. M ass in Tim e of AIDS. M ondays at 6 p.m. at the C am pus M instiy at PSY, 633 SW M ontgom ery and Broadway. A ll are welcom e. The Bisexual Community Forum m eets the second and fourth Monday of each month, at O ld W ives Ta les at 8 pm In the Banquet Room. Exploration, rap. and so c ia l group open to women and men. The Gay Bridge Club, a rap and so ­ c ia l group for young adults 18 and up. m eets every W ednesday at the First Con­ gregational Church on SW M adison and Park at 7 :30 PM. Use sid e entrance on M adison. C a ll 244-3225 for more inform ation. Fem inist Gay Men: Here's a chance to meet men like yourself and to d iscuss is­ sues relating to the gay m ale experience from a fem inist perspective. Our potluck and discussion group meets every third Frid a y at 7 pm. C a ll 233-4148 or 284-2134 for location information. United Methodists who are concerned about the full inclusion of lesbians and gay men in the church have now organ­ ized to create a support network and fe l­ low ship group. "A ffirm a tion: United M ethodists for Les­ bian and Gay C oncerns" includes fam ily and friend s of gay and lesbian persons, others who support the struggle for justice, as w ell as gay men and lesbians. Interested persons may w rite to Affirm a­ tion, P.O. Box 12673, Portland, O R 97212; or c a ll (503) 790-0698. Bradley-A ngle House is pleased to an­ nounce the formation of a i Fo r m ore inform ation, ca ll 281-3540, and leave a name and num ber where you can be reached. Ongoing Lesbian Therapy/Support Group meets Monday. 7:30-9:00. For m ore inform ation, ca ll Laney, 234-5124. Ovorocrtort Anonymous (O.A.). a se lf-h e lp program for people with eating d iso rd e rs, now has two m eetings oriented tow ards the Lesbian/G ay community. On Tuesday evening there is a M en's meeting at 7 :30 and on Thursday evening there is a Lesbian-G a y meeting a lso at 7 :30. Both m eetings are held on the second floor of the Live and Let Live C lub on 2403 SE Ankeny. For inform ation, contact Kay, 236-6710 or Tom. 222-5194. Gay Students o f Southern Oregon, (G SSO ) is a soc ia l/sup p ort group in Klam ath Fa lls, and serving a ll of Southern Oregon. For further inform ation, send SASE to G SSO . PO Box 43, Klam ath Fa lls, OR 97601. Cascade Union Of Educators (CUE), a so c ia l/sup p o rt group for gay and les­ b ia n teachers, and others involved in or interested in education, meets each sec­ -* ond Thursd ay throughout the school year. Potlucks, parties, and interesting speakers and program s provide a congenial atm osphere. For further inform ation ca ll Kathy Bam beck at 245-2634. Mon o f A ll Colors Together: Gays fo r Racial Equality In Portland present five w eekly consciousness-raising discussions for Septem ber, Tuesdays, 7:15-10:00 p.m. (Septem ber 2-30,1986), at MCC of Port­ land , N.E. 24th 8t Broadway, lower level (enter on Broadway). The Lesbian Forum is a women-only event offering free supervised childcare, w heelchair access (the 16th Street entrance is attended from 7 :00 to 7 :25 p.m .), and is interpreted for the deaf and hearing im paired. Suggested donation is $2 to help defray costs (more or less is O.K.) The core group of volunteers who plan forum s is shrinking slow ly but surely. We need your help, interest and energy to keep the Lesbian Forum alive as one of few places where lesbians and gay p osi­ tive women can meet and discuss issues of interest. The Lesbian Forum planning com m ittee meets once a month (4th Tues­ day) and does outreach into the com­ m unity in planning each forum. It's a great w ay to learn more about the issues we fa c e . . . and meet new and interesting friends. Leave your name and number with WOMEN IN THE YEAR 2000 PRESENTS HOLLY NEAR JOHN BUCCH with FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1986 8:30 P.M. Benson High School Open Seating — Doors Open 7 P.M . Tickets: *10 in advance *12 after September 5 WOMEN IN THE YEAR 2000 WITH ARTQL AKE PRESENTS SW EET HONEY IN TH E ROCK SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1986 4:00 P.M. Benson High School j l ie l\cis t o r b o t h c o i i a . i l ' o n >,110 .it ti n- ^ \\ C \ . i i ca FALL SCHEDULES AN N O U N CED TUESDAY NIGHT LIVE, a great outlet for social interaction and personal growth for Gay Men and Lesbians. September 23-November 11. Sliding scale $40-$120. PATTY NEWLAND, M.S.W. BODY TALK: Bring your body (as is) and learn practical new ways to be healthier and feel more alive. Four-week class includes personal computerized diet analysis. Tuition $30. September 27 - October 18. PATRICK CAPLIS, N.D. LESBIAN THERAPY GROUP: A 12-week series for working on any personal issues, including but not limited to relationships, depression, assertiveness, transitions, coming o u t------Sliding scale $10-$43 per session. Call for dates. CHERRY HARTMAN, M.S.W. ON BEING A SINGLE LESBIAN: An all-day workshop to help look at both the good and the difficult things about being single. How to nurture yourself, what to do with anger, how to deal with loneliness and more. Tuition $45. (limited scholar­ ship available) October 11. SUSAN BRYER, M.S.W. GAY MEN S SUPPORT GROUP: An ongoing group for gay men, a place to get and give support on personal issues and areas of concern to the group. Thursday nights. Fee $25 per month. CHUCK NANCE, M.A. \ \\ B o o k s t o r e - vS. C . i t l ’ i r J Se\)t B o o k s t o r e . I l o l l s N c . i r tic k e t s . i l s o 1 *3-04 W 408 SW 2nd, Ste.412 Portland, O R 97204 (503) 2 2 3 -8 2 9 9 LESBIAN INCEST SURVIVORS GROUPS: Ongoing therapy groups for women who are survivors of childhood incest. Sliding scale $10-$43 per week. Monday nights, KAO RHLANNON, Ph D. Tuesdays mid-day, PAM PERRY, M.A. Open Seating — Doors Open 3 P.M . Tickets: *10 in advance *12 after September 5 . o . i i l . i M e .it M o t h e r K i • i * - B o o k s t o r e i n I ation tu*. I n f o r m . i t i n n I’l.ia CALL 223-8299 T O REGISTER O R FOR MORE INFORM ATION. (An pro*™ ™ are sire-limited. so Pre-registration is required ) 68Yf >edrrefoo8 tuO liu l Just Out, September, 1986